Cultivating Future Visions

Art Imitates Life

Art Imitates Life

Have you ever wondered how art imitates life? Here’s a fresh look at geek culture and what it’s all about.

• X-Men is about civil rights. If you didn’t get that, you didn’t get X-Men.
• Black Panther is about colonization. If you didn’t get that, you didn’t get Black Panther.
• Captain America literally fought nazis. He is the embodiment of fighting white supremacy. If you didn’t get that, you didn’t get Captain America.
• The Empire in Star Wars is fascist. The Rebel Alliance is anti-fascist. If you didn’t get that, you didn’t get Star Wars.
Doctor Who was about an alien fighting for all of humanity in spite of totalitarian regimes. If you don’t get that, you don’t get Doctor Who.
• The Punisher isn’t meant to be a role model for police or armed forces. So much so that the writers of The Punisher made him actively speak out against it in a comic. If you didn’t get that, you didn’t get The Punisher.

Art Imitates Life

• Deadpool is queer. He’s pansexual, in fact. If you didn’t get that you didn’t get Deadpool.
• Star Trek is about equality for all genders, races and sexualities. As early as the mid-60s it was taking a pro-choice stance and defending women’s right to choose. One of its clearest themes is accepting different cultures and appearances and working together for peace. (It’s also anti-capitalist and pro-vegan).
If you didn’t get that, you didn’t get Star Trek.
• Superman and Wonder Woman (and a whole host of other superheroes) are immigrants. The stance of those comics is pro-immigration and pro-equality and acceptance. If you didn’t get that, you didn’t get Superman or Wonder Woman.
• Stan Lee said, “Racism and bigotry are among the deadliest social ills plaguing the world today.” If you’re bigoted or racist, you didn’t get any of the characters Stan Lee created.
• The stories we grew up with all taught us to value other people and cultures and to treasure the differences between us. Only villains were xenophobic, or sexist, or racist, or totalitarian. I can’t understand how anyone can have missed that.
• If you’re upset that there’s a black Spider-Man, or a black Captain America, or a female Thor, or that Ms. Marvel is Muslim, or that Captain Marvel was pro-feminism or any of the other things right-wing “fans” say is “stealing their childhood” – you never got it in the first place. The things you claim are now “pandering to the lefties” were never on your side to begin with.
If you consider yourself a fan of these things, but you still think the LGBTQ+ community is too “in your face”, or you have a problem with Black Lives Matter, or you want to “take the country back from immigrants”, then you’re not really a fan at all.
You are a tourist.
Geek culture isn’t suddenly left-wing… It always was left-wing. You just grew up to be intolerant.
You became the villain in the stories you used to love.
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Not A Conspiracy – Just Big Business

Not A Conspiracy – Just Big Business

It is not a conspiracy.. It is just big business.
Here is the how.
There was an epidemic of a new mutation of the Corona virus (in the cold family)
a new one a bastard of a virus that devastated the old and frail…..
which happens at the arrival of every new mutation of the Corona virus…..
so Globally.. there was a number of years of low “all cause mortality” since the spike in 2017/2018 flu season (nasty).
So statistically the “experts” were expecting a spike in the 2020 “flu” season because of the number of old people that had been battling on and not died yet.
Now the horror of the onset in some places was worst because 1. where there was lots of old people.. 2. where the services to look after them where neglected…3. pollution, general lack of Vitamin D. there are quite a few factors in the variations of “death by Covid” across the world.
lots of old people and a new variant of the cold virus… going to be nasty.
The Global Public Health industry and Departments, are dominated by those people that own the pharmaceutical companies, tracking and surveillance companies, security data collection and storage….
They have an elaborate web of “think tanks” “Charities” and NGOs that work for those corporations that have the “solutions” to “advice” governments about what to decide.
This scheme is protected by an intricate web of narrative control.Not A Conspiracy - Just Big Business1
From the early 1900s the Rockefeller Foundation and Carnegie Institute spear headed a relentless campaign to side line any and all natural therapies, entrench pharmaceutical as the only acceptable medical practice. They through massive bribes/blackmail forced all universities of measure to drop all natural therapies in medicine..
They created all the “acceptable” journals
This War against Natural medicine has been raging for generations.
Now after the Swine Flu saga of 2009 the “public health” “experts” got the WHO to downgrade the severity of a viral outbreak that is needed to call a Pandemic.
Also to get the WHO and all its members to sign sleeping contracts with vaccine manufacturers for research development production and distribution….
so after the Swine Flu 2009 Bill Gates and others have sunk more than a billion in supporting media corporations to present “doctors” channels that tell us what we “need” to know.
Add to that the fact the pharmaceutical industry is the biggest advertising client in the world. no media station wants to upset them.
So 100 years laying ground work to dominate the whole narrative around health and disease.
The last ten years They have set up a huge web that can all work together to ensure they control who considered bad who is good and who is sick and who is safe.
they have scared/controlled/manipulated the Government’s into forcing us to use tax payers dollars to control us, and force us to comply to their transhumanist experiments or we are outcasts, shunned, cancelled.
it is the most sinister business model of history.
The most successful fascist project ever concocted.
Once you really see it..
you can not un see it..
feel free to pass this on.
The Many Faces Of A Trauma Response

