What Is Going On In Victoria?
What is going on in Victoria?
Premier Dan Andrews has visited China a number of times over the last few years. The severe lockdowns being imposed in Melbourne at the moment are looking more and more like a communistic totalitarian approach every day. Is this just a coincidence? I personally don’t believe there’s any such thing as a coincidence, he is also taking a dictatorial role not only with the good people of Victoria but with his own cabinet at the moment which clearly signifies a move away from true democracy, or last remaining remnants thereof.
If you are not familiar with the Communist Party of China, and it’s history, you may wish to look into that, it is one of violence and oppression and control of the people. It is founded on Marxist principles of totalitarian top down control, a dictatorship essentially, a lot of censorship and limited freedoms. There are currently concentration camps in the far west of China where there are imprisoned estimates of up to 3 million Uiger nationals, an ethnic minority group from that area that China had taken over, what goes on there of course is not well known about because there is not really a freedom of press in China, it is kept very secret, no doubt with good reason as they probably don’t want the rest of the world at least to know about it.
Chief editor of the pro democracy Chinese Australian news paper The Tiananmen Times, Frank Ruan Jie, has given a dire warning to Australians. In this video Frank goes into detail about the CCP's bio-warfare agenda and how they're using the BRI to advance their ambitions of ethnic cleansing and global domination.Every Australian should watch this video.
Posted by Morgan C Jonas on Friday, August 7, 2020
Alarm bells should be ringing loud and clear for everyone by now. Personally, I don’t think Dan Andrews is going to get away this but it doesn’t look like ScoMo is doing anything about it at the moment, not surprisingly, so perhaps it is really up to us, the people of this country to stand up and start making some noise about this, it’s our country, not theirs. Dan Andrews does not have any right to sell our country to China unless we say it’s ok. If we don’t say anything … ??? So, I understand it is a difficult time for everyone at the moment, especially all those in Victoria just now but no doubt if dictator Dan is successful there with their plans (there must be of course many others involved, he is a front man), then it is just a matter of time before we see the same thing happening in other states. We are many and they are few, this country is for all of us, not just for them to decide.
Where do we go from here ? We each have to decide that for ourselves, no should’s or shouldn’ts, no right or wrong but there are always consequences to our actions, or in this case perhaps, non actions. I believe in non violent civil disobedience, non aquiescence to completely disrespectful and harmful demands such as these lockdowns, I am on the fence about going out and protesting and pushing against, however if organised well and peacefully I think it can be very powerful as we have seen in Germany and UK recently, tread carefully there friends if you are going to do it but I would say don’t be afraid either. I personally feel to stand up and not take this lying down, and I encourage everyone to do the same if you feel to, and share your voice, it will make a difference. Have courage to go beyond any fear of what others may think of you or of what may happen, feel into your heart, your body and your mind and do what feels best for you, I would say it’s most important at this point that we stop making decisions from outside authority, and learn to trust ourselves, again, fully, be empowered.
Victoria – The Police State
Victoria – The Police State
Direct quote from Chief Commissions & Policy Officer Shane Patton:
“…people who classify themselves as sovereign citizens, whatever that may mean…”
Well, let me ask this…If you’re not Sovereign (Suveran) what are you❓
Here’s a COUPLE Antonyms of Sovereign that may grab your attention:
Meaning you’re a S-L-A-V-E❗️
I don’t buy into this fear based mongering of the puppet heads (Politicians, Police & Media) in bed together sleeping under the same blood soaked blanket.
I know my Rites/Rights & I’ve done my research on how tyranny infiltrated Nations & erodes it from the inside out.
So when you have Police allegedly breaking people’s windows for choosing not to tell Police why they’re leaning their postcode…Ladies & Gents you have the rising of an agenda that throughout history has proven only to lead in blood being spilt 🩸
& LEGALLY‼️‼️‼️
So here’s a short list that backs up my reason to believe Victorians are fringe in a boiling pot of tyranny & it’s starting to bubble:
🚔 Police may now enter anyone’s home WITHOUT a warrant.
🚔 Curfew 8:00pm (Because The Rona goes to sleep by 7:30pm after a long day sophisticated spreading)
🚔 $1,652 fine if outside without “a valid reason” – an amount being raised by the day
🚔 Can’t visit any family or friends (not even a haircut but you can still buy alcohol & get fuckeyed)
🚔 $200 fine for no mask (mandatory masks at all times).
🚔 Can only exercise once per day, for up to 1 hour.
🚔 Only one person per household, per day can leave the house (including for groceries).
🚔 Can’t go more than 3 miles from your home.
🚔 Weddings are illegal.
🚔 No gatherings of any size.
🚔 Army is on the streets fining/arresting people.
🚔 “Since March 21, a total of 193,740 spot checks have been conducted by police across Victoria.”
🚔 Protests/activism is illegal; people have already been arrested for peaceful gatherings.
🚔 Media is EXTREMELY biased, calls protesters “right wing conspiracy nutjobs” and won’t allow discussion of whether these lockdowns are right or not.
🚔 Several thousand people were placed under house arrest and unable to leave for ANY reason, with food rations delivered by the army, leading to appalling levels of personal trauma.
🚔 Banning of a proven solution called Hydroxychloroquine
🚔 Australia won’t release how many fines they’ve given out, but an ABC news report says it’s over $5.2 million so far.
🚔 Streets of Melbourne are empty, even in a city of 5 million+ people. People are HATEFUL to each other, everyone is cannibalising their neighbours (calling police to report any little infraction of the rules and turning on each other like some socialist hellhole).
🚔 Billboards outside on the street that say in capital letters: “WHAT ARE YOU DOING? STAY HOME.” They feel extremely oppressive, like we’re being yelled at by a very oppressive government.
🚔 The Victorian Premier Dictator Daniel Andrews shows complete and utter disdain for us, constantly blaming us. He’s blamed children (yes, really) for not taking this seriously enough. Every chance he gets, he tells us it’s OUR fault the virus is spreading (even though that’s what viruses do – they spread).
🚔 It’s not just the Victorian Premier – the Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison is just as terrible. He’s encouraged all of this, and he was responsible for the first lockdown.
🚔 1984 dystopian language: Billboards everywhere saying “sTAyInG ApaRT KeEps uS tOGEthEr.” Have they gone mad❓
There’s probably more but at this point I honestly lost track of all the insanity that’s happened.
All because 147 people died in the state of Victoria (total population is 6.359 million), almost all of the deaths are over 70 with comorbidities, same as everywhere else in the world.
Extremist ideologies
🩸Communism BUT lets wrap it up in what it really is FASCISM)
Gone UNchecked always start with a pretty wrapped package with glitter but once opened you realise there’s a LLLLLLLLLLLLLLARGE steaming turd inside & that turd can be termed:
💩 Democide
The individual in this video who swore an oath to serve the people is now nothing more than a deep state cabal puppet who’s broken this oath.
Any wonder VicPols badge is an inverted pentagram that sits right above the eye when they put on their hats.
We the people are Sovereign‼️
Robert Redford Weighs In His Thoughts
Robert Redford, a man I have admired for many years, weighs in with his thoughts:
I don’t agree with his endorsement of Joe Biden, Biden is a ‘has been’ and is demonstrating the early signs of Dementia,  but I’m in total agreement with his summation of the current occupation of the Oval Office.
“I have a lot of vivid memories of growing up in Los Angeles in the 1940s, but one in particular keeps coming back to me today, in these troubled times. I remember sitting with my parents — actually, my parents were sitting; I was lying on the floor, the way kids do — and listening to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt talking to us over the radio. He was talking to the nation, of course, not just to us, but it sure felt that way. He was personal and informal, like he was right there in our living room.
I was too young to follow much of what he was saying — something about World War II. But what I did understand was that this was a man who cared about our well-being. I felt calmed by his voice. It was a voice of authority and, at the same time, empathy. Americans were facing a common enemy — fascism — and FDR gave us the sense that we were all in it together. Even kids like me had a role to play: participating in paper drives, collecting scrap metal, doing whatever we could do. That’s what it was like to have a president with a strong moral compass. It guided him, gave him direction, and helped him point the nation toward a better future.
Maybe this strikes you as simple nostalgia. I’ve got a touch of that, sure (who doesn’t right now?). But I’m too focused on the future to sit around pining for the old days. For me, the power of FDR’s example is what it says about the kind of leadership America needs — and can have again, if we choose it.
But one thing is clear: Instead of a moral compass in the Oval Office, there’s a moral vacuum. Instead of a president who says we’re all in it together, we have a president who’s in it for himself. Instead of words that uplift and unite, we hear words that inflame and divide. When someone retweets (and then deletes) a video of a supporter shouting “white power” or calls journalists “enemies of the state,” when he turns a lifesaving mask against contagion into a weapon in a culture war, when he orders the police and the military to tear gas peaceful protesters so he can wave a Bible at the cameras, he sacrifices — again and again — any claim to moral authority.
Another four years of this would degrade our country beyond repair. The toll it’s taking is almost biblical: fires and floods, a literal plague upon the land, an eruption of hatred that’s being summoned and harnessed, by a leader with no conscience or shame. Four more years would accelerate our slide toward autocracy. It would be taken as free license to punish more so-called “traitors” and wage more petty vendettas — with the full weight of the Justice Department behind them. Four more years would mean open season on our environmental laws. The assault has been ongoing — it started with abandoning the historic agreement that the world made in Paris to combat climate change, and continued, just last month, with using the pandemic as cover to let industries pollute as they see fit. Four more years would bring untold damage to our planet — our home.
America is still a world power. But in the past four years, it has lost its place as a world leader. A second term would embolden enemies and further weaken our standing with our friends.
When and how did the United States of America become the Divided States of America? Polarization, of course, has deep roots and many sources. President Donald Trump didn’t create all of our divisions as Americans. But he has found every fault line in America and wrenched them wide open.
Without a moral compass in the Oval Office, our country is dangerously adrift. But this November, we can choose another direction. This November, unity and empathy are on the ballot. Experience and intelligence are on the ballot. Joe Biden is on the ballot, and I’m confident he will bring these qualities back to White House.
I don’t make a practice of publicly announcing my vote. But this election year is different. And I believe Biden was made for this moment. Biden leads with his heart. I don’t mean that in a soft and sentimental way. I’m talking about a fierce compassion — the kind that fuels him, that drives him to fight against racial and economic injustice, that won’t let him rest while people are struggling.
As FDR showed, empathy and ethics are not signs of weakness. They’re signs of strength. I think Americans are coming back to that view. Despite Trump — despite his daily efforts to divide us — I see much of the country beginning to reunite again, the way it did when I was a kid. You can see it in the peaceful protests of the past several weeks — Americans of all races and classes coming together to fight against racism. You can see it the ways that communities are pulling together in the face of this pandemic, even if the White House has left them to fend for themselves.
These acts of compassion and kindness make our country stronger. This November, we have a chance to make it stronger still — by choosing a president who is consistent with our values, and whose moral compass points toward justice.”
– Robert Redford, July 8, 2020
(If you would like to share it then go right ahead.)
What Happens If
What happens if what you’ve been told about WWII is not completely true ?
What happens if the western banking system in the UK and USA is really an extension of the Jewish banking system exported by the Rothchild family from the 18 Century.
The Bolsheviks starved 10 million Ukrainians as racial cleansing (racial trash worthy of genocide specifically identified by Karl Marx) in 1932-1933 in the secret Holodamor. The same year international Jewry philosophically declared war on Germany’s growing Nazi Ideology.
Ukraine and Prussia had many ancestors of Germany and what happens if Germany illegal re-arment program after WWI was a futile attempt to defend themselves against being next on the list of the Bolshevik mass murderer of over 100 million innocent people ?
What happens if the Banking Crisis of 1907 lead to the Founding of the Federal Reserve with the Federal Reserve act 1913 which insured the capital control in order to under right wars ?
What happens if Communism actually won the Second World War, totally funded and managed by the Zionist World Banking cabal organized as the out workings of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 in the USA with a link to the City of London, and using Bolshevism and the Bolsheviks anti Nazi hatred as the people power to overthrow the Nazi’s in Germany ?
Why do you think the USA was so keen to control Soviet Russia’s advances into Germany towards the end of WWII ?
Who was the USA at war with in the Cold War ?
Why ?
Where do you think the money came from for the Soviets to build 84,000 T-34 Tanks in 1940 ?
The T-34 was a Soviet medium tank introduced in 1940, famously deployed during World War II against Operation Barbarossa. It could kill the German Tiger l and Tiger ll tanks of the SS.
How did Soviets develop an industrial system from scratch in very short time and evolve a successful tank at almost their first development that could kill German tanks that were ever so much more sophisticated ?
There is a lot more to this whole WWII background that’s not taught in the history books.
Follow the money.
“If you don’t understand the mistakes of the past you are destined to repeat them in the future”.
What happens if the history you’ve been taught is biased and basically a fascade because it’s invariably untrue ?
Follow the Money.
Follow the Laws.
Follow the Reserve Bank Acts.
Laws, Acts and Money flow are how the power wielders persuade the politicians to extort the civilian capital raising and use the civilian capital to progress their much larger much more secretive plans.
What happens is those in the west that the people we think we democratically elected are just stooges for those operating behind the scenes ?
What happens if both candidates in most western elections are already teed up by those that conduct everything from behind the scenes ?
Why is the Royal coat of arms of the United Kingdom so similar to the Rothschild’s Family Coat of Arms ?
Why does the Rothschild’s Family Coat of Arms have the Rampant Lion (Bottom Right on the shield) on it which is a symbol of the United Kingdom ?
Why does the Rothschild’s Family Coat of Arms have the German Eagle (Top left on the shield) on it which is a symbol of the Coat of Arms of Germany ?
What happens if Government’s are not really what they seem, if Commonwealths are only Commonwealths in word only ?
What happens if Government’s and Commonwealths actually do the work of those puppet masters that hide behind the scenes ?
Heaven And Hell Is A Place On Earth
Do you believe that heaven and hell is a place on earth?
Don’t belong, don’t exist, don’t give a shit, don’t fucking judge me!!!
These were the words written on my pencil case in year 7 from a all time favourite band of mine, Slipknot 🏻
I grew up with the fear of Hell, judgement and eternal torment instilled into my brain from a very young age…
Needless to say my younger years were pretty fucked up. Every thing I loved basically meant I was fucked…
Even my thoughts meant I had earned myself a 1 way ticket to eternal damnation & suffering🏻
Pretty nice way to grow up huh…
While other kids would play and just be kids, 1 of the very few memories I still have of my childhood, is that of going to bed at fearing that if I died in my sleep that night, I would be waking up in eternal hellfire
With no way out and an eternity of suffering and torture worse than anything I could ever imagine…
And by this stage with the stories I had learnt about the devil and hell, I was able to imagine some pretty fucked up shit of what an eternity in hell could mean for me!
I’ve spent so much of my life working on undoing the fear and limiting belief programs that I’ve had since childhood.
Over the past 10 years especially I have delved so deep into my psyche & faced off with my greatest fears which had even lead me to a self facilitated HELL ON EARTH experience I had where I journeyed on mushrooms and fucking died!
And I mean I died fucking hard!!!
As in I had my physical body torn apart (pretty fucking painful… not something I’d recommend )
And after facing off with some demons, I found myself in an eternal abyss of isolation & suffering with nothing but my hell fearing thoughts of what was to come to keep me occupied
And of course the reality of how alone I was (my greatest fear FYI) and how there was nothing I could do but accept my punishment for not getting the whole Christianity thing right.
Fucked up right!?
