The Truth is Out There… Somewhere!

As many of you will no doubt be aware, I was DEEP down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole for over 20 years.

Not only was I deep down that hole, but I also was a very big part of the so called spiritual community.

What do these things 2 have in common you might ask?

The answer is Trauma. Lots of it.

What we are experiencing in the world right now is less of an abundance of suddenly ‘woke’ people, and more a gradual increase in the abundance of traumatised, anxious, depressed and mentally ill people as a result of generations of disconnection, misinformation and now addiction to screens and social media.

Almost EVERY single person I know or came into contact with who is a member of either the spiritual or the conspiracy theory communities is carrying some deep, unresolved hurt and childhood trauma that their wounded egos are too proud to admit or allow them to do anything about.

These communities are safe places and fertile breeding grounds for dysfunction to thrive and grow within the bubble of like minded, or traumatised people.

It’s known as Trauma Bonding and it’s a very real and prevalent condition that all of us experience in our lives to some degree.

The belief and narrative that the whole world is corrupt and out to get us is very strong, ever present and constantly being fed into and reinforced, such that even medical professionals, scientists, school teachers and pilots are all apparently in on the big Bill Gates conspiracy to take over the world via vaccines, microchips and weather manipulation, just to name a few.

This persistent way of thinking and reinforcing completely disables the individuals ability for balanced opinions, rational thought and individual thinking.

These people suffer from a form of delusion, paranoia and extreme cognitive dissonance, the very thing they accuse everyone else of.

They are in fact the SHEEPLE, ever bit as much as, if not more than those who they so boldly claim are unable to think for themselves.

This is in fact a very real form of mental illness brought about by deep, unresolved trauma and it should be treated as such when dealing with these people in your friendship groups, families and the broader community.

I know this better than anyone because I myself long suffered this delusion, and it wasn’t until I stumbled upon and started studying trauma therapy as a professional and personal pursuit, that I began to understand what drove me to these communities and often nonsense beliefs.

Now that I have regular trauma therapy I can much better discern what is real and what is not, because I’m no longer just parroting a belief or narrative to stay within the safety and membership of the spiritual or conspiracy theory communities, in fact since I started actually thinking for myself, my so called friends have all but completely rejected me, and I them.

I have suspended my belief of the big bad agenda to enslave all of humanity and I now look at each individual occurrence objectively and rationally, following the science and common sense over wild accusations and theories from mentally ill people who graduated from YouTube University.

Now this does not mean that I immediately dismiss any and all conspiracy theories. In fact over the years many of them have been proven to have at least some, if not a lot of truth to them.

However, what I have experienced over a long period of time and observation is that the far greater majority of them do not, and my belief is that they are being deliberately drip fed into the community to create division, confusion and to discredit the people and the occurrences that are actually truthful so that we never really know what is going on, or so that is very hard to do so at the very least.

I think it is always important to look fully at both sides of any situation before making one’s mind up, but to do so properly we MUST be completely impartial to either side before diving in and looking at ALL the actual evidence objectively.

Yes, bad things definitely happen and bad people and agendas definitely exist, especially within our government, police, military and big industry, and these people and organisations are extremely opportunistic and often corrupted. They will absolutely seize any and every crisis as an opportunity to amass more power and wealth and SOMETIMES, they are even guilty of creating or perpetuating them for personal gain.


This does not mean that every single thing that ever happens is a part of some big conspiracy agenda.

Some absolutely is, but most is not.

The flat earth theory is where both the spiritual and conspiracy theory communities completely lost me.

At that point I knew they were just completely and utterly having a lend of us, so I started to seriously question my own mental health and all of the nonsense preceding it that I had been a party to.

And what do you know?

It turns out I had heaps of unresolved childhood trauma and severe anxiety, depression and mental illness that once I addressed, enabled me to truly think for myself without being driven solely by my pain, my need to belong and a belief that the whole world is out to get me.