The Many Faces Of A Trauma Response

Sis, the inability to receive support from others is a trauma response.

Your “I don’t need anyone, I’ll just do it all myself” conditioning is a survival tactic. You needed it to shield your tender heart from abuse, neglect, betrayal, and disappointment from those who could not or would not be there for you.

From the parent who was absent by choice or by the circumstance of working three jobs to feed and house you.

From the lovers who offered sexual intimacy but no offered no safe haven that honored your heart.

From the friendships that always took more than they gave.

From all the situations when someone told you “we’re in this together” then abandoned you, leaving you to pick up the pieces when isht got real, leaving you to handle your part and their part, too.

From the lies. The betrayals.

You learned along the way that you just couldn’t really trust people. Or that you could trust people, but only up to a certain point.

Ultra-independence is a *trust issue.*

You learned: if I don’t put myself in a situation where I rely on someone, I won’t have to be disappointed when they don’t show up for me, or when they drop the ball… because they will always drop the ball sooner or later, right?

You may even have been intentionally taught this protection strategy by generations of hurt women who came before you. #generationaltrauma #ancestraltrauma

Ultra-independence is a preemptive strike against heartbreak.

So, you don’t trust anyone.

And you don’t trust yourself, either, to choose people.

To trust is to hope, to trust is vulnerability.

“Never again,” you vowed.

But no matter how you dress it up and display it proudly to make it seem like this level of independence is what you always wanted to be, in truth it’s your wounded, scarred, broken heart behind a protective brick wall.

Impenetrable. Nothing gets in. No hurt gets in. But no love gets in either.

Fortresses and armor are for those in battle, or who believe the battle is coming.

It’s trauma response.

The good news is trauma that is acknowledged is trauma that can be healed.

You are worthy of having support.

You are worthy of having true partnership.

You are worthy of love.

You are worthy of having your heart held.

You are worthy to be adored.

You are worthy to be cherished.

You are worthy to have someone say, “You rest. I got this.” And actually deliver on that promise.

You are worthy to receive.

You are worthy to receive.

You are worthy to receive.

You are worthy.

Worthy, sis.

You are worthy.

You don’t have to earn it.

You don’t have to prove it.

You don’t have to bargain for it.

You don’t have to beg for it.

You are worthy.


Simply because you exist.

I love you. ~J.


. Commentary by moi, Jamila White (FB: @inspiredjamila, IG: @inspired.jamila)Credit: Original image byRising Woman, reposted fromThe Womb Sauna


Anna Colibri

Joe Biden vs The Future

Joe Biden vs The Future

What do you make of the change of US government?

I was saddened to hear that Joe Biden has installed a Monsanto man as chief of agriculture. However, I’ve been heartened by so much else I’ve seen over the last couple of days.

For instance, did you know that in the days after being inaugurated he signed the following executive orders, all of which, I believe, are sourced in empathy and sound ethics:

~ a pause on student loan payments
~ rejoining the Paris climate accord (with a $2 trillion climate policy coming focused on reducing US emissions to net zero by 2035)
~ reversal on being able to discriminate in workplace based on gender, race or religion
~ an order that lays a foundation for a minimum wage raise
~ cancellation of the dirty oil Keystone pipeline
~ cancellation of the rights for oil companies to drill in arctic waters
~ a moratorium on evictions and foreclosures for those who can’t afford rent or mortgage payments
~ cancelling the Muslim travel ban into America
~ cancelling the direction of billions of dollars towards the largely a symbolic southern border wall
~ strengthened the protections of the rights of children of undocumented immigrants
~ created a powerful ethics pledge mandate to stop self serving actions of politicians.