After this I ended up with like a good 6 months of PTSD wondering if I was actually back on earth, or whether I just thought I was as a tease from a righteous and judgemental God…
I wondered if I was stuck in a eternal loop of thinking I was on earth, while really this was my hell being experienced in the physical as a teaser to make my missing out on heaven on earth & all that I desired even more painful…
By the time I snapped out of “hell” trip I found myself back in my house with walls covered in blood from the scar I still wear on my hand today from smashing the fuck out of the 68 inch 3D tv that I had only had for a bout a month (this was the very place that the devil emerged from on this wild and wacky adventure of mine…)
This wasn’t the last time I would face off with my demons and the fears embedded into my subconscious mind…
In the years to follow I would go on a journey, delving into the depths and darkest corners of my unconscious belief systems as I worked to make friends with and overcome my demons and all the fears that came with doing this work.
It was through these experiences that I realised that myself, along with so many others were in fact in a living hell while being here on earth.
Hell was not a place that we get to when we die, it was a place that so many of us were living in on a day to day basis!!!
And the same goes for heaven, a small percentage are now living in their very own heaven on earth!
A place that I’ve come to know exists inside me, that I too experience and can come back to at times…
Making this my natural state of being is the mission I am still working towards myself, as I do my bit to lead others into their very own experience of glory!
As this earth is heaven, it is hell, it is what we make it & in my own personal experience in my time here on earth,
My ride has been an ascension from hell!!!
And as I’ve worked on my fucked up conditioning and fear based programming I’ve been able to realise for myself the eternal truth that
Heaven is a place on earth
But not only this, but as the great masters have said time and time again that “the kingdom of heaven is within”
Heaven, hell, pleasure, pain, torment and peace is not external from you
All of this is cultivated from within
Any external experiences of this are fleeting… they come and go as the only constant in this physical world is change
All emotions & experiences that we experience in the physical come and go
The only way to create a lasting change, is to cultivate what we desire most from within and move towards it 🏻
Hell or heaven on earth, the choice has always been ours!
And right now as a collective we are being asked to make that decision… Will you focus on and feed your fears as the media and “the powers that be” would like you to do…
Or can you make the decision to come from a place of love and step into your truth as you become empowered?
By David Berriman
Women Changing The World One Vulva at a Time
Women changing the course of history … this is Herstory not History …
❤️🔥❤️ repost from Kate Baer Fossils 🌹🌹🌹
“So I’m kinda blown away right now. After seeing the naked woman turning away police in Portland, I couldn’t stop thinking about something I had heard a while back about women doing something known as Asmyrna or lifting of the skirts. Turns out it’s something that’s been done all over the world for a very long time. I wonder if the recent “Athena” yogi knew this wisdom or in her yoga she just channeled some old ancient yoni knowledge. So my research tonight included an article at suppressedhistories.net. Here is a summary after geeking out:
Known to ward off danger and enemies
Saved Lycia from Poseidon and Bellerophon by exposing their vulvas
Warrior Uster was defeated by 150 naked women by their mere presence
Persians were retreating from the enemy but the Persian women raised their skirts and the men returned to battle and won
The Tlatelolco women showed their disdain of the alliance with the Aztecs that took their husbands and sons away from them by flaunting their backside.
Women stood on the city walls and warded off invaders by uncovering their vulvas. In the Manchu dynasty “the most effective deterrent against besiegers was considered to be menstrual blood dropped on them from above”.
A grandmother could show her vulva to indicate that the war was over and the men had to listen. (Different source – Dr Barbara Alice Mann)
PUSSY POWER pic.twitter.com/qMlmWxrX2Z
— Donovan “It was the blurst of times” Farley 💻🐒 (@DonovanFarley) July 18, 2020
South Indians made “exceedingly obscene” atropopaic pots in grain fields and house tops to ward off the evil eye.
Western Europe
Sheila na gigs which were structures sometimes placed over doorways or windows or freestanding sculptures. Some were built into church walls. All featured vulvas. They were removed, hid and destroyed as relics of paganism. The Irish custom of rubbing the Sheila stones continues today.
Women had the right to stop war. If a woman of either side waves her skirt and calls for armistice. Like when there was a dispute over a marriage and “at noon a prestigious middle aged woman of one side climbed a cliff, took off her long skirt, and waved it. She shouted to stop the battle. The two sides stopped immediately and went back to their village.”
A woman can signal war or peace or protection of a captive enemy by taking off her skirt.
Epic tales of women who quelled armies by raising their robes. There’s a story of a woman whose grandchildren were killed by soldiers of the regime. She went to the cemetery where they had just been buried, stripped off her clothes and cursed the dictator. He was overthrown the same day.
Witnessing brutalities in a hunger strike, a woman stripped off her clothes and got between a youth and the police. The youth got away and she fought 4 police until two more women took their shirts off and subdued the scene. In Kikuya tradition, they were cursing the men saying ‘I have no respect for you. I wish I had never given birth to you’.
During the women’s war, women adorned themselves with leaves and ritual regalia to protest colonial oppression. Women sang, danced, ridiculed, burned, and looted. They destroyed hated native courts, cut telegraph wires, marched on houses of chiefs collaborating with colonialists, and forced them to flee. To the British they said “sir, this matter does not concern men”.
In protests in the 1970s, thousands of women marched “through town with breasts and intimate parts exposed”. The ritual was in the nakedness. It made the dance sacred. They demanded release of all students arrested and the next day they were.
Nudity in protest 1958.
Ivory Coast
In 1950s women demonstrated naked in the countryside.
Niger delta region
600 unarmed women ages 30-90 held 700 men hostage for 9 days by threatening to take their clothes off which would bring great shame to the men. They negotiated electricity, water, and schools for their nearby villages. A rival tribe followed suit.
Women protested a dam by taking off sarongs and thrashing male workers with them. They hid their tools and guns. The men have a cultural taboo about laying eyes or hands upon women.
16th century story about a woman who put the devil to flight by showing him her vulva.
Men descended upon a house with clubs and pitchforks … the lone woman home confronted them by raising her skirt above her head and put them to flight.
Girls would mock cameramen by lifting their skirts.
New Guinea
Women would hold their breasts signaling the sacrality of nurturant power.
A Lapp woman lifted her skirts to a bear to make it go away. In North Africa it was lions.
“The sea calms down if it sees a woman’s cunt” the related English word “cunt” did not become obscene until the 16th century and today is used abusively more often than not.
– Kate Baer Fossil
Covid-19 Cure vs Big Pharma
Covid-19 Cure vs Big Pharma
BUT that means big pharmaceutical companies won’t be able to earn their potential trillions of $$$ over night for their vaccine making it the biggest and fastest “gold rush” in history. DO YOU REALLY THINK CORRUPTION ISN’T PLAYING A PART IN THIS?
American doctors post a video about a cure for the CORONA virus. Tens of Millions view it around the world before it gets pulled from all social media channels???
Why wouldn’t they be happy a cure that has saved hundreds of lives is available and could save thousands more that is cheap, tested and is proven to work?
Since when does social media channels not want people to be free of the C virus? What is there reason…? SINCE WHEN ARE THEY ALLOWED TO SILENCE TRUTH AND PUSH PROPAGANDA?
No MAIN stream media coverage as they only want to spread their agenda and keep the public in the dark.
If the media did not tell you you would not know the real facts.
Then the Australian government immediately ( Department of health) also bans the sale of this “cure”??????
My fellow Australians & friends if this doesn’t awaken you I am afraid nothing will 🙁
Australian Population = 25,499,884,
Of that 126 Corona deaths over 6 months all of which would have died anyway but because their body was producing antibodies (because you have an immune system that does that for you to kill viruses) and because the more people labeled as covid death increases funding to hospitals and funding to big pharmaceuticals as far as they are concerned the more the merrier.
Corona tests = 3590735
Confirmed positive = 12428
Extrapolation for positive CV tests in Australia = 25499885 / 3590735 x 12428 = 88,258
Therefore death rate in Australia = 126 / 88258 = 0.0014%
Death rate of Influenza is around 0.2%
Influenza is 0.2%
Corona is 0.0014%
Flu causes 142 times more death than Corona!
So why the lockdowns….? Why the silence? Why on earth do they not want the infected to be treated…..?
Are you awake yet….?
By Rin-Chen Dorje
Covid-19: How Dare You?
Chicken pox is a virus. Lots of people have had it, and probably don’t think about it much once the initial illness has passed. But it stays in your body and lives there forever, and maybe when you’re older, you have debilitatingly painful outbreaks of shingles. You don’t just get over this virus in a few weeks, never to have another health effect. We know this because it’s been around for years, and has been studied medically for years.
Herpes is also a virus. And once someone has it, it stays in your body and lives there forever, and anytime they get a little run down or stressed-out they’re going to have an outbreak. Maybe every time you have a big event coming up (school pictures, job interview, big date) you’re going to get a cold sore. For the rest of your life. You don’t just get over it in a few weeks. We know this because it’s been around for years, and been studied medically for years.
HIV is a virus. It attacks the immune system, and makes the carrier far more vulnerable to other illnesses. It has a list of symptoms and negative health impacts that goes on and on. It was decades before viable treatments were developed that allowed people to live with a reasonable quality of life. Once you have it, it lives in your body forever and there is no cure. Over time, that takes a toll on the body, putting people living with HIV at greater risk for health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, diabetes, bone disease, liver disease, cognitive disorders, and some types of cancer. We know this because it has been around for years, and had been studied medically for years.
Now with COVID-19, we have a novel virus that spreads rapidly and easily. The full spectrum of symptoms and health effects is only just beginning to be cataloged, much less understood.
So far the symptoms may include:
Acute respiratory distress
Lung damage (potentially permanent)
Loss of taste (a neurological symptom)
Sore throat
Difficulty breathing
Mental confusion
Nausea or vomiting
Loss of appetite
Strokes have also been reported in some people who have COVID-19 (even in the relatively young)
Swollen eyes
Blood clots
Liver damage
Kidney damage
COVID toes (weird, right?)
People testing positive for COVID-19 have been documented to be sick even after 60 days. Many people are sick for weeks, get better, and then experience a rapid and sudden flare up and get sick all over again. A man in Seattle was hospitalized for 62 days, and while well enough to be released, still has a long road of recovery ahead of him. Not to mention a $1.1 million medical bill.
Then there is MIS-C. Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children is a condition where different body parts can become inflamed, including the heart, lungs, kidneys, brain, skin, eyes, or gastrointestinal organs. Children with MIS-C may have a fever and various symptoms, including abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, neck pain, rash, bloodshot eyes, or feeling extra tired. While rare, it has caused deaths.
This disease has not been around for years. It has basically been 6 months. No one knows yet the long-term health effects, or how it may present itself years down the road for people who have been exposed. We literally *do not know* what we do not know.
For those in our society who suggest that people being cautious are cowards, for people who refuse to take even the simplest of precautions to protect themselves and those around them, I want to ask, without hyperbole and in all sincerity:
How dare you?
How dare you risk the lives of others so cavalierly. How dare you decide for others that they should welcome exposure as “getting it over with”, when literally no one knows who will be the lucky “mild symptoms” case, and who may fall ill and die. Because while we know that some people are more susceptible to suffering a more serious case, we also know that 20 and 30 year olds have died, marathon runners and fitness nuts have died, children and infants have died.
How dare you behave as though you know more than medical experts, when those same experts acknowledge that there is so much we don’t yet know, but with what we DO know, are smart enough to be scared of how easily this is spread, and recommend baseline precautions such as:
Frequent hand-washing
Physical distancing
Reduced social/public contact or interaction
Mask wearing
Covering your cough or sneeze
Avoiding touching your face
Sanitizing frequently touched surfaces
The more things we can all do to mitigate our risk of exposure, the better off we all are, in my opinion. Not only does it flatten the curve and allow health care providers to maintain levels of service that aren’t immediately and catastrophically overwhelmed; it also reduces unnecessary suffering and deaths, and buys time for the scientific community to study the virus in order to come to a more full understanding of the breadth of its impacts in both the short and long term.
I reject the notion that it’s “just a virus” and we’ll all get it eventually. What a careless, lazy, heartless stance.
Copy and paste to share.
from Joanne O’Brien
It’s A Mask Not A Gas Chamber
It’s a mask, not a gas chamber!
“From the Police Activity And Accidents – Melbourne & Victoria
I am reading about people claiming their freedom is being taken away from them because they have been asked to wear masks. They say they won’t pay any fines associated with not wearing one. Although I don’t agree with their statement regarding the removal of their rights, I totally understand how people are being influenced by the media and some of their peers to believe that they are being done wrong by.
For those of you who fall into this category, there are a few more things you should consider to maintain your rights. You should decline the Government’s offer to assist with Jobkeeper, Jobseeker or the $750 bonus payments because your right to financially struggle will be taken away from you if you accept these payments. You should decline your bosses offer to keep you on part time because you will lose your right to join the thousands in the Centrelink line whose bosses couldn’t make them that offer.
You should pay full childcare fees because paying a reduced rate takes away your right to fully support your decision to work while your child is cared for by someone else. You should return to the workplace rather than work from home because being told to work from home takes away your right to work in a real working environment.
You should hire a private tutor for your children because teachers now working 12 hour days to remotely teach your children takes away your right as a parent to have your children taught the way you feel you are entitled to.
You should decline to accept treatment for yourself if you end up with Covid 19 because accepting treatment takes away every right you thought you had by refusing to wear a mask. Unfortunately that should also apply to every friend or family member you pass the disease on to as allowing them to accept treatment for your choices takes away your right to make those choices in the first place.
Most importantly, you should start apologising, and possibly saying goodbye to, the people in your life who may suffer and/or die as a result of you wanting to exercise your rights because waiting until it’s too late to apologise takes away your right to show how sorry you are while they were still alive.
Up until this pandemic, I thought I lived in a world that was progressive, intelligent and relatively safe within the confines of my Country. Sadly I was mistaken as I now know that stupidity and naivety can take away my rights. To watch my children raise their children in a safe world. To see my Grandchildren grow up. To see my parents live a happy retirement and not stress about the world their children now have to survive in. To see the world through travel. To race my walking frame against my husband and his. To sit with him in our 80s and reminisce about the wonderful life we had together. To breathe without struggling in my final days. To die a death where I can be surrounded by my most favourite people in the world rather than in a hospital surrounded by medical staff holding an IPad where I may be able to glimpse my family with tears rolling down their faces. Or MOST DEVASTATING OF ALL, being one of those people watching my family member dying in a hospital room and thinking all I want to do is be with them and hold them as they take their last difficult and painful breath.
It’s a mask. Not a gas chamber. Not a firing squad. Not a noose around your neck. And not the ventilator that may be the alternative. Surely you can manage to be grown up about it and exercise your right to be a responsible member of the society we are struggling to see a future in.”
By Dave Jones
Copied & pasted from elsewhere Amen for some sense
I’ve Decided To Wear A Mask
I’ve decided to wear a mask….
I’ve seen the light and it’s obvious I was wrong.
Masks prevent viruses but also are very safe. I’ve decided to wear my mask at all times. I wear it in the store, in my car, on the beach and I’ll even wear it at home.
If I’ve learned anything it’s that our government loves us, never ever lies to us and always has our best interests in mind.
History shows the government should always without question be trusted. They are great.
I’m also going to get caught up to date on my vaccines because why would anyone want to make us sick?
It’s time to trust all science just like we should trust the government.
I started drinking fluoride again because the government recommends it and I got this amazing fluoridated toothpaste as well to help make my teeth strong.
I’ve started consuming genetically modified foods because they are definitely the same as organic foods.
Alcohol is part of living our best life so I’m now drinking daily as well. Cigarettes are legal too so they must be good for me.