These measures don’t seem to be those of an evil person or administration. They are part of a larger narrative that is founded on a deeply empathetic orientation to life.

Biden’s life involves great personal hardships and tragedies. The people I’ve seen talk about his character have paid homage to his empathetic nature, the way he treats everyone from janitors to dignitaries with great respect, and his willingness to give deeply of himself. That it was his granddaughters who convinced him to run for office immediately after America witnessed a volatile white supremacist action also speaks to what he calls his intentions to heal the soul of America.

While his Covid-19-oriented measures are likely to be viewed as draconian and part of some greater control plot, I believe from his perspective he is taking drastic measures due to what he sees as an ongoing tragedy. While I believe they ought to be focusing on more nuanced approaches and much more emphasis on a primary health care revolution, I understand within their worldview why he is approaching this in the way he is.

Your thoughts?

– Cairo Rha

A Yogi Practitioner Speaks Up About Recent Events

A Yogi Practitioner Speaks Up About Recent Events

A yogi speaks up on the recent events and nudges the global yoga community on their role in society.

DISCLAIMER: I am perfectly calm and relaxed as I write this, I am okay, there is no need to worry about my mental or energetic health, thank you dear ones. I am just passionately expressing myself as the writer that I am. Take the info or leave it, as usual.

According to one Sydney-based yoga teacher, “Anti mask, pro-freedom, Q mania has descended like a plague on the Northern Beaches natural therapies and yoga scene”.

Really? All I see are intelligent people who have real skill with energy, questioning directives that make no sense whatsoever to the rational mind, in an effort to protect the human rights that WE ALL ENJOY and hold dear.
And now Yoga International has this to say in response to the recent situation at Capitol Hill:
“Yoga International condemns white supremacy and the terrorist assault on the US Capitol. We condemn the disgraceful, blatant double standard which was made clear by the response to this week’s violent attempted coup vs the response to the Black Lives Matter protests last summer. We stand with those calling for the President’s immediate removal from office. We believe that yoga is a skill in action. We believe in living our yoga. We stand with those who stand for equity, justice and the peaceful transition of power.”

Well I guess there isn’t anything else to say then, seeing Yoga International knows what’s really going on.

Where were these yogis years ago when child trafficking was going on under their noses? Where were these yogis when ocean pollution threatened to wipe out millions of species and yet they couldn’t come together to ban plastic in their own studios? Where were these yogis when the whales were being slaughtered by Japanese harpoons as they chanted their mantras and professed to be all about earth-loving awareness? Where were these yogis when anything vaguely important was going on in the world that threatened life, liberty and the rights of any sentient being, such as pedophilia in government or sending troops to fight in a war of their own parliaments’ construction??

THEY WERE SILENT. “On retreat”.

Why? Because they didn’t want to get involved. It wasn’t considered “yogic” to speak out about such things or get involved in anything messy or controversial like politics or activism.

They didn’t want to “take a side” or appear “political” or out spoken back then, but it’s okay now isn’t it. WHY is that? Does anyone stop to think why these yoga associations are suddenly coming out with blanket statements supporting BLM for example – one of many psyops that peppered 2020 – and why they suddenly appear to give a toss about the state of the global yoga community? Could it have anything to do with wanting to protect themselves and ensure they don’t lose any more members? Who exactly ARE their members anyway and more importantly, who are their shareholders and sponsors?

I cannot for the life of me, fathom the level of ignorance and idiocy that I am continuing to witness within my local and global yoga community. I practice compassion as best I can every second of the day, I love everyone equally and regardless of their views, I allow their voice even if it saddens or exasperates me, but this is now just getting beyond a joke, THIS far into the sh*tshow. People really should be questioning things by now, surely?

It’s high time these people got off their “everyone who speaks out against the media is a conspiracy theorist” bandwagon and realized that most conscious people here in Australia at least, understand HISTORY. We read copious amounts of material that support our “argument” and we know that what is really happening in the world, is happening DESPITE what Q does or says. It’s time to let this one go and move on with maturity and common sense.

If yogis cannot see what is going on in the world, if they truly believe that C19 is “natural”, that this “vyrus” justifies a bonafide pandemic that justifies all the insanity, that masks are necessary (and healthy to wear), that vaccines are also necessary (and good for us), and that lock downs are for our own good to help “flatten the fcuking curve”, our community has no hope of unifying and evolving any time soon.

EVERY person on the planet has a right to express their opinions and beliefs about what’s going on, yogi or not, and I for one DID NOT sign up for my yoga teacher training over 20 years ago, with any conscious or unconscious intention to shove my head in the sand if and when a situation arose that demanded exposure, discussion and healing. Or that challenged my own limited human knowledge. I signed up for transformation and I vowed to uphold the legacy of “teaching” that also demands integrity, inquiry and developing one’s intuitive powers above all else.

HEART OVER HEAD basically, and yet what I constantly see, is this arrogant validation of mind and the pursuit of “evidence”, “facts” and “science”, when Ayurveda is supposed to be one of the most potent and reliable systems of HEALING, ever!
I signed up to learn yoga to help EXPAND myself (and my students) on all levels, to speak out about injustice and corruption and anything else that violated the human spirit AND experience, because that to me, IS yoga. I didn’t sign up to hide behind sacred texts or goddess-forbid, to ever use them as a manipulative tool to goad my brothers and sisters into silence or submission alongside me.

Anybody speaking out about anything that contradicts the mainstream narrative or disagrees with the “majority rules” mentality, is now being accused of incitement and “hate speech”. Are you KIDDING me? We can’t say what we think now? Are we all destined to regurgitate the same stories for fear of being labelled a heretic and ostracized, from society, not just the yoga community? Does anybody actually worry about the implications this will have in the future and especially, for the next generation, the ones we are supposed to be custodians of?

Where is people’s trust in, and allegiance to, SPIRIT??

Whatever rolls out in the future, I certainly won’t be wasting my hard earned dollars anymore by staying affiliated with YA, or IYTA, if this is the attitude they embody and promote.

I CERTIFY MYSELF; as my dear sister Marie Russel says so beautifully and truthfully.

I hope y’all have lots of popcorn stashed because this here circus has only just started putting its poles up.