Most importantly I watch television and get all my information from the mainstream media.
They are wonderful at getting us factual information and I love how they work directly with the government to bring us truth and tell us how to live our lives.
I want to be just like everyone else which is another reason to mask up.
I love standing on all the little signs in the stores that alert me to where I should be so I social distance properly in an effort to keep everyone else safe. It’s also quite fun to follow all the arrows in these stores that direct you where to go.
It’s like, “whoa where are you taking me next.” It’s an exhilarating ride.
I’m also sorry to everyone, I’ve posted a lot of things that have been debunked by fact checkers so I’m very sorry I was wrong and I’m glad these reputable sources of factual information were able to correct me. It’s good knowing Facebook wants us all to have the most up to date and accurate information.
Anyway who’s ready for this fast tracked covid vaccine?
I think the most exciting part is getting an untested vaccine that contains aborted foetal DNA, it’s like we are pioneers of the scientific future and we are doing our part to humanity to volunteer as tributes for this vaccine.
Not to mention we can probably get the microchip at the same time so the government can keep us safe by monitoring every move we make.
Plus with the cashless society coming we will need to be good, follow orders so we get paid via our chip so I really want to make an effort to be the best citizen I can.
It’s all about the new normal we all will help to create.
It’s amazing how quickly everyone has conformed and it makes you realise how much everyone must really care about each other. I mean why else would people who are morbidly obese, grabbing fast food and stopping at the liquor store also be in a mask?
Obviously everyone cares deeply about health and staying healthy.
Stop being selfish and just do as you’re told, are we not all in this together? I mean how great is the new world order for uniting us all and bringing us closer together?
Gives me goosebumps to feel so loved by those in control.
Domestic Violence: My Long Road To Healing
Whoosh. Deep breath.
This is the most vulnerable thing I’ve ever shared publicly (which is saying a lot for me – and hence the imagery). My body is literally shaking as I gather the courage to hit the “post” button.
Although I’ve been deeply called to share this for a while, I’ve been resisting like craaaazy.
Why? Because – this chapter was never supposed to be a part of my book. Not a woman like me. It would be so much easier to just rip those pages out & pretend it never happened.
But, behavior like this has been swept under the rug & gone un-checked for far too long – leaving traumatized souls in the warpath, desperately trying to make sense of what just happened and trying to put themselves back together again. Feeling ashamed and embarrassed for becoming a “victim” – a word that doesn’t even resonate with me. But, here I am.
There are many others in this exact situation right now — desperate to get out, and it’s not that easy. If I can be a light to show them the way, I have no other choice but to strike the match…
8 months ago, my daily prayers to God would begin with “what the f#&!!?” instead of the usual “thank you.” That’s the level of betrayal I was feeling. HE promised me that this is all for a greater purpose. Part of my soul contract. That I was going to heal myself and teach others how to do the same.
During that time period, I had days when I didn’t think I’d be able to pull myself out of bed. My mind was telling my body to get up, but I felt such a heaviness over me that I literally could not move – as if I was payalyzed. If it wasn’t for my daughters sake, perhaps I would have not? Yes, it was that bad. PTSD is a dark and heavy bitch. I’ve come a long way since then.
Let me start with this. I would NEVER put up with a man raising his voice, let alone his hand to me. I’m strong, intelligent, attractive, fun, funny, and I manifest like a mofo & always find the means to support myself. Why would I ever put up with behavior like that?
[TRIGGER WARNING for domestic violence below. Proceed with caution]
Yet, almost 8 months ago, I found myself alone in a hotel room in the middle of the night, blood splattered on the sheets and the walls, bruises on my face and neck, hand fulls of my hair pulled out, and the police banging on the door as the man I “loved”, moved in with me, started a business with, & spent 15 months of my life with was fleeing the scene.
I wish I could say it was the first time it ever happened. It wasn’t. It was the worst & damn sure the last, though.
I didn’t press charges that night. I should have. One of my only life regrets. But, that points to how deep under-the-spell I was.
I’m here to break the stigma and the silence. I’m here to shine light on the subject. It happens more often than you think. Often in silence.
What people don’t understand — in these dynamics, the relationship always starts out SO mind-blowingly amazing. They are everything you ever wanted. The level of love and adoration thrown at you is intoxicating. “I’ve never met anybody like you before. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted.” The chemistry is off the charts. He was fun and charming and attentive and handsome.
And then … the mask comes off. For me, it happened months later. You see who they really are. You don’t want to believe your prince charming is actually pure evil, though. Surely, we all have faults. Maybe he’s just having a bad day. Maybe it IS my fault. I mean, he promised he would quit drinking. And, it does take two, after all. You choose to still see the good times. We can get back there, right?
In my case, I thought that the size of my heart and the way that I love was so special that I could “save” him. I was going to be the one to stay by his side, since all the others left. I’m a healer, after all. I could help him. We are all inherently good. Some just need to be loved harder. Of course, that is why he showed up on my doorstep and I felt that jolt of electricity that first day we met.
I instantly knew he was going to be someone significant in my life. I was thinking more along the lines of soul mate + the most epic love story ever. But, the greatest catalyst to growth and healing (via the darkest of pathways) is the reality I received instead.
Now, my new mantra is, “I aint Jesus.” Meaning, it’s not my job to SAVE anybody. Sure, I can show the way, I can support you and love you and guide you. But, at the end of the day, we all have to save ourselves. And, I will never again sacrifice my precious energy and spirit for somebody else to feed off of — especially a user and abuser with no intention of doing the hard work to heal themselves.
And, then there is the shame and embarrassment. Your self-esteem is chipped away in a slow boil type situation … until you don’t even know who you are any more. The gaslighting and straight up lies. It’s all a massive head-fuck. Everything they ever loved about you is what they use to tear you down. It’s embarrassing to admit to others that you put up with this type of behavior and took them back again. Your mind and heart are literally at war with each other.
I have spent the last eight months going inward to find all the places inside of me that needed love & healing. I’ve learned to bring that desired love and comfort to MYSELF instead of trying to outsource it to someone else. I’ve been looking at all the co-dependent pieces of my fragmented self and digging in to discover what parts of me magnetized somebody so out of alignment and integrity into my field — and why I ALLOWED it to continue happening for over a year. Yuck.
I’ve also had to dig REALLY deep to forgive myself for betraying myself. And, to find a way to trust myself again. It’s been the darkest night of my soul, but I am now flying high in the light & love myself at depths I never knew.
And, I learned to forgive him too. Not because he asked for it or even deserves it – at all. But because, to me, forgiveness is the release of a frequency of hatred that I refuse to carry around in my own precious heart.
I forgive you and I thank you for helping me to grow into this unstoppable force of a woman I am. I’ve been humbled beyond belief, have developed deeper compassion for others than I ever thought was possible, and have been led to discover and heal every fragmented piece of myself back into wholeness. What a gift!
But, make no mistake. My FUCK YOU is just as sacred and powerful as my holy gratitude. You will never be welcome in my space. My prayer is that one day you will learn to turn your sword-of-destruction inwards to slay the dragon within … instead of destroying the hearts of those who have stood by your side & loved you the most.
Healing is not linear. On most days, I am really, really, good. I have a beautiful life, by design, that is full of peace and joy and friends and love and the ocean and dolphins and cuddles and purpose.
But, there are moments when I feel triggered and my heart races. Trauma sucks. But, I’ve been utilizing many tools to release it. The trigger moments are fewer & fewer as the days pass. I know part of my work, going forward, will be sharing what I’ve learned, discovered, and created in my own path to healing — and guide others to do the same.
I’m speaking up so that others in this same situation, who are drowning in shame, can know this: You are not alone. It’s NOT your fault. And, there IS a way out.
My heart shattered soooo many times in that relationship – much like my many iPhones and other personal items that were destroyed in the rages. Bruises. A cracked rib. A busted chin. My joint business account being robbed and legal partner agreement being violated – not honoring business contracts and leases, attorney fees – costing me great financial distress — but, those financial blows were nothing in comparison to the loss of my spirit.
And, while none of that was deserved or is even remotely okay — I also believe that we all have the power to alchemize our pain into purpose. It’s how we become superhuman. The cracks allow the light to seep in and bring us closer to God.
My ego experienced a thousand deaths in that relationship and I really, really love the human that I am today. My capacity to love. My capacity to see the good in others. My capacity to forgive. And my capacity to heal. And, I won’t allow any of that to ever be diminished.
I am WELL. I am happy. I am safe. I am loved. I am healing. I am on my soul’s path. God has big plans for me. This is part of my journey. I accept this. Yes, it was excruciating, but I am SO fkn STRONG right now. Please don’t send me your worry or sympathy – only your LOVE, healing/protection energy, and support is desired, if you feel so inclined.
I know there are others who are reading this who are either in a similar situation or trying to heal from one. I know the pain of your path. I see you. I feel you. I was you. I am you. You are not alone and you can heal too. Here for you! Reach out if you need support.
This is a time of great healing on the planet. It feels tumultuous, but a shift happening where toxic behavior is no longer going to be allowed to hide in the shadows and when humans no longer look away. Abuse will be called out. Abusers will be held accountable.
We are being called back to our divinity and to become closer to God. It’s a time for shining a light and doing the deep inner-work of healing ourselves and the planet. Not easy work, but so worth it. #healing #freedom #sovereignty #bliss
Sending big love. xx
Article By Dawn Gluskin
Slavery Masks & Covid-19: The Facebook Narrative
Recently we’ve seen the confluence of a number of global collective energies. First we’ve had the mass pandemonium of Covid-19, the pandemic to end all pandemics, or so we were instructed to believe. Then the anti-5Gs paired up with the anti-vaxxers, now rebranded as pro-choice, and then #BLM took off thanks to the horror of George Floyd’s brutal murder at the hands of USA police. This then erupted into a statue-toppling anti-slavery consciousness, which is still part of the original narrative because as Stasia Bliss declared on Facebook, slaves were often forced to wear masks and now it’s possibly soon to be our turn.
Hats off to all people who are courageous enough to exhibit their points of view on Facebook – and in this case, Sastia’s viewpoint triggered many other people, both agreeing with her and disagreeing, and even though there are many gaps, this is in part how the Facebook narrative evolved …
You can’t tell me this is about health. Who will comply?
Look at these images of slavery and servitude.
The first 4 are slave images and how they kept slaves quiet (hey #BLM people – aren’t you against this?) and the last one is a woman’s gag called a scold’s bridle, used in Scotland but adopted likely from England used between the 16th-19th century -It was a device used to control, humiliate and punish gossiping, troublesome women by effectively gagging them. hmmmm troublesome, ey?
I claim the 13th.
Under the United States Constitution 13th Amendment:
Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
The responses came thick and fast, and I admire all who put their views out there …
Ashley Cappelletty:
As you and I both know. This gag wasn’t just physical it was a spiritual gag too that went beyond the 1960’s. It’s happening all around us. Every single day. I cringe every time I see people say All Lives Matter. That’s exactly what you are doing to people voicing their pain. You’re gagging them for your own comfort and pleasure. So, we don’t have to look at the past and feel any gravity or any responsiblity. But, I didn’t own slaves and neither did my ancestors. That is a back handed way of saying I want no part in looking at the horrible things done to or even part of looking at the collective shadows that make up our current society. That’s called denial. You can’t live in denial and expect no effect of the statements would you make. So the backlash than most people feel or get as a result of wanting to deny another person a voice comes from already having been cut down and silenced. In my family I have to raise my voice in order to be heard so on the collective level right now that is what is being done to any kind of Injustice or sense of pain and Trauma that is occurring. For so long we lived in denial of pain and suffering. The older Generations that has no service because in an older time we weren’t even allowed to speak about our pain. We weren’t even allowed come look at our pain. There are no safe places AND safe conditions. If you spoke out you were labeled crazy. Or your house is burnt down because you spoke the truth. In an older generation truth feelers and true Sayers lived in a very dangerous time. But the truthsayers are being reborn and now that we are in an energy that is working in our benefit, we have an obligation to change the course in the directory that had been given to us. But any of the truth that keeps us in an old energy burn to the ground. Those who want the status quo to remain the same as a did in an old energy crumble. You can’t silence goodness you can’t hide the Shadow and the vampirism of it. You can’t say that you’re a good person and believe in compassion when you force another person to swallow their own pain and suffering without offering them the Dignity of listening to what they have gone through. That is the purpose of a sacred Witness. Too many people on a collective level are and have been denied that sacred prerogative. THIS IS OUR RESPONSIBILITY, so that we can change and actually listen to what’s going on around us. You can’t sit on a fence regarding someone else’s suffering and say oh well it doesn’t affect me. Because the reality is we live in a holographic Universe what affects one affects the whole. Times are changing get with it or you’re going to get left behind.
Trump tweeted on May 28th “the mandated use of face masks represents a “culture of silence, slavery, and social death.” though Twitter deleted it.
But here is the article that quotes him: https://www.businessinsider.com.au/trump-shares-tweet-that-says-masks-represent-slavery-and-social-death-2020-5
Miranda Phoenix Blankenship:
The president has always been censored lol! Any president is censored … All presidents are puppets. Politics ARE a game. If you think Trump is on our side I’m really sad to know it. He’s on greed and money’s side and nothing more.
You’re really willing to listen to a money-hungry businessman who’s a sexual predator? And you trust what he says? You really truly believe that the masks are taking away our freedom? It’s a mask that you wear to prevent the spread of a virus or at least to try. And you think that Trump is our savior? I’m confused and really sad that this is your belief system right now. How can you believe that Trump is on the side of good if there is a good and evil here? He cares absolutely nothing for the people of this planet and each and every one of you know that in your heart …why are you being brainwashed into believing otherwise?
Ashley Avenger Wu:
Well luckily we are starting to understand that our entire being is a frequency, is a word, is speech. We are much more evolved than we were in those times.
Rachel Shores:
The difference is a cloth mask doesn’t stop you from talking. Doctors and surgeons have been wearing masks forever. How are they being silenced and suppressed as a career choice? Masks are used only at certain times, in enclosed public spaces. Not as shaming, not all day. I take my mask on and off when I’m out in public. I don’t talk to people in public as it is. I notice 2 differences 1. It’s hard and hot to breathe and feels like a panic attack so I have to be mindful that I’m not adding to the feeling with my thoughts. 2. I no longer feel like I have to perform for strangers. Resting bitch face it is and I don’t have to think about how people see me. Germany cases continue to go down. US cases continue to rise. Discussing feelings is pointless when people are dying. Dying. Go ahead and feel repressed, suppressed, sensored, controlled, whatever just stop spreading a deadly virus. I trust my nervous system to beat Corona. I don’t want to spread it to others that might not survive. If feeling panicky while I buy some groceries is what it takes for some strangers to survive then I’m fine with that. This is the butterfly affect of tiny choices that we may not ever be able to track. Algorithms show it works with countries implementing masks.
Steve Bennett:
I am stunned by this conflating of wearing a mask as a Public Health Service with being a slave. I guess having to wear a seat belt makes you a slave too. Or a bicycle helmet. 126,000 citizens dead so far and new cases increasing exponentially is no hoax. In my opinion this should not be about politics. Did you watch yesterday’s virus task force press conference? Trump’s administration is calling for mask wearing. All of HIS expert’s, that he put into place, are calling for mask wearing. Being a good citizen and trying to stop the spread of this disease takes precedence over your personal freedom, in. my opinion. If you had measles would you go outside and mingle with others? Or would that. are you a slave too?
Alicia Kwon:
A unified field of love will reveal the Truth. When good people go at each other, it only entrenches duality. I would love to see more people trying look at it from another’s perspective. If you are a person who believes masks do a great public good and you observe tat some people feel gagged and that is a sign of slavery, can we have empathy for that? And the reverse…so many woke people judging those who truly believe they are being considerate and helping avoid the spread of a deadly disease. That information may be based on manipulated, faulty data from the perspective of those who do not share that view, but many good, kind people who care about others really believe in it. I believe deeply in freedom and I believe deeply in unity, love, consideration of others, empathy and learning to listen across our divides.
Kat Howell:
As someone who worked in a sterile facility and wore masks and gloves 8 hours a day, 5 days a week to avoid contaminating the items I was working with:
-This is the dumbest thing I will read all day.
-They absolutely keep you from spreading germs. If you don’t believe this, stop wearing pants and underwear. Encourage others to do the same. You’ll feel comfortable sitting on that chair they just left, right?
-Trying to claim that your piece of cloth on your face is in any way comparable to metal scold bridles is ridiculous. You’re trying out for the Oppression Olympics and placing last. Stop it.
Paget Norton:
Slave with Iron Muzzle
When persons being held as slaves were accused by their masters of insubordination, or of eating more than their allotment of food, they might expect to be fitted with an iron muzzle. In his autobiography, Olaudah Equiano described his first encounter with such a device in the mid-1700s. . .
“I had seen a black woman slave as I came through the house, who was cooking the dinner, and the poor creature was cruelly loaded with various kinds of iron machines; she had one particularly on her head, which locked her mouth so fast that she could scarcely speak, and could not eat or drink. I [was] much astonished and shocked at this contrivance, which I afterwards learned was called the iron muzzle.”
Slave with Iron Muzzle is an illustration from the 1839 publication, Souvenirs d’un aveugle, by Jacques Etienne Victor Arago.
A cloth mask is the same as an iron muzzle?
Do better, Stasia. You’re neither enslaved nor muzzled.
And so this discussion went on, and it was refreshing for the casual observer to say the least. Strong opinions were voiced by strong people. Somehow we’re so often “woke” in different ways. Lifetime friends are up in arms against each other like never before.
Men’s Mental Health Needs Initiation & Ceremony
Have you ever burnt out from pushing, striving and over doing it for too long?
I pretty much made a career out of it, ended up in hospital from it and needed to overhaul my life because of it.
Here’s a bit about why we do it…
For so long I suffered from the common male obsession of overdoing. Trying to fix instead of listen. Achieve instead of receive. Compete instead of celebrate. Do instead of be. The list goes on… from my personal life to my professional pursuits, I was plagued by a dark drive of needing to do more, be more and have more. And I know I’m not the only one. I’ve worked with countless men who share a similar version of the same story.
It so common that I started asking why. I started wondering why is it that men often can’t satiate their thirst for more. I looked back and found that throughout history often a boy would be sent off to attempt a seemingly impossible task, a rite of passage if you will, where he would return triumphant and a new man.
Akin to this, the modern man is constantly setting out to achieve, create and conquer the day. He does it day in and day out. Take the corporate man for example, he is often so obsessed with the hunt of the next big contract, overcome by the adrenaline of closing the deal that he loses sight of humanity and leaves environmental peril in his wake. We do this time and time again.
But why?
Why are we unable to stop? Why do we need to continue pursuing the next kill? When the young boy came back from killing a lion, a wolf or overcoming some other dangerous experience, his job was done. But why? Why didn’t he go and kill 10 lions? 20 wolves? Why didn’t he make a life living on the edge of death?
As I’ve studied initiation and rites of passage, both for myself, my clients and throughout history, there are two critical pieces missing from the social pie of the modern mans experience. Community and acknowledgment.
When the boy returned, he was celebrated, acknowledged and congratulated. The social tapestry added a new colour to his thread to signify and note his journey. He had changed, and the community changed with him. The challenge had been set by the community, meaning the challenge wouldn’t do harm to the community.
We don’t have that for the modern man. Our sense of community is nill. We often live in isolation from the effects of our actions on the wider community.
On top of this, we have a trend of tall poppy syndrome where we shoot a man’s successes down for no good reason. We have one-up-manship where we embellish the truth to stay relevant and again bring a brother down. We don’t have the community and network that acknowledges, congratulates, respects and adapts to men as they grow… especially not in a healthy way.
The modern challenges are so disconnected from community that most men never receive the acknowledgement they’re striving for in the first place. The initiation never ends because it was never attuned to the man, nor the community, to begin with.
The constant thirst and search is a reflection of a lack of masculine direction and our need for initiation and connection to something bigger than ourselves.
Thank you for reading and hit me with you thoughts on it all 🤪🤙🏼🙏🏼
Male Circumcision: The Unkindest Cut
Here’s the most common reasons parents choose to circumcise their sons and why they’re incorrect:
1. “Its cleaner.” – Actually no, its not. The foreskin is fused to the glans until puberty leaving nothing to clean whatsoever until 10-12 years old. When it does detach around that time, you wash it like the rest of your body.
2. “It reduces the risk of uti’s.” – The risk reduction is LESS than 1%. Not significant enough to amputate healthy functioning tissue. Not to mention, that reduction only applies to infancy. Not adulthood. As adults, intact and circumcised males have the same risk of developing urinary tract infections.
*Allowing a circumcised bleeding penis to heal in a diaper full of urine and feces increases risk of infection.
3. “It reduces the risk of penile cancer.” -Aside from the fact that the American Cancer Society has already spoken out about that not being true, let’s pretend for a minute that it is. Penile cancer is already so rare, that your son has a better chance of developing breast cancer than he does of ever developing penile cancer. Penile cancer includes the shaft and glans. The foreskin makes absolutely no difference.
4. “It reduces the risk of STDs and HIV” – The only thing that prevents STDs are CONDOMS. Not circumcision. In actuality, the foreskin has been shown to have cells that act as part of the immune system in protecting against STDs.
5. “His penis should match his dad’s.” – Ew. No it shouldn’t. Your son will never notice a difference in his and his dad’s penis unless your family is keen on whipping it out at thanksgiving and comparing.
6. “Circumcised penises just look better.” – All penises look the same when erect, intact or not. Aside from the fact that the glans on a circumcised male is keratinized and “dried out” therefore looking smaller than it really should. Not to mention pushing your sexual preferences on your son’s body is pedophilia.
Now let’s look at the facts:
A baby boy dies every 2 days as a direct result of a non medically necessary circumcision.
Thousands of men will suffer long term complications including meatitis, erectile dysfunction, painful erections, diminished sexual pleasure, rough jack-hammering sex on their partners to achieve orgasm and more.
Over 250,000 men in the US are currently restoring their foreskin and wish they had been left intact from birth.
Countless men as adults have sued their parents and practitioners for performing their circumcision without their consent as babies.
The lack of foreskin will affect every circumcised male and their partner’s intimate life. The glans is supposed to be moist and covered, not dried out and keratinised.
Still think it’s a good idea? If anyone has any questions and would like more information, feel free to message me.
This post is not meant to shame circumcised males or parents that made the decision to do so. It is meant to raise awareness & inform others of the risks. You can regret making the decision and share what you have learned so the cycle stops.
Most women and men are screaming women’s right but yet cutting off their little boys body parts, where are their rights? Who will stand up for them?
As a mother of boys, and for all little boys, I will be their voice!
Thanks to David Candela for this graphic!
How Defund The Police Works Out By 2025
Appreciating those who are thinking of solutions and ideas
I don’t know who wrote this. I copied it from a friend who did the same. Let’s start building the future we really want….
Imagine: Its 2025. You’re getting pulled over. A community representative approaches to let you know you have a taillight out. They don’t need your license and registration, they don’t write you a fix-it ticket. You’re back on the road in less than five minutes. You swing by the store and grab a new light, not because you’re afraid of what the city will do to you, but because you respect your community and know that having all your lights working is part of the driving privilege.
Your neighbors got into a loud spat a few weeks ago and without fear or hesitation, called a domestic assistance number. A counselor arrived and was able to talk the couple down and suggest solutions for their disagreement. No one was hurt, the kids participated in the discussion, and it’s been quiet ever since.
Your friend has been struggling with addiction and you fear they might be a danger to themselves or others. You call a substance abuse specialist and they talk you through ways to help your friend get treatment. They offer to send an agent out to speak with your friend directly and provide information on harm reduction centers in your area.
Black and brown people are no longer being exploited through tickets and fines to pay for police. Trust is slowly being fostered in the community.
When you see a police officer, you smile and wave rather than feel a fearful chill or avoid eye contact. You know that they’re being held accountable by the citizens they have sworn to protect. They’ve undergone psychological evaluations to ensure that they took the job for the right reasons. They’re slowly gaining respect in the community and are trained to be protectors, not warriors. (Sheepdogs, not wolves)
Teachers are being paid a living wage and students are being given more time, attention, and education. Books are up to date and classrooms are optimized to keep up with technology.
Trump is out of office.
It’s been a very long time since the name of a murdered black person was used as a hashtag.
Casual racism is no longer tolerated. The KKK has been classified as a terrorist organization. The Confederate flag isnt flown and has been removed from any official state flags or insignias. Most Confederate monuments have been taken down and placed in storage or museums.
You trust the police to deal with crime the same way you trust firefighters to put out fires.
That’s what ‘defund the police’ looks like. It’ll be different for every department. If the corruption is bad enough, dissolution of the department may be necessary. Some departments may just need reform. But what we’ve seen in the last few weeks shows how overreaching and power-drunk many officers are. We asked too much of them and then called them heroes despite evidence to the contrary. We let them think that they could get away with anything, including murder. Its time for change.
Article by Ares Chaplin
Black Lives Matter Protests Have Achieved Much Already
If you’re one of those “All lives matter, it shouldn’t be about race, what about white people” etc people, take the time to read this.
Whether you like it or not change is happening directly due to the actions of protesters.
Do I agree with violence against police? No, only in self defence. Do I agree with violence against protesters? No, only in self defence. Do I agree with looters? No, but I’m not in their shoes so I can’t imagine the anger and frustration. Do I support anti-fa? Fuck yes, fuck fascism and the hateful far right.
So what has protesting accomplished?
Within 10 days of sustained protests:
👉🏾Minneapolis banned the use of choke holds.
👉🏾Charges were upgraded against Officer Chauvin, and his 3 accomplices arrested and charged.
👉🏾Minneapolis City Council voted to defund the police and invest in a community-led safety model.
👉🏾Dallas adopts a “duty to intervene” rule that requires officers to stop other cops who are engaging in inappropriate use of force.
👉🏾New Jersey’s attorney general said the state will update its use-of-force guidelines for the first time in two decades.
👉🏾In Maryland, a bipartisan group of state lawmakers announced a police reform work group.
👉🏾Los Angeles City Council introduced a motion to reduce LAPD’s $1.8 billion operating budget by $150 million, reversing a decades long trend of growing the police budget.
👉🏾LA Mayor Garcetti has pledged to re-invest the money from the LAPD budget in community improvement measures to reduce crime. Also, effective immediately: a moratorium on the gang database, and sharper discipline against abusive cops.
👉🏾Police brutality captured on cameras leads to near-immediate suspensions and firings of officers in several cities (eg – Buffalo, Ft. Lauderdale).
👉🏾In Atlanta, 2 officers were fired, and 4 other officers charged after they pulled a young couple from their car at the protests and tasered them.
👉🏾A federal judge in Denver issued a restraining order barring Denver PD from using tear gas or projectiles against protesters.
👉🏾In Denver, an officer was fired after tweeting encouragement of violence against protesters.
👉🏾Louisville mayor suspends “no-knock warrants” of the kind used when police killed Breonna Taylor.
👉🏾FBI opens investigation into the killing Breonna Tayor.
👉🏾Monuments celebrating Confederates are removed in cities in Virginia, Alabama, and other states, including a prominent statue of Robert E Lee in Virginia’s capitol.
👉🏾Philadelphia permanently removes the statue of ex-mayor Rizzo (who famously told residents to “vote white”).
👉🏾CA prosecutors launch campaign to stop DA’s from accepting police union money.
👉🏾Tulsa Mayor agrees to not renew Live PD contract.
👉🏾Louisville police chief fired after police kill David Mcatee at a BBQ joint on 6/1.
👉🏾Street in front of the White House is renamed “Black Lives Matter Plaza.”
👉🏾Military forces begin to withdraw from DC.
👉🏾Bipartisan effort in congress begins to shut down a Pentagon program that transfers surplus military weaponry to police.
👉🏾Minn AFL-CIO calls for the resignation of Bob Kroll, the president of the Minn police union and a vocal white supremacist.
👉🏾Civil Rights investigation of Minneapolis PD launched.
👉🏾University of Minnesota, Minn public schools and Minn Parks and Rec have canceled their contracts with the MPD. Minn Institute of Art, First Avenue, Walker Art Center end use of MPD for events.
👉🏾San Francisco DA announces resolution to prevent law enforcement from hiring officers with history of misconduct.
👉🏾Richmond, VA Mayor Stoney announces RPD reform measures: establishing “Marcus” alert for people experiencing mental health crisis, independent Citizen Review Board, an ordinance to remove Confederate monuments, and implementing a racial equity study.
👉🏾Bus unions in multiple cities including Boston, Minneapolis and NYC agree to stop using public buses to transport police officers to protests or to transport arrested protesters.
👉🏾Seattle changes mind and withdraws request to end federal oversight/consent decree of police department.
👉🏾Portland schools superintendent ends use of armed police officers in schools.
👉🏾King County Labor Federation issues ultimatum to police unions, to admit to and address racism in Seattle PD, or be removed.
👉🏾Two Buffalo PD officers were arrested and charged for violently shoving a 75-year old man. The union has suggested not paying their legal fees.
Then, there’s all the other stuff that’s hard to measure:
💓The really difficult public and private conversations that are happening about race and privilege, many for the first time.
💓The realizations some white people are coming to about racism and the role of policing in this country.
💓The self-reflection.
💓The internal battles exploding within organizations over issues that have been simmering or ignored for a long time. Some organizations will end as a result, others will be forever changed or replaced with something stronger and more just.
💓America has never truly reckoned with the continuing aftermath of its original sin–as South Africa did with its Truth & Reconciliation Commission after Apartheid–but the conversations are starting.
💓Similar to #TimesUp and #MeToo, there is a greater recognition and reduced tolerance for racism. Fewer are being silent when they see it.
🌎 Protests against racial inequality sparked by the police killing of George Floyd are taking place all over the world.
🌎 Rallies and memorials have been held in cities across Europe, as well as in Mexico, Canada, Brazil, Australia, and New Zealand.
🌎 As Wolfgang Ischinger, a former German ambassador to the US, told the New Yorker: “People all over the world understand that their own fights for human rights, for equality and fairness, will become so much more difficult to win if we are going to lose America as the place where ‘I have a dream’ is a real and universal political program.”
🌎 In France, protesters marched holding signs that said “I can’t breathe” to signify both the words of Floyd, and the last words of Adama Traoré, a 24-year-old black man who was subdued by police officers and gasped the sentence before he died outside Paris in 2016.
🌎In London, demonstrators tore down a controversial statue of 17th century slave trader Edward Colston and tossed it into the bay.
🌎 Cities across Europe have come together after the death of George Floyd:
✊🏽 In Amsterdam, an estimated 10,000 people filled the Dam square on Monday, holding signs and shouting popular chants like “Black lives matter,” and “No justice, no peace.”
✊🏽 In Germany, tens of thousands of people gathered in multiple locations throughout Berlin to demand justice for Floyd and fight against police brutality.