Denby Jane

Men And Dresses

Men And Dresses

Men and dresses. Ahhh yes, this conversation. Buckle in, this is a long one.
Seems to be one that is happening at the moment, and there are some important things within this conversation, and I also feel annoyed by it because from an integral perspective it’s actually quite a stupid conversation.
Nevertheless, it’s a good platform to dig a bit deeper into polarity which seems to be one of the hot flavours of this year.
Polarity, to me, is a very multi-layered and complex topic to go into. I’ll do my best to elaborate yet, due to this complexity, I’m liable to fail in places.
Polarity is the fundamental driving force of this universe. We live in a universe of duality and, as a result, it is both created and sustained by polarity – twoness.
The first split of one-ness (non-duality) into two-ness we can think of as the original polarity.
This polarity seems to be the split between consciousness and matter.
Interior and exterior
Subject and object.
That which witnesses, and that which is witnessed.
Esoterically we have described consciousness as masculine, and form/matter/experience as feminine.
At this level what is important to realise is we are NOT discussing human gender orientations. We are describing Kosmic forces using anthropomorphic terminology.
It would be absurd to consider that as a human being any one of us could ever be purely masculine (consciousness) or feminine (matter/experience).
It’s just not possible. Our very nature is an interplay of these two things. We have a body (feminine) that is inhabited by a consciousness (masculine). We have experiences (feminine) that are witnessed (masculine).
Nobody, at this level is pure masculine or feminine. It’s impossible. Forget about it.
So… we are, by our very nature, composed of masculine and feminine forces.
Let’s drop one step down.
men and dressesMasculine and feminine as descriptors of qualities
There are more masculine oriented qualities:
– doing
– directive
– focused
– conceptual
– logical
– linear
– consistent
– stable
– competitive
– driven
– aggressive
– protective
– hard
– etc
There are more feminine oriented qualities:
– being
– flowing
– spontaneous
– radiant
– non-linear
– non-logical
– non-conceptual
– passionate
– expressive
– chaotic
– graceful
– sensual
– wrathful
– etc
I’m sure most of us can recognise that the first really do feel more masculine, and the second really do feel more feminine.
And whether we feel more oriented towards being masculine or feminine is going to determine what types of qualities we naturally tend to embody.
Yet if someone was composed only of masculine qualities, well can you consider what that would be like? Would such a person ever even care about something like sex, except for reproductive purposes? Would this person care about life other than to get stuff done? Would this person ever be able to relax, to enjoy anything?
Or if someone was composed only of feminine qualities… nothing would get done. It would be pure beingness, pure flow and emotion and sensuality. It would only be pleasure, and feeling, and life lived of the senses (sounds pretty lovely actually). Yet there would be no structure, no sense or direction to life.
These two beings, the pure masculine quality being (of which is still composed, at the Kosmic level, of a feminine too) and the pure feminine being (which cannot escape the fact that she is also composed of the masculine by virtue of having a consciousness) would have absolutely zero way of relating to each other.
It wouldn’t serve purpose (masculine orientation here, yes I’m using logic, and yes by virtue of you reading this technically you are engaging your masculine… don’t worry if you are a woman, that DOESN’T make you too masculine to experience love with a masculine man, that is utter nonsense) other than to try and experience a little bit of what the other has to offer… yet if it was pure, that would actually be of no interest, because there would be no space to understand or receive it.
And so, at this level we are also each composed of some unique combination of masculine and feminine qualities at different gradients.
Polarity doesn’t work like an on-off switch, that you are either directed or spontaneous. You could be say 80% directive and 20% spontaneous, generally… and then in different contexts that gradient shifts, like at a party you become 75% spontaneous 25% directive.
Everyone has their own personal sets of preferences and embodiments.
The thing to get here is that we ALL inhabit ALL of these qualities in some combination and gradient level.
Ok… so there is no pure masculine and feminine being here, either.
Lets drop down another level…
Masculine and feminine as gender orientation
This is, I believe, what the conversation is really about.
From a gender based orientation this polarity makes sense in terms of the energies of romance and sex.
Polarities function in relationship to each other, and it is a polarity that causes a holon (the functional unit of reality – essentially that which is simultaneously a ‘whole’ and a ‘part’. Like this essay is is whole and composed of paragraphs which are parts, which are whole and composed of the parts of sentences, which are whole and composed of the parts of words, which are whole and composed of the parts of letters… etc).
An atom is composed of a polarity of a positively charged nucleus (the proton) and a negatively charged electron.
The relationship between these two poles keeps the atom charged up and able to stay as a stable phenomena.
A relationship between a man and a woman, to remain both charged (romantically and sexually) and stable exists as a polarity between a masculine being and a feminine being.
Doesn’t actually matter who plays the more masculine being and who plays the feminine, just that there is one… otherwise the connection will be neutral in terms of the energy of romance and sex.
From a traditional perspective, the man must be the masculine and the woman must be the feminine.
We have a whole set of rules for each role, about which each must and must not do in order to maintain this polarity.
From a post-modern perspective, this breaks down as developmentally we start exploring a broader definition of what it means to be masculine or feminine. Men become more feminine and women become more masculine.
We see lots of this in the world. And IT IS a problem.
It is also a reaction to the problems inherent in the traditional perspective in which there was a generalised structural oppressive tendency in the masculine over the feminine.
It makes sense that we want to dismantle this oppressive tendency.
And it makes sense that the reaction went too far and we ended up with a culture of emasculated men and overly masculine (and increasingly burnt out) women and the nightmare of how to form functional relationships from this place.
And it makes sense that a reaction to this dysfunction would need to occur.
Yet HOW we react, is where it gets interesting.
Which is where we come back to men and dresses.
If we react to this polarity flip by regressing towards traditional values, we end up with a construct that says:
Now, let’s investigate clothing from a view point of polarity.
Clothing selection from this place is oriented around, what purpose does it serve me in supporting my drive towards embodying my purpose in this world.
This is why men’s clothes has pockets and places to put shit.
Cos it’s functional.
The moment men’s clothing has anything to do with fashion or looking good, some of the feminine has leaked in.
Pure feminine perspective on clothing is entirely focused on expressing radiance. This is why women’s clothing accentuates form. This is why there are no pockets, and it’s why women wear these entirely impractical things like high heels.
There is no functional purpose whatsoever in the pure feminine expression clothing wise.
It’s a question of function vs aesthetics.
Masculine is functional.
Feminine is aesthetical.
Now does such a thing as pure masculine or pure feminine clothing exist?
Sort of… but also not really. Not on a day to day level where most of us exist.
Let’s now tie all of this together…
An integral perspective recognises all of these complex dynamics.
From an integral perspective we recognise that the notion of masculine and feminine, at all of these levels, are constructs.
That being said, the constructed nature of them doesn’t mean we try to get rid of them or neutralise them or do away with them (which is the toxicity we see in postmodernism, and it’s really truly fucked up).
That they are constructed doesn’t mean polarity doesn’t exist, it does. There is an absolute truth here.
It’s the INTERPRETATION and description that is constructed. Interpretation, and the process of distinction making, is just a tool useful to understand conceptually and then discarded once the wisdom is embodied.
An integrated perspective recognises that in order to become elegant, we master the use of these constructs as tools.
Polarity becomes something we play with, it becomes something we see in our awareness rather than who we are.
I no longer identify as masculine or feminine… I’m moving beyond that polarity AND from that place I choose to largely use mostly masculine qualities because they feel better to the biological organism that I inhabit.
In a romantic and sexual context, one being needs to be masculine… and usually I like being that one.
But sometimes not. Sometimes it’s nice to be more expressive, more in my feelings, more sensual. Sometimes it’s nice to receive pleasure.
I run the back end of my business in a more feminine way. It’s flowing and intuitive.
Yet I structure my courses in a very masculine way, ordered and coherent, sequential and contained.
The nature of the practices I teach, by virtue of being relational, are very feminine.
See… I’m all of it.
And it becomes choice.
So I might wear a dress, if I want to.
I might wear it to explore my sensuality (feminine orientation).
Or I might wear it to make a point (masculine orientation).
Nevertheless I mostly wear clothes that are practical, because I like them.
Not because I have to demonstrate my masculinity to the world.
It just makes more sense to how I choose to be in the world.
So the message is… do whatever you want, whatever is right for YOUR unique expression.
Be wary of dogma, of rigid constructs that determine how you should be.
Also be wary of the urge to try and deconstruct everything and reduce it to a flatland of neutrality.
Polarity is important.
And… if you want to evolve… the awareness of how you inhabit and choose to embody and express your polarity is important.
This is integrative consciousness.
And it’s where we need to go if we are ever going to make sense of the mess on planet earth in 2021.
Mark Manson’s view of the life and work of the ‘Einstein of Consciousness’ KEN WILBER, a Sun sign Aquarius