✊🏾 A mural dedicated to Floyd was also spray-painted on a stretch of wall in Berlin that once divided the German capital during the Cold War.
✊🏿 In Ireland, protesters held a peaceful demonstration outside of Belfast City Hall, and others gathered outside of the US embassy in Dublin.
✊🏿In Italy, protesters gathered and marched with signs that said “Stop killing black people,” “Say his name,” and “We will not be silent.”
✊🏾 In Spain, people gathered to march and hold up signs throughout Barcelona and Madrid.
✊🏾 In Athens, Greece, protesters took to the streets to collectively hold up a sign that read “I can’t breathe.”
✊🏾 In Brussels, protesters were seen sitting in a peaceful demonstration in front of an opera house in the center of the city.
✊🏾In Denmark, protesters were heard chanting “No justice, no peace!” throughout the streets of Copenhagen, while others gathered outside the US embassy.
✊🏾 In Canada, protesters were also grieving for Regis Korchinski-Paquet, a 29-year-old black woman who died on Wednesday after falling from her balcony during a police investigation at her building.
✊🏾 And in New Zealand, roughly 2,000 people marched to the US embassy in Auckland, chanting and carrying signs demanding justice.
💐 Memorials have been built for Floyd around the world, too. In Mexico City, portraits of him were hung outside the US embassy with roses, candles, and signs.
💐 In Poland, candles and flowers were laid out next to photos of Floyd outside the US consulate.
💐 And in Syria, two artists created a mural depicting Floyd in the northwestern town of Binnish, “on a wall destroyed by military planes.”
All around the world, people are united in recognizing
They’ve always mattered.
The changes we make now can create the society that reflects that truth. If we keep working, if we keep our foot on the gas.
There has been a global shift, an awakening. Much has changed in just a couple weeks. And there is still so much work to be done.
We are now balanced on the point of transformation and we determine where it goes from here.
Keep protesting.
Keep educating yourself.
Keep speaking out and shining the light on the racism you see, even within yourself.
This is difficult, messy work, and we as a country have been avoiding this reckoning for a long time.
For George Floyd, Tamir Rice, Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Freddie Gray Jr., Walter Scott, Oscar Grant III, Philando Castile, Sandra Bland, Tamir Rice, Botham Jean, Atatiana Jefferson, for all the voices crying for justice over centuries, and for the soul of America itself:
It’s time.
Original author unknown, fact-checked and substantially updated and edited by Paul Lazear.
Benny Hill Statue Stands For Goodness, Fun & Humility
Along with the anger towards statues of people involved in slavery being torn down which I completely understand and respect, there is a stupid ignorant element damaging statues that have nothing to do with any crime being perpetrated by those the bust represents.
In England STUPID people are after the removal of Benny Hill Statute claiming he is racist sexual harassment….
1…Mr Benny Hill paid 3 times more to his employees when working with him on his shows which was not heard off
2…Mr Benny Hill took on anyone he did not care what race you were.
3…Mr Hill always ask the team (employees) what do they think about the sketch before filming he did not want to embarrass anyone
4…Mr Hill gave to charities MILLIONS
5…Mr Hill NEVER sexual harassed women apparently he was a shy Homosexual …not proven
6…Mr Hill best friend was a female bound to a wheelchair
7…Mr Hill was Godfather 8 times
8…Mr Hill died alone in his apartment
9…Mr Hill left his fortune to his nieces and nephews
10…Mr Hill was NEVER EVER accused and taken to court for any mistreatment on set off set with his staff or fans
NOTE ….Mr HILL was a SOLDIER and SERVED his country in a time of war.
Benny Hill has made hundreds of millions of people laugh with his cheeky, saucy, slapstick humour and will forever have a net better impact than some angry sour bitter twisted soul who wants to destroy his statue.
Above all Benny Hill sought to make people laugh and in doing so make their day a bit brighter.
This direction was realised when serving in the Army in Normandy where he transfered to the Combined Services Entertainment Division.
Stupid people are normally angry politically correct moralists who act from anger without understanding the full story.
Article By Alistair Mills
Exploited Sydney Tenants Need a Revolution
Sydney’s rents are way, way too high.
I notice with all the unprecedented generosity the Australian government has displayed, the one group they don’t want to upset are the landlords. Despite half a million people petitioning for a ‘rent freeze’ on change.org, Australia’s conservative prime minister Scott Morrison looked sheepish whenever the subject of tenants being in distress was raised
Eventually he smoothly palmed the subject off to the Australian states, whereupon the NSW premier, Gladys Berejiklian proceeded to come up with a strategy that had no teeth whatsoever. It was a toothless tiger.
Meanwhile, people who had lost their jobs, businesses and income have been told by the politicians they must pay rent at the current rate unless the landlord has been willing to give them a reduction. So far, two thirds of landlords have refused.
Clearly, this sacred social fabric of Australian life, the right for property owners to exploit their tenants to the max, is held sacrosanct above almost all other things. Schools are emptied, businesses shut down, people get a thousand dollar fines for eating a kebab in a park, yet there is no directive upheld by law for landlords to show empathy towards their tenants.
The below poem’s intended audience is other tenants, to harness their anger into a street protest and outright rent strike.
As far as symbolism goes, the tenant mentioned in the poem is much like the forgotten soldier, the every man, or every woman, the everyday person who is a victim of fate and social power.
The structural features of the poem are that it has been kept simple, so parts of it can be utilised in a rap song, read out in a social media video clip, or performed on TV. Some of the rhymes are deliberately quirky in an attempt to be mildly humorous, but the overall structure of the poem lends itself to gradually enraging fellow Sydney tenants.
A slow build-up to the conclusion that only a rent strike or social unrest, such as a revolution, will help Australian tenants end the exploitation.
So here’s my poem:
Exploited Sydney Tenants Need a Revolution
The exploited Sydney tenant
Who pays too much rent
In the age of Coronavirus
More than ever, time to vent.
You live in a shoebox
You can barely afford
No front yard or backyard
You’re depressed and you’re bored.
Already up to your neck
In urban rental stress
Paying a third of your salary
Your mind was a mess.
Then Covid-19 hit
Your income wiped out
Negotiate with your landlord
Was Scott Morrison’s shout.
Your landlord refused
They only love greed
She rejected your offer
Based on human need.
Stuck in self-isolation
At home with your fears
You obsess about your future
As homelessness nears.
Two classes of society
Is what Australia’s become
Property owners vs tenants
One comfortable, one numb.
Millions cry for a #rentfreeze
Change.org in the air
But the politicians do nothing
It’s a cross we must bear.
They help with Jobkeeper
Jobseeker for the broken
A moratorium on evictions
Gesture merely token.
With no rent reduction
In stone for Struggle Street
Tenants have but one option
Apart from admitting defeat.
Stuff #socialisolation
Get out of your house
Time to protest together
Not be quiet as a mouse.
Take to the streets
Only #rentstrike will do it
It’s revolution time now
Tell the landlord to screw it.
Zero rent for them all
A hundred thousand on the street
Australia’s tenants unite
Believe in this feat.
The social fabric of Australia
Has been exploitation of the poor
A home is a human right
Tenants rights to the fore.
COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic vs The Holocaust: Social Subservience
During the Holocaust, they convinced people to put their families on trains (for their own good/safety) so they could be taken to a “safe place”.
We all know the result of that.
Have you ever heard of history repeating itself?
I watched in horror as the police in China hauled a woman by both arms and both legs, shoved her in a van, and took her to a “camp” for COVID victims.
We’ll never know what happened to those people.
And with what’s taking place right here in our own country, don’t think for one second that it couldn’t happen here. We the people have proven just how quickly the government can take over all aspects of our lives. We complied based on fear tactics……….some of which are very untrue, and magnified/sensationalised to get you on that “train”. Please read. It’s for the good of our country.
Mark Levin is a very smart lawyer who worked in government during the Reagan administration. He knows his law.
MARK LEVIN: “To be clear. President Trump hasn’t shut a single business. The Governors did.”
“We are seeing the most draconian measures ENFORCED at some STATE & LOCAL LEVELS of government that we’ve ever seen in our lifetimes, and yet, rather than being alarmed by the things going on, so many of you applaud.
President Trump’s guidelines are VOLUNTARY & TEMPORARY but some Democrat states & cities are taking it one step further, extending the lockdown and CRIMINALIZING behavior. Bill Gates wants to keep America locked down for 10 months! THAT’S WHAT LIVING UNDER A COMMUNIST REGIME LOOKS LIKE, AND YOU APPLAUD.
People are being arrested in some states for spending too much time outside, and you applaud.
Pastors are being arrested in some states for daring to hold church services, and you applaud.
A child’s birthday party is raided by police, and you applaud.
A young woman is ticketed for going on a leisurely drive alone because it’s deemed “non-essential travel”, and you applaud.
A father is handcuffed & arrested in an empty park for playing softball with his 6-year-old daughter & refusing to turn over his ID, and you applaud.
A lone paddleboarder in the ocean on a beach without any other people around is arrested because he’s violating quarantine orders, and you applaud.
Businesses are being forcibly closed and padlocked and owners arrested for refusing to shut down, and you applaud.
Dairy farmers are being incentivized to stop dairy farming and to sell their herds, and you don’t seem to understand the implications.
You’re being told to use hotlines and online forms provided by your local governments to report your neighbors who don’t obey, and you comply.
You scold people day after day for not obeying government edicts, and if any of us dare to question what’s happening, you lecture about how we’re a danger to society and we just don’t care about people dying.
You’ve somehow managed to convince yourselves that the people whose lives are affected by a virus are MUCH more important than the people whose lives are being destroyed (and in many cases, leading to death) by the effects of a worldwide economic shutdown and impending worldwide depression the likes of which no one has ever seen before.
At what point will you start QUESTIONING what’s going on?
At what point will you ask how the virus got here from China?
At what point will you question why the fake news keeps defending the Communists?
How far do you have to be pushed before you’re jolted awake from your slumber? How far are you willing to go with this?
If they told you to load your families onto train cars so that you could be taken to Virus Protection Facilities for your own safety, would you do it?
YES. Yes, you would.
That much has become painfully obvious to me. And the whole time, you’d be shaking your finger and yelling at those of us who refused, accusing us of being “a danger to society” and “not caring if people die.”But they don’t have to load you onto train cars and take you to Virus Protection Facilities, or force you to comply, because you do that voluntarily.
The fake news controls your mind. They control you through fear. They control you by convincing you that the world is a scary dangerous place, but they’re here to protect you, care for you, and keep you safe, just as long as you OBEY.
They know that as long as you’re locked in your comfortable home with Netflix, Hulu, CNN, NBC, ABC, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and a cell phone, you’ll comply. No force is necessary for the majority of the herd.
Bill Gates even wants to mandate antibody tests. ONLY those who are immune from VIRUSES will be allowed to leave their homes & work. YOU ARE IMPRISONED, willingly, and you’re too blind to see it.”
I will not be blinded!
I will not be controlled by the government!
Amendment 1
– Freedom of Religion, Speech, and the Press
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Love, Peace, Compassion & Joy
I, Stasia Bliss, Being of Sound Mind and Body, Do Hereby Declare that:
I am now totally aware that there is a illusory oppressive system in place that I did not give my consent to be in power.
I do not consent to this 3D construct, low vibration, deep state government controlled reality that has been making decisions on my behalf.
I will no longer participate in this system that I did not even know existed until now. I do not give my consent to fear reigning over me anymore!
I will not be held down anymore! I will not be silenced. If something happens to me the world will have more confirmation that what I speak is the truth and that the truth is being silenced.
I do not consent to children being mistreated furthermore I demand to be told the truth about where our missing children are and for them to be released immediately!
I do not consent to over 2,600 Americans dying each week because of prescription medications.
I do not consent to advancements in medicine being kept from me and our healthcare professionals.
I do not consent to GMO’s.
I do not consent to pesticides being sprayed on our planet and food.
I do not consent to government controlled media.
I do not consent to censorship.
I do not consent to chem trails.
I do not consent to universal knowledge being kept from humanity.
I do not consent to being lied to about any of the above and whatever else I continue to uncover.
I demand the pharmaceutical industry, food industry and all other corporations that seek to keep us down be brought to justice for all of their crimes against humanity.
I break all contracts that I unknowingly made while I was not conscious to these dark behaviors.
I do consent to honesty.
I do consent to love.
I do consent to freedom for all.
I do believe we are all connected to a higher power that is helping us break free.
I do believe that people get addicted to power and then lose their since of right and wrong. I forgive this behavior and pray for all souls to come back into the light.
I do believe many that are in power are being forced to continue to do bad things because they are being blackmailed. I ask that they come forward now. Speak their truth, so that they may be set free from the darkness. Darkness can not survive in in the light. Your truth will set you free!
I do believe that hurt people end up hurting people. I ask that all painful and abusive cycles break forevermore.
I forgive those that have harmed me while knowing they will receive ultimate judgment. Knowing that forgiveness sets me free from their grasp and allows me to experience complete healing and transformation. I pray that humanity as a whole begins to heal now from all past and current traumas.
I ask for forgiveness if I have harmed anyone unknowingly.
Darkness will not be able to ascend into the 5D reality that is being created now. I choose this new system that is filled with love and light. I am honored to participate in its creation. I thank everyone that has known about all of the above while also creating this new space for us. You are all Earth angels. 😚😇
I am committed to focusing on positivity, love and light. I am committed to helping create freedom for ALL.
I am opting for the highest timeline for myself and all of humanity. I am committed to visualizing this reality into existence.
I choose love, peace, compassion and joy! 💞🕊🙏🏻🥰
I am free! We are free!
And so it is. 🙏🏻
Thank you, thank you, thank you. 🙏🏻
#risesisterrise #Ihavebeencalledtospeakmytruth #thetruthshallsetusfree #createalifeyoulove #SophiaChristconsciousness
(Body of text copies with permission from Lark Allen)
Donald Trump Is Of The Light
Psychic TRUMP reading!!
By Michelle Anguiano
I don’t care if you are a well-known Oracle or psychic.
Spiritual coach or a leader.
You can have distortions and filters within your energy!!
You can be used to attack the people that are helping liberate humanity from the hands of a very powerful group of elitist.
I have said this so many times if you don’t heal your inner child.
Or try to connect more to that inner purity of your being you’re going to misrepresent the Awakening that’s happening on Earth and are going to be used to attack and discredit the ones that are actually bringing actual truth, spiritual, emotional and physical freedom!!
The reason why they use by hijacking these very strong rainbow warriors to attack and discredit the ones who are actually really helping is because they have not healed a part of their own distortion and filter that is not allowing them to really see through the deception and illusion of what they think is real.
Does this mean that they are being used in every dimension and level of consciousness? No absolutely not.
But they can be used at some level within specific or certain aspects of themselves to attack and discredit people who are really helping liberate humanity!
I’m not going to mention names because it’s not important.
I did a reading on Donald Trump not because I supported him or I cared about what was happening when I did the actual reading but I saw a lot of post and people acting irrational and unstable in their reactions and perception of him.
So I got really curious and I even asked my twin flame to assist me and unexpectedly we just turned on YouTube on our TV so that we both can see him….
And to be honest what I got to see within his consciousness and psyche was not what I was expecting!!
I’ve been doing psychic scanning for a long long time.
And I’ve been a professional psychic inner child healer for a long time as well.
Even way before people started to call themselves quantum inner child healers.
I’m not going to get into that because there’s a lot of plagiarism and copying of people’s works that I experienced with soul sisters who I befriended and ended up having to expose because they were mimicking and copying my work.
But this post is not for that.
When I did the psychic reading for Donald Trump immediately I picked up on is blueprint!
He is of the light!!
And lately I have seen people within the spiritual community easily being manipulated, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually to see him as an enemy.
I have so much to say about this because I can see right through it and where this energy is coming from it’s not from a good place.
I’m sorry to disappoint you because you might be really relying on certain people to feel comforted or trust that they’re giving you the truth.
I said this so many times when people make spirituality complicated it’s not coming from a pure place because God Divine Creator is not complicated to feel and understand!!
The love of God is simple and it’s divine and it’s felt!
This is why people need to heal their inner child so they can go straight to the core to Divine source Creator to receive the guidance!
I’m not saying that all the people that are against Trump or are being spiritually swayed to be against him are completely bad people.
I don’t want to generalize a whole group of people based what they believe to be Truth.
Because that’s what’s been happening lately we’ve been generalizing way to much!!
What I’m saying is that people can have corrupted data and can be speaking from a very filtered place.
This is why it’s necessary for us to do our own internal research and most importantly heal any of our own conditioning within the false matrix programming that can be used to pull our energy.
There’s a lot of spiritual teachers and healers that proclaim to be and maybe they are to some extent into some level but if they’re not really healing themselves and really integrated within their own purity they’re teaching and transmissions can come from a distorted place not based on wholeness and truth.
I’m basically saying that we need to be more cautious and responsible about what we are sharing and what we are claiming to be the truth.
I’ve done extensive amount of psychic scanning within Trump’s energy and even though they might be very convincing the things that are said against him, it’s not all based on truth.
I also want to add something.
I’m in no way saying that he is perfect.
He is not clean of distortions and filters.
Nor is anyone!!
Believe me I can tap into anybody’s consciousness and point out all the flaws and narcissistic tendencies and victim mentality that people have but keep hidden.
He does have narcissistic traits.
But let’s be honest who DOESN’T, its just that he shows it!
He’s an extroverted person, still has things to heal!
Everyone has some unhealthy patterns,but people hide it really good!
Even within the spiritual community people have very distorted dysfunctional patterns and ways of being.
But from what I’m picking up is that he’s doing the best he can with what he’s got, and not to mention under the circumstances of being hated on every single second of the day not only within mainstream media but with people in general!!
I know he’s really for liberating humanity!
I also picked up on some inner child trauma as well within the scanning, abandonment issues, and other things I will mention in a live video soon.
But he’s not evil!!
I will be working closely on communicating telepathically and energetically with him.
And help him heal.
I want to help him create the most beneficial scenarios and experiences for the American people.
I know I can!!
I will.
Watch and see. 🌈💃
You can too. ✨💪
Love you all.
Michelle the Alchemist 🌹
#spiritualguide #spiritualcoach #starseeds #ascension #awakening
#spiritualguide #heal #innerchildhealing #psychic #spiritualawakening #spiritualcoach#spiritualawakening #spiritualguide #innerchildhealing #awakening #spiritualcoach #starseeds
Covid-19 Coronavirus Medical Professional Perspective
By Dr Paul Robert Vogt
Foreword: why am I taking a position?
For 5 reasons:
1. I have been working with EurAsia Heart – A Swiss Medical Foundation in EurAsia for more than 20 years, have worked in China for almost a year and have had a continuous connection to the Union Hospital of Tongji Medical College / Huazhong University for 20 years of Science and Technology »in Wuhan, where I have one of my four visiting professorships in China. I have been able to maintain the 20-year connection to Wuhan constantly in the current times.
2. COVID-19 is not only a mechanical ventilation problem, it affects the heart in a similar way. 30% of all patients who do not survive the intensive care unit die for cardiac reasons.
3. The last possible therapy for lung failure is an invasive cardiological or cardiosurgical one: the use of an «ECMO», the method of «extracorporeal membrane oxygenation», ie the connection of the patient to an external, artificial lung, which is used in this The clinical picture can take over the function of the patient’s lungs until it works again.
4. I was asked – quite simply – for my opinion.
5. Both the level of media coverage and a large number of reader comments are not to be accepted without contradiction in terms of facts, morality, racism and eugenics. You urgently need an objection based on reliable data and information.
The facts presented come from scientific papers which have undergone a peer review and have been published in the best medical journals. Many of these facts were known until the end of February. If you had taken note of these medical facts and had been able to separate ideology, politics and medicine, Switzerland would most likely be in a better position today: we would not have the second most COVID-19-positive people worldwide and one per capita significantly smaller number of people who lost their lives in the context of this pandemic. In addition, it is very likely that we would have no partial, incomplete lockdown of our economy and no controversial discussions about how we can „get out of here“.
I would also like to note that all of the scientific works I mention are available from me in their original form.
1. The numbers in the media
It is understandable that everyone wants to understand the extent of this pandemic in one way or another. However, the daily arithmetic does not help us, because we do not know how many people have had contact with the virus without consequences and how many people have actually gotten sick.
The number of asymptomatic COVID-19 carriers is important in order to make assumptions about the spread of the pandemic. In order to have usable data, however, one would have had to carry out broad mass tests at the beginning of the pandemic. Today one can only guess how many Swiss had contact with COVID-19. A paper with an American-Chinese authorship already published on March 16, 2020 that out of 14 documented cases, 86 were undocumented cases of COVID-19-positive individuals. In Switzerland, one must therefore expect that 15x to 20x more people are COVID-19 positive than is shown in the daily calculations.
In order to assess the severity of the pandemic, we would need other data:
an exact, globally valid definition of the diagnosis “suffering from COVID-19”: a) positive laboratory test + symptoms; b) positive laboratory test + symptoms + corresponding result in lung CT; or c) positive laboratory test, no symptoms, but corresponding findings in lung CT.
the number of hospitalized COVID-19 patients in the general ward
the number of COVID-19 patients in the intensive care unit
the number of ventilated COVID-19 patients
the number of COVID-19 patients at the ECMO
the number of COVID-19 deceased
the number of infected doctors and nurses
Only these numbers give a picture of the severity of this pandemic, or of the dangerousness of this virus. The current accumulation of numbers is so imprecise and has a touch of „sensation press“ – the last thing we still need in this situation.
2. „An ordinary flu“
Is it just “an ordinary flu” that passes every year and against which we usually don’t do anything – or a dangerous pandemic that requires rigid measures?
To answer this question, you definitely don’t need to ask statisticians who have never seen a patient. The pure, statistical assessment of this pandemic is immoral anyway. You have to ask the people at the front.
None of my colleagues – and neither of course I – and none of the nursing staff can remember that the following conditions have prevailed in the past 30 or 40 years, namely:
entire clinics are filled with patients who all have the same diagnosis;
whole intensive care units are filled with patients who all have the same diagnosis;
25% to 30% of nurses and the medical profession also acquire exactly the disease that those patients who care for them have;
too few ventilators were available;
patient selection had to be carried out, not for medical reasons, but because the sheer number of patients simply lacked the appropriate material;
the seriously ill patients all had the same – a uniform – clinical picture;
the mode of death of all those who died in intensive care is the same;
Medicines and medical material threaten to run out.
Based on 1-8), it is clear that it is a dangerous virus that underlies this pandemic.
Claims that „influenza“ is equally dangerous and costs the same number of victims every year are wrong. In addition, the claim that one does not know who is dying and who is dying because of COVID-19 is also s.th. out of thin air.
Let us compare influenza and COVID19: do you have the feeling that with influenza all patients always died „because of“ influenza and never one with „?“ Are we medical doctors in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic suddenly all so stupid that we can no longer distinguish whether someone dies „with“ or „because of“ COVID-19 if these patients have a typical clinic, typical laboratory findings and a typical one Have lung CT? Aha, when it came to the diagnosis of „influenza“, of course, everyone was always wide awake and always tried the whole diagnosis and was always sure: no, with influenza, everyone dies „because of“ and only with COVID-19 many „with“.
In addition: if there were supposedly 1600 influenza deaths in Switzerland in a year, we are talking about 1600 deaths over 12 months – without preventive measures. With COVID-19, however, there were 600 deaths in 1 (!) Month, despite massive countermeasures. Radical countermeasures can reduce the spread of COVID-19 by 90% – so you can imagine which scenario would exist without countermeasures.
In addition: in one month> 2200 patients were hospitalized for COVID-19 in Switzerland and up to 500 patients were hospitalized in different intensive care units at the same time. None of us has ever seen such conditions in the context of «influenza».
About 8% of caregivers also acquire influenza as part of an “ordinary” influenza, but no one dies from it. In COVID-19, 25% to 30% of caregivers are infected and this is associated with significant mortality. Dozens of doctors and nurses who have cared for COVID-19 patients have died of the same infection.
Also: look for the hard numbers on «influenza»! You won’t find any. What you will find are estimates: approx. 1000 or 1600 in Switzerland; about 8000 in Italy; approx. 20,000 in Germany. An FDA study (US Food and Drug Administration) examined how many of the 48,000 influenza deaths in one year in the United States really died from classic influenza pneumonia. The result: all possible clinical pictures were subsumed under “death from pneumonia”, for example the pneumonia of a newborn who had amniotic fluid aspirated into the lungs at birth. In this analysis, the number of effectively „died from influenza“ patients dropped dramatically below 10,000.
In Switzerland , too , we do not know the exact number of patients who die from influenza each year. And this despite dozens of massively overpriced data acquisition systems; despite senseless double and triple data entry by clinics, health insurance companies and health directors; despite a senseless and overpriced DRG system that only produces nonsense. We cannot even provide the exact number of hospitalized influenza patients per month! But waste millions and billions on overpriced and counterproductive IT projects.
Based on the current state of knowledge, one cannot generally speak of an “ordinary flu”. And that is why the unrestrained epidemic of society is not a recipe. A recipe, of course, which Great Britain, the Netherlands and Sweden tried and gave up one after the other.
Due to the current, inadequate level of knowledge, the figures for March also say nothing at all. We can get off lightly or experience a disaster. Rigid measures mean that the curve of the sick is flatter. But it’s not just about the height of the curve, it’s also about the area under the curve and this ultimately represents the number of deaths.
3. «Only old and sick patients die»
Percentages – secondary diagnoses – morality and EUGENIK
The age of those who died in Switzerland is between 32 and 100 years. There are also some studies and reports that show that children have died of COVID-19.
Whether 0.9% or 1.2% or 2.3% die of COVID-19 is secondary and just food for statisticians. The absolute number of deaths caused by this pandemic is relevant. Are 5000 deaths less bad if they represent 0.9% of all COVID-19 carriers? Or are 5,000 dead worse if they represent 2.3% of all COVID-19 carriers?
The average age of the deceased patients is said to be 83, which many – too many in our society – probably dismiss as negligible.
The casual generosity when others die cannot be overlooked in our society. I know the other thing, the immediate shouting and the immediate blame when it hits someone or someone close to me.
Age is relative. One US presidential candidate is 73 today and the other is 77. Reaching a high, self-determined age with a good quality of life is a valuable asset for which we have invested in health care in Switzerland. And it is the result of medicine that you can live to an old age with three side diagnoses and a good quality of life. These positive achievements of our society are suddenly no longer worth anything, but more, just a burden?
In addition: if 1000 over 65-year-olds or 1000 over 75-year-olds who previously thought they were healthy are examined, after a thorough check> 80% new 3 „secondary diagnoses“, especially when it comes to the widespread diagnoses “ high blood pressure ”or“ sugar ”.
Certain media articles and readers‘ comments – far too many, in my opinion – cross all borders in this discussion, have the bad smell of eugenics and reminders of familiar times arise. Do I really have to name those years? I am amazed that our media have made no effort to write plain text on this matter. It is our media that publish these miserable opinions in their comment columns and leave them there. And it is just as surprising that the politicians do not consider it necessary to give a clear opinion on this point.
4. This pandemic was announced
Was Switzerland minimally prepared for this pandemic? NO.
Are there any precautions taken when COVID-19 broke out in China? NO.
Did you know that a COVID-19 pandemic will spread across the world?
SARS was in 2003 .
MERS was in 2012 .
In 2013 , the German Bundestag discussed disaster scenarios: How does Germany prepare for disasters, such as floods? In this context, it was also discussed how Germany must react to a future SARS pandemic! Yes, in 2013 the German Bundestag simulated a SARS corona pandemic in Europe and Germany!
In 2015 , an experimental collaborative effort was published by researchers from three US universities, Wuhan and an Italian researcher from Varese, who has a laboratory in Bellinzona. These produced synthetically produced corona viruses in the laboratory and thus infected cell cultures and mice. The reason for the work: they wanted to produce a vaccine or monoclonal antibody in order to be prepared for the next corona pandemic.
At the end of 2014 , the U.S. government suspended research on MERS and SARS for one year because of the danger to humans.
In 2015 , Bill Gates made a widely regarded speech and said that the world was unprepared for the next corona pandemic.
In 2016 , another research paper appeared that dealt with corona viruses. The «summary» of this publication has to be melted in your mouth because it is the perfect description of what is currently going on:
“Focusing on SARS-like CoVs, the approach indicates that viruses using the WIV1-CoV spike protein are capable of infecting human alveolar endothelium cultures directly without further spike adaptation. In vivo data indicate attenuation relative to SARS-CoV, the augmented replication in the presence of human angiotensin converting enzyme type 2 in vivo suggests that the virus has significant pathogenic potential not captured by current small animal models. ”
In March 2019 , the epidemiological study by Peng Zhou from Wuhan said that, among other things, due to the biology of the corona viruses in the bats („bat“) in China, it can be predicted that there will be another corona pandemic shortly. Certainly! You just can’t say exactly when and where, but China will be the hot spot.
In principle, there were 8 CONCRETE, CLEAR WARNINGS WITHIN 17 YEARS that something like this would come. AND THEN IT WILL ACTUALLY COME! In December 2019, 9 months after Peng Zhou’s warning . And the Chinese inform the WHO after seeing 27 patients with atypical pneumonia without death. The Taiwan reaction chain, which consisted of a total of 124 measures , begins on December 31 – all published by March 3, 2020. And no, it was not published in Taiwanese-Chinese in an Asian medical journal, but with the collaboration of the University of California in the “ Journal of American Medical Association „.
The only thing you had to do: from December 31, 2019, enter „bat + coronavirus“ in „PubMed“, the US National Library of Medicine, and all the data was available. And all you had to do was follow the publications until the end of February 2020 to know 1) what to expect and 2) what to do.
Uzbekistan ordered its 82 students from Wuhan back in December and put them in quarantine. On March 10, I warned Switzerland from Uzbekistan because I had been asked my opinion: parliamentarians, the Bundesrat, BAG, the media.
And what has Switzerland done since China notified the WHO on December 31, 2019? Our state government, our BAG, our experts, our pandemic commission? It looks like they haven’t noticed anything . Of course, the situation is delicate. Should you inform the population? Sow panic? How to proceed What could at least have been done: study the excellent scientific work of the Chinese and Sino-American scientists that have been published in the best American and English medical journals.
At least – and that would have been feasible without informing the population, without sowing panic – one could at least have filled in the necessary medical material. The fact that Switzerland, with its health care sector worth 85 billion, in which an average family of four middle-class families can no longer pay the health insurance premiums , is on the wall after 14 days of mild headwind, about too few masks, too little disinfectant and too little medical equipment is a shame. What did the pandemic commission do? If that doesn’t need a PUK. But none that is only occupied by politicians.
And so the official failure has continued to this day. None of the measures successfully used by Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong or China have been applied. No border closure, no border controls, everyone could and can still easily immigrate to Switzerland without being checked at all (I learned this myself on March 15).
It was the Austrians who closed the border with CH and it was the Italian government that finally stopped the SBB at the end of March and so on and so on. And there is still no quarantine for people entering Switzerland.
Was Antonio Lanzavecchia’s research group consulted in Bellinzona? Antonio Lanzavecchia, who co-authored the research on synthetic corona viruses mentioned above? How can it be that Mr. Lanzavecchia on March 20 in a small Ticino TV station says that this virus is extremely contagious and extremely resistant – so the BAG on March 22, 2 days later, writes of a „silver lining“?
How can it be that a mixed American-Chinese authorship publishes in Science on March 6 that only a combined border closure and a local curfew are effective, but can then curb the spread of the virus by 90% – the FOPH and the Federal Council but say that border closures are useless, „because most people would be infected at home anyway“.
The mask wearing was found not necessary – not because its effectiveness had not been proven. No, because you simply couldn’t provide enough masks . You’d have to laugh if it weren’t so tragic: instead of admitting your own omissions and correcting them immediately, you’d better have the German ambassador called in. What was said to him That the 85 billion Swiss healthcare system has no masks to protect its citizens, nurses and doctors?
The series of embarrassing breakdowns can be expanded: hand disinfection! Recommended because it is effective and recommended already during the Spanish flu era. Have we ever heard from our decision-makers which disinfectants are effective and which are not? We did not, although a summary of 22 papers was published in the Journal of Hospital Infection on February 6, 2020, which reported back then that corona viruses can survive up to 9 days on metal, plastic and glass, and which three Disinfectants kill the virus within 1 (!) Minute and which ones don’t. Of course, the right disinfectant could not be specifically recommended: the citizen would have noticed that there wasn’t enough of it at all, because the pandemic store, which was supposed to have ethanol (62% to 71% ethanol kills corona viruses within one minute), was closed in 2018.
When the difficulties of the pandemic also became apparent to the BAG, it was announced that patients who had to go to the intensive care unit would have bad chances anyway . This is in clear contradiction to 4 previously published scientific papers, which all agree that 38% to 95% of all patients who had to go to the intensive care unit could be discharged home.
I do not want to mention any other points here. Two things are clear: the pandemic has been announced at least 8 times since 2003. And after their outbreak was reported to WHO on December 31, 2019, they would have had two months to study the right data and draw the right conclusions. Taiwan, for example, whose 124 measures were published early, has the least number of infected and fatalities and has not had to „lock down“ the economy.
The measures of the Asian countries were classified as not feasible for us for political and diffuse reasons. One of them: the tracking of infected people . Supposedly impossible and that in a society that easily transfers its private data to iCloud’s and Facebook. Tracking? If I get off the plane in Tashkent, Beijing or Yangon, it takes 10 seconds and Swisscom welcomes me to the respective country. Tracking? There is no with us.
If one had been better orientated, one would have seen that certain countries could do without rigid measures. In Switzerland, measures were taken semi-rigidly or not at all, but actually let the population be infected . More rigid measures were taken too late. If you had reacted, you might not have had to take any such measures – and could save yourself the current discussions about an „exit“. I don’t want to talk about the economic consequences.
5. Political aspects – propaganda
Why didn’t you look to Asia? There was enough time. Or in other words: how did you look at Asia? The answer is clear: arrogant, ignorant and know-it-all. Typically European, or should I say typically Swiss?
Xi Jinping was nice when he said that because of its „narcissism“ Europe had quickly become the global center of the pandemic. I would add: because of his arrogance, ignorance and unspeakable know-it-all.
In the comment columns, more and more readers of our media have noticed that if we ourselves have the highest rate of COVID-19-positive people and one of the highest death rates per person with Spain, we might stop teaching people constantly.
Europe seems unteachable. America – at least its scientists and some of its political journalists – reacted differently. America has recognized the excellent scientific work of Chinese authors and published it in their best medical journals. Even in “Foreign Affairs”, the most important essay journal on international politics, there are works with headings such as: “What the world can learn from China”; and „China has an app and the rest of the world needs a plan“; furthermore, that “international cooperation between scientists is an example” of how one has to “work together multipolarly” in other areas and how the world is “interconnected”. Even the oft-cited Anthony Fauci, Trump’s chief virology,
The fact that the US political leadership has not implemented this is not the problem of the scientists, who, including WHO, praised the excellent work of the Chinese on the ground: “the Chinese know exactly what they do”; „And they are really, really good at it“.
In contrast, the German magazine DER SPIEGEL published an article entitled „Deadly arrogance“ and by that they did not mean America, but arrogant Europe.
What are the facts?
After the SARS epidemic, China installed a monitoring program that should report a conspicuous cluster of atypical pneumonia as early as possible. When 4 patients in this country with its gigantic population showed atypical pneumonia in a short time, the monitoring system triggered an alarm
On December 31, the Chinese government informed WHO that after 27 (other sources say: 41) patients in Wuhan had been diagnosed with atypical pneumonia but had not yet had one death.
On January 7, 2020, the same team at Peng Zhou, which warned of a corona pandemic in March 2019, released the fully-defined genome of the causative virus to the world so that test kits could be developed worldwide as quickly as possible, researching vaccination and monoclonal antibodies can be produced.
contrary to the WHO’s opinion, the Chinese paralyzed Wuhan in January with a travel ban and a curfew.
I don’t have to go into the other measures that have been taken in China. According to international research teams, China saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of patients with these early and radical measures.
on December 31, 2019, Taiwan stopped all flights from Wuhan. The other 124 measures taken in Taiwan are published in the Journal of American Medical Association – in good time. One should only have taken note of them.
Without a doubt, China’s command and control structure initially led to the suppression of relevant information, but vice versa it worked even more effectively later in limiting the pandemic. Dealing with ophthalmologist Li Wenliang is terrible, but it fits in with such events. When in 1918 the American country doctor Loring Miner in Haskell County in the US state of Kansas saw several patients with flu symptoms who exceeded the severity of all previous symptoms, he turned to the United States Public Health Service and asked for support. This was refused. Three Haskell County patients were drafted into military service. Albert Gitchell, the NCO – the patient NULL – spread the virus to the company for which he cooked and which was transferred to Europe. 40 days later there were 20 million infected and 20,000 dead in Europe. The 1918 pandemic caused more deaths than World War I.
Western complaints about Li Wenliang’s „treatment“ are justified, but they are dripping with double standards, since one knows what fate whistleblowers experience in the West with their great values. The United States government also attempted to filter medical information by directing America’s leading virologists to Trump to discuss any public statements with Mike Pence, the vice president, which was published in the recently published „Science“ under the title “ Do us a favor ”has been described as“ unacceptable ”and compared to China.
Politics is one thing, scientific work is another. By the end of February 2020, so many excellent scientific papers with Chinese and mixed American-Chinese authors had appeared that one could have known what the pandemic was about and what should be done.
Why did you miss everything?
Because neither politicians, nor the media and the majority of citizens are unable to separate ideology, politics and medicine in such a situation. Viral pneumonia is a medical and not a political problem. Thanks to the politically and ideologically justified ignoring of medical facts, Europe quickly made itself the worldwide pandemic center – right in the middle of Switzerland with the second highest infection rate per capita.
Politics and the media play a particularly inglorious role here. Instead of focusing on their own failures, the population is distracted by continued, stupid China bashing. In addition, as always, Russia bashing and Trump bashing. You don’t have to like Trump at all – but until the US is on a par with Switzerland in terms of COVID 19 deaths per capita, it has to have 30,000 deaths.
How can you constantly criticize other countries if you have the second most expensive healthcare per capita in the world and the second most infected people and you don’t have enough masks, enough disinfectants or enough medical equipment? Switzerland was not surprised by this pandemic – after December 31, 2019, there was at least 2 months to take the urgently needed precautions. And the media have contributed enough to this behavior. The media coverage is exhausted in fine speeches, what the Federal Council and BAG cause and in criticizing other countries.
There are enough examples of stupid China bashing: „The Chinese are to blame“! Anyone who claims something like this understands nothing about biology and life in general. „All pandemics come from China“: the Spanish flu was in fact an American flu, HIV came from Africa, Ebola came from Africa, swine flu from Mexico, the cholera epidemic of the 1960s with millions of deaths from Indonesia and MERS from the Middle East with the center of Saudi Arabia.
Yes, SARS came from China. But the Chinese, unlike us, have learned how “Foreign Affairs” wrote on March 27, 2020: “Past Pandemics Exposed China’s Weakness. The Current One Highlights Its Strengths ”.
If it is consistently claimed that the figures published by China on the COVID 19 pandemic are all glossed over anyway, what does that mean? Does that mean we don’t have to do anything about it? Or does it not mean much more – if these figures are really glossed over – that it is an even more dangerous pandemic for which we should make arrangements in Europe? So much for the logic of senseless, political chatter.
With constant statements like „the Chinese are only lying anyway“ „Taiwan you can’t believe anything“; „Singapore, a family dictatorship, is lying anyway“, one cannot cope with this pandemic. Here, too, the US magazine „Foreign Affairs“ – certainly not China-friendly per se – is acting more intelligently, as you can read on March 24, 2020: „The US and China Could Cooperate to Defeat the Pandemic. Instead, Their Antagonism Makes Matters Worse ”. And on March 21st: “It Takes a World to End a Pandemic. Scientific Cooperation Knows No Boundaries – Fortunately ”.
I can only welcome Lukas Bärfuss‘ criticism. In particular his statement:
«Why the relevant factories are no longer in Biberist. But in Wuhan. And whether this allocation problem may not only affect cellulose, but also information, education, food and medication ».
This statement hits the mark and unmask our arrogance and ignorance.
Isn’t it enough that at the beginning of this pandemic, the West looked snotty and with a certain glee at China? Does China’s support for Western countries now have to be maliciously defamed? To date, China has supplied 3.86 billion masks, 38 million protective suits, 2.4 million infrared temperature measuring devices and 16,000 ventilators. Not China’s alleged claim to world power, but the failure of Western countries has led to the West literally hanging on China’s medical drip.
6. Where does this virus come from?
There are approximately 6400 mammal species on our globe. Bats and fruit bats make up 20% of the mammalian population. There are 1000 different types of bats and fruit bats. They are the only mammals that can fly, which explains their large range of motion.
Bats and fruit bats are home to a myriad of viruses. Bats and fruit bats in the history of development have probably been the entry point for viruses in the pedigree of mammals.
There are numerous dangerous viruses that have spread from humans to the “bats” and are responsible for many diseases: measles, mumps, rabies, Marburg fever, Ebola and other, less common, no less dangerous diseases . In other mammals, viruses derived from „Bats“ have repeatedly led to mass deaths in pig, chicken or bird breeding.
These are biological processes that are millions of years old. The DNA of healthy people also contains remnants of viral gene sequences that have been „built in“ over the millennia.
SARS and MERS have intensified research on corona viruses, precisely because an upcoming, new corona virus epidemic or pandemic was expected. 22 of the 38 known and by no means definitely classified corona viruses have been extensively studied by Chinese researchers, see, among others, Peng Zhou’s publication on the epidemiology of „bat coronaviruses in China“ and the other publications by American authors mentioned above. Peng Zhou predicted an upcoming new corona epidemic in March 2019 for the following reasons:
high biodiversity in China;
high number of „bats“ in China;
high population density in China = close coexistence between animals and humans;
high genetic variability of the „bats“, ie a high probability that the genome of individual coronavirus types can change spontaneously as a result of random mutations;
high active genetic recombination of corona viruses means: Corona viruses of different types exchange genome sequences with each other, which can then make them more aggressive for humans;
The fact that many of these viruses – corona viruses, but also Ebola or Marburg viruses – live together in these «bats» and can accidentally exchange genetic material
Although not proven, Peng Zhou also addressed Chinese eating habits , which increase the likelihood of these viruses being transmitted from animals to humans. Peng Zhou warned of a corona pandemic in his March 2019 article. And he wrote that he could not say exactly when and where this pandemic would break out, but that China would very likely be a „hot spot“. So much for scientific freedom. Peng Zhou and his group from Wuhan continued to research, and it was they who identified the genome of COVID-19 on January 7 and shared it with the world.
There are 4 theories on how this virus spread to humans:
The COVID-19 virus has been transmitted from a bat directly to humans. However, the structure of the virus that comes into question and which genetically matches 96% of the current “COVID-19” virus cannot dock on to the “angiotensin converting enzyme” (ACE) type 2 in the lungs. However, the virus needs this enzyme in order to be able to penetrate into the lung cells (and into the cells of the heart, kidney and intestine) and destroy them.
A COVID-19 virus jumped onto humans from pangolin, a Malaysian dandruffed mammal that was illegally imported into China, and was initially not disease-causing. As part of consecutive human-to-human transmissions, this virus has adapted to the general human conditions thanks to mutation or adaptation and was finally able to dock onto the ACE2 receptor and penetrate the cells, which „started“ the pandemic.
There is a parent strain of these two COVID-19 viruses, which unfortunately has so far remained undetected.
It is a synthetic laboratory virus, because this is exactly what was researched and the biological mechanism of arousal was already described in detail in 2016. The virologists in question denied this possibility, of course, but they cannot exclude it, too, to look up in the recently published „Nature Medicine“: „The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2“ by Kristian Andersen.
The special thing about these facts is that corona viruses can live together with the Ebola virus on the same «bat» without the bat becoming ill. On the one hand, this is scientifically interesting because perhaps immune mechanisms can be found that explain why these bats do not get sick. These immune mechanisms against corona viruses and the Ebola virus could provide insights that are important for Homo sapiens. On the other hand, these facts are worrying because one can imagine that due to the high, active, genetic recombination, a supervirus can form, which has a longer incubation period than the current COVID-19 virus, but the lethality of the Ebola virus.
SARS had a 10% mortality, the mortality of MERS was 36%. It was not due to Homo sapiens that SARS and MERS did not spread as quickly as COVID-19 now. It was just luck. The claim that a virus with a high mortality rate could not spread because it was killing its host far too quickly was correct at the time when an „infected“ camel caravan had left X’ian towards the Silk Road and because of it the high mortality in the next caravanserai no longer arrived. Today is a snap. Today everyone is massively networked. A virus that kills in 3 days still goes around the world. Everyone knows Beijing and Shanghai. I have known Wuhan for 20 years. None of my colleagues and acquaintances have ever heard of Wuhan. But did you see how many foreigners there were in Wuhan – in a city that „nobody knows“ – and how they were distributed to all regions of the world at lightning speed? That is the situation today.
7. What do we know? What we don’t know
We know,
that it is an aggressive virus;
that the mean incubation period lasts 5 days; the maximum incubation period is not yet clear;
that asymptomatic COVID-19 carriers can infect other people and that this virus is „extremely contagious“ and „extremely resistant“ (A. Lanzavecchia);
we know the risk populations;
that in the past 17 years it has not been possible to develop either a vaccination or a monoclonal antibody against corona viruses;
that vaccination against whatever corona virus has never been developed;
that the so-called „flu vaccination“ has only a minimal effect, contrary to popular advertising.
What we don’t know:
whether or not there is immunity after undergoing infection. Certain data indicate that humans can develop immunoglobulins of the G class from day 15, which should prevent re-infection with the same virus. But it has not yet been definitely proven;
how long a possible immunity could protect;
whether this COVID-19 virus remains stable, or whether a slightly different COVID-19 spreads again around the world in the autumn, analogous to the usual flu wave, against which there is no immunity;
whether the higher temperatures in summer will help us because the casing of the COVID-19 is unstable at higher temperatures. It must be mentioned here that the MERS virus spread in the Middle East from May to July, when the temperatures were higher than we have ever experienced;
How long it takes for a population to be so infected that the R-value is <1:
If you test 1 million people in Zurich at a certain point in time, currently 12% to 18% COVID-19 is said to be positive. In order to deprive the pandemic of its pandemic character, the R value must be <1, ie approximately 66% of the population must have had contact with the virus and have developed immunity. Nobody knows how long, how many months it will take until the infection, which is currently supposed to be 12% to 18%, has reached 66%! But it can be assumed that the spread of the virus from 12% to 18% to 66% of the population will continue to generate seriously ill patients.
so we don’t know how long we’ll be dealing with this virus. Two reports, which should not be accessible to the public (US Government COVID Response Plan and a report from Imperial College London) come independently to a „lock-down“ phase of up to 18 months;
and we don’t know if this virus will occupy us epidemic / pandemic or maybe even endemic;
we still have no recognized and widely applicable, defined therapy; We have never been able to present one of these in the case of influenza.
Perhaps authorities and the media should put the facts on the table instead of presenting reports of an apparently successful vaccination that is not far away every two days.
8. What can we do now?
I can’t answer the question about the best solutions either. It is possible whether Switzerland can contain the pandemic at all or whether the infection continues unaffected because all measures have initially been overslept.
If so, one can only hope that we will not pay this „policy“ to me too many dead and critically ill. And that not too many patients suffer from the long-term consequences of COVID-19 infection, such as „thanks to“ COVID-19 newly acquired lung fibrosis, a disturbed glucose metabolism and emerging cardiovascular diseases. The long-term consequences of having undergone SARS infection are documented up to 12 years after the alleged healing. Let’s hope that COVID-19 will behave differently.
The lifting of the „lock-down“, or the return to what we perceive as normal, is certainly everyone’s wish . Nobody can predict which steps will lead to negative consequences when returning to normalization – that is, if the infection rate flares up again. Every step towards easing is basically a step into the unknown.
We can only say what is not feasible: an active infection of the non-risk groups with the COVID-19 virus is surely an absolute fantasy. It can only come to mind people who have no idea about biology, medicine and ethics:
it is certainly out of the question to deliberately infect millions of healthy citizens with an aggressive virus of which we actually know absolutely nothing, neither the extent of the acute damage nor the long-term consequences;
the greater the number of viruses per population, the greater the chance of an accidental mutation, which could make the virus even more aggressive. So we should definitely not actively help to increase the number of viruses per population.
The more people are infected with COVID-19, the more likely it is that this virus will adapt to humans “better” and become even more disastrous. It is assumed that this has already happened before.
with government reserves of 750 billion ostensibly, it is ethically and morally reprehensible to infect millions of healthy individuals for mere economic considerations.
The deliberate infection of healthy people with this aggressive virus would acutely undermine one of the fundamental principles of the entire medical history from pure, short-term economic „concerns“: the principle of the „primum nil nocere“. As a doctor, I would refuse to take part in such a vaccination campaign at all.
The determination of the COVID-19 IgM and IgG antibody concentration in the blood apparently goes hand in hand with the neutralization of the COVID-19 virus. The quantitative and qualitative diagnosis of these antibodies has so far only been investigated in a small clinical study with 23 patients. It is currently not possible to say whether the determination of the mass of antibodies in the blood will make a controlled “lock-down” more secure by allowing only infectious and infectious people to move freely. It is also unclear when this method will be clinically valid and widely applicable.
9. Future
This pandemic raises many political questions. “Foreign Affairs” with Donald Trump and Anthony Fauci on the cover wrote on March 28, 2020: “Plagues Tell Us Who We Are. The Real Lessons of the Pandemic Will Be Political ”.
These political questions will be national and international.
The first questions will definitely affect our healthcare system.With a budget of 85 billion, Switzerland – in terms of the number of corona patients per 1 million population – made it to second place worldwide. Congratulations! What a shame! Basic and cheap material is missing in Switzerland after 14 days. That comes when self-proclaimed „health politicians“, „health economists“ and IT experts spend billions on projects such as e-health, electronic health cards, overpriced clinic information systems (ask the Lucerne Cantonal Hospital!), Tons of computers and „Big Data.“ »Invest and thus withdraw billions from the healthcare system that are completely misused. And the medical profession and FMH are literally too stupid to finally stand up to it. They prefer to be called rip-offs and criminals every week. Switzerland must finally investigate How much of 1 million cash funds are still used for medical services, which benefit the patient directly and how much money is used for other purposes than lobby associations outside the industry, which shamelessly enrich themselves on the 85 billion cake without ever seeing a patient . And, of course, adequate quality control of medical services is finally needed. I do not want to go into further measures as part of the reorganization of the Swiss healthcare system here. And, of course, adequate quality control of medical services is finally needed. I do not want to go into further measures as part of the reorganization of the Swiss healthcare system here. And, of course, adequate quality control of medical services is finally needed. I do not want to go into further measures as part of the reorganization of the Swiss healthcare system here.
The international questions primarily concern our relationship with China and the Asian countries in general. Critical comments: yes. But constant, stupid „bashing“ of other nations cannot be a recipe for tackling global problems together – I don’t even want to speak of „solving“. Instead of parroting senseless propaganda, one should perhaps deal with authors who actually have something to say at a high level, such as:
Pankaj Mishra: „From the ruins of the empire“
Kishore Mahbubani: „The Asean Miracle. A Catalyst for Peace“
„Has the West lost it?“
„Can Asians think?“
Lee Kuan Yew: „One man’s view of the world“
David Engels: „On the way to the empire“
Noam Chomsky: „Who rules the world“
Bruno Macàes: „The Dawn of Eurasia“
Joseph Stiglitz: „Rich and poor“
Stephan Lessenich: „The Deluge Beside Us“
Parag Khanna: „Our Asian Future“
Reading does not mean that all these authors are right in everything. But it would be of great value for the West – including Switzerland – to replace know-it-all, ignorance and arrogance here and there with facts, understanding and cooperation. The only alternative is to try to eliminate our supposed competitors sooner or later in a war. Everyone can decide for themselves what to think of this “solution”.
In this sense, one can only hope that humanity will remember better. Dreaming is always allowed.
The challenges are global. And the next pandemic is just around the corner. And maybe this will be caused by a super virus and take on an extent that we would rather not imagine.
COVID-19 / Prof. Dr. med. Dr. hc Paul Robert Vogt – Considerations of a concerned Swiss citizen
Donald Trump Suggests Disinfectant Injection To Treat Covid-19 Coronavirus
Donald Trump at the now infamous press conference: 🧐
“This stuff is fascinating, so if UV rays kill the virus can we look into something like that systemically, to use inside the body?
“And if bleach and alcohol kill the virus can we maybe look into something similar, that we can inject or inhale? I don’t know I’m just asking the questions.”
Audience comments: 🤬 “what an idiot! He knows nothing! Are you gonna tell people to drink bleach now? Leave it to the doctors!”
Yes! Doctors do use UV rays via IV to kill microbes! Very successfully actually! We do use IV hydrogen peroxide and ozone! We already use hydrogen peroxide, colloidal silver via nebulizer, ozone intranasally via oil bubbler and ozone intestinally! And with very little side effects and no risk of bacterial resistance!!!
Donald Trump may be many things but he’s no dummy. His instincts have actually been more on target than the “experts”. It’s about time we start using naturopathic, effective, safe and inexpensive therapies and wave goodbye to the gorilla-hold that Big Pharma has on our entire medical system, our legislators, our citizens and our entire country!
By the way … spoiler alert, those who vaccinate ALREADY DO INJECT disinfectants into themselves.
Read the CDC’s excipient list if you truly give two fucks about what’s being injected …
#justsaying #sorrynotsorry
Donald Trump Suggests Disinfectant Injection To Treat Covid-19 Coronavirus: The Exact Words & Context
WILLIAM BRYAN, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY: We are also testing disinfectants, readily available. We have tested bleach, we have tested isopropyl alcohol on the virus specifically in saliva or respiratory fluids — I can tell you that bleach will kill the virus in five minutes, isopropyl alcohol will kill the virus in 30 seconds and that is with no manipulation no rubbing, just spring it on and leaving it go. You rub it and it goes away even faster. We are also looking at other disinfectants specifically looking at the COVID-19 virus in saliva.
This is not the end of our work as we continue to characterise this virus and integrate our findings into practical applications to mitigate exposure and transmission.
I would like to thank the president, thank the vice president for their ongoing support and leadership to the department and for their work in addressing this pandemic. I would also like to thank the scientists not only in S&T and the (INAUDIBLE) but to the larger scientific and R&D community. Thank you very much.
PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: “Thank you very much. So I asked Bill a question that probably some of you are thinking of if you are totally into that world which I find to be very interesting. So supposing we hit the body with a tremendous whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light and I think you said that hasn’t been checked but you are going to test it. And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body which you can do either through the skin or in some other way and I think you said you were going to test that too. It sounds interesting.
Right. And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute and is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number (INAUDIBLE) interesting to check that so that you are going to have to use medical doctors with but it sounds interesting to me so we will see but the whole concept of the light the way it kills it in one minute that’s – that’s pretty powerful. Steve, please.”
Here is what Trump was talking about during the press conference:
He was talking about his amazement at how disinfectants like Lysol kill the virus almost instantly. He then turned to a scientist and asked if there was a way to do something like that with an injection to kill the virus instantly. He said it would take a large team of medical doctors, and it would take time.
Here’s what he did NOT say:
He did not tell people to go get disinfectant and inject it. He did not tell people to drink disinfectant. He did not say that it was safe to either inject or drink Lysol. Neither did he imply any of these things.
The facts are in the actual conference video. The mainstream media took what he said completely out of context.
For more info on life & reality check out these Wikileaks files.
Flu Vaccinations: Letter To Your Federal Member
If you believe we need to act to stop the progressive loss of freedom of choice regarding flu vaccinations, if you are called to, please send this letter to your MP …
Dear (Federal member you can look up for your area…)
It has come to my attention that upcoming policies and proposed legislation of all states and territories in Australia in relation to compulsory flu vaccinations based on advice from the Australian Health Protection Principle Committee are inconsistent with several pieces of national and international legislation.
As you may be aware, all states and territories are currently imposing a May 1st deadline which forces all aged care workers to be injected with the flu vaccination. Additionally, any visitor or attendee of an aged care facility would also be required to have this injection.
If these workers do not subject themselves to this medical procedure, the states will force them to lose their employment. If visitors to an aged care facility do not allow the injection, they will lose their ability to visit loved ones.
Manufacturer information sheets for all flu vaccines administered in Australia state they have not been tested for carcinogenic potential, for their potential to induce genetic mutation, or for their potential impact on fertility.
The link between the use of these vaccinations, and the serious and often deadly above mentioned health concerns has not been disproved. Cancer, genetic mutations, and fertility concerns are on the rise in Australia alongside our ever increasing use of this medical product.
Serious side effects listed on the manufacturer information sheets also include nervous system, immune system, and blood disorders such as Guillain-Barré Syndrome, Encephalomyelitis, Anaphylactic Shock, and Thrombocytopenia.
These side effects are colloquially called a ‘one in a million’ side effect, however, a ‘rare’ side effect, according to the information sheet for FLUARIX TETRA actually ranges between 1 in 1000, and 1 in 10,000.
The roll out of these May 1 flu vaccine deadlines by the states and territories of Australia is clearly a medical experimentation of which those residing in Australia are being forced to participate in.
Article 7 of the Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 states: “No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. In particular, no one shall be subjected without his free consent to medical or scientific experimentation.”
Section 109 of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution 1900 states “When a law of a State is inconsistent with a law of the Commonwealth, the latter shall prevail, and the former shall, to the extent of the inconsistency, be invalid.”
Article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights states “No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. In particular, no one shall be subjected without his free consent to medical or scientific experimentation.”
Article 27 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties “A party may not invoke the provisions of its internal law as justification for its failure to perform a treaty.”
Geneva convention — “no one should be subjected without her/his consent to medical or scientific experimentation”, international treaty law that over-rides any other laws on mandating vaccines or any type of medical procedure is criminal act.
As my representative in parliament, I am bringing this to your attention. Should you not immediately take action to alert the Attorney-General to the above mentioned federal and international legislation, it will be taken that you are complicit and consensual in the undertaking of a mass medical experimentation on the people of Australia, and accept full financial and, criminal liability under the Crimes Act 1914, as well as the Criminal Code Act 1995.
Thank you
Kind regards
We’re Not All In The Same Boat
We are NOT all in the same boat …
I heard that we are all in the same boat, but it’s not like that at all. We are in the same storm, but not in the same boat.
Your ship could be shipwrecked and mine might not be. Or vice versa.
For some, quarantine is optimal. A moment of reflection, of re-connection, comfy clothes, a cocktail or coffee.
For others, this is a desperate financial & family crisis.
For some that live alone they’re facing endless loneliness. While for others it is peace, rest & time with their mother, father, sons & daughters.
With the increase in unemployment benefits some are bringing in more money to their households than they were working. Others are working more hours for less money due to pay cuts or loss in sales.
Some families are benefitting from the stimulus while other families get nothing.
Some were concerned about getting a certain gift for Easter while others were concerned if there would be enough bread, milk and eggs for the weekend.
Some want to go back to work because they don’t qualify for unemployment and are running out of money.
Others are angry with those who break the quarantine.
Some are home spending hours each day helping their child with online schooling while others are spending hours to educate their children on top of a workday.
Some have experienced the near death of the virus, some have already lost someone from it and some are not sure if their loved ones are going to make it. Others don’t believe this is a big deal.
Some have faith in God and expect miracles during this 2020. Others say the worst is yet to come.
So, friends, we are not in the same boat. We are going through a time when our perceptions and needs are completely different.
Each of us will emerge, in our own way, from this storm. It is very important to see beyond what is seen at first glance. Not just looking, actually seeing.
We are all on different ships during this storm experiencing a very different journey.
This is the ultimate in privileged people blowing out their arrogance while totally blind-sided to how ridiculously pretentious and selfish they are. Stick your yachts up your asses, Ellen and friends:
“We’re just like you,” said Ellen DeGeneres on her Instagram as her servants sailed her yacht into position to form the apostrophe. “Yes, maybe I have a yacht and you’ve only ever been on the Storybook Canal boats at Disneyland, but still. It’s pretty much the same thing.”
We are NOT all in this together. We are in the same storm.
It’s blowing in all sorts of ways.
Some of us are viewing isolation as a wonderful reprieve from our lifestyle and taking solace from self reflection, working from home in trackies and slippers. Maybe taking some time out for peace and rest and spending some time with partners, family and kids.
For others it might be facing endless loneliness, domestic violence or complete ‘overitness’ with partners (who thought that could ever happen?) and it It might also be be a time of desperate financial crisis .
I think we’re a bit divided at the moment. Especially because there’s so little we know about this stupid virus and how it works.
Some want to go back to work because they don’t qualify for unemployment and are running out of money.
Others want to kill those who break the quarantine.
Most of us are being overly cautious to try and quash this pandemic as quickly as possible. Others don’t believe this is a big deal.
So, friends, we are not in the same boat. We are going through a time when our perceptions and needs are completely different.
Each of us will emerge, in our own way, from this storm. It is very important to see beyond what is seen at first glance. Not just looking, actually seeing.
We are all on different ships. Probably a really bad analogy given how this fucking bullshit and annoying pandemic has spread.
If you need me to chuck ya a life raft or a good lookin’ buoy, just say the word. I love youse all.
I’m here if you need me. Stay safe. Stay sane. Be kind. Love yas Xxx
(Unknown authors – edited a bit)