Mark Manson’s view of the life and work of the ‘Einstein of Consciousness’ KEN WILBER, a Sun sign Aquarius

A Cautionary Tale of a major Aquarian Thinker: Mark Manson’s view of the life and work of the ‘Einstein of Consciousness’ KEN WILBER, a Sun sign Aquarius.

“Wilber’s story is a cautionary tale. His intellectual understanding was immense, as much as I’ve ever come across in a single person. He also tapped into some of the farthest reaches of consciousness, spiritual or not, that humans have self-reported. I do believe that. But ultimately, he was done in by his pride, his need for control and, well, ironically his ego.

The point is, if Wilber can succumb to it, any of us can. No one is immune. No matter how brilliant and how “enlightened” we are, we’re all animals.

Wilber was a baby boomer in the US through the 60’s and 70’s. He came up through many of that generation’s eastern spiritual movements. These movements were started by eastern teachers and subscribed to a dogma that an enlightened awareness could develop someone into a flawless individual, an immutable authority. Despite Wilber’s massive understanding of human psychology and consciousness, he never seemed to shake this dogma. It followed Wilber through his career and eventually manifested in himself. When he was younger, he notoriously followed Adi Da, a spiritual leader who was later found to be sexually abusing female followers. Yet he stood by him. Later in his career, he also aligned with Andrew Cohen, a spiritual leader who was found to be physically and emotionally abusing his followers. And again, he stood by him. Why? Because Wilber maintained they had genuinely reached the farthest limits of human awareness and understanding.

What Wilber taught me is that no depth of spiritual experience can negate our physical and primal drives for power, lust and validation. As primates, we’re wired to seek someone to look up to as well as to be looked up to by others. And that’s true whether we’re experiencing Godhead or bodhisattva or not. It’s inescapable.

Wilber also showed me that a brilliant mind does not necessarily make a brilliant leader. Wilber bragged in an interview that he never planned anything at Integral Institute, because planning would not represent a “second-tier” leadership. Despite massive funding, enthusiasm, brain power and demand, Integral Institute found a way to fail.

The grand irony here is that Wilber’s model itself, the Integral framework, accounts for and describes everything I said in the paragraphs above. Wilber failed in the exact ways his own model predicted. His model champions the idea of transcending the ego, not negating it. It calls for crowdsourced intellectual rigor and peer review. It goes on, at length, about the shadow self and how our unconscious desires sabotage our greater goals. It covers our primal and biological nature and how our lower impulses must be accepted and kept in check.

Yet he would succumb to the same faults he warned us about.

David Foster Wallace states in his speech “This Is Water” that we all choose something to worship, whether we realize it or not. Wilber would say what we choose to worship is dependent on the stage or level of consciousness we’ve developed to. And he would be right.

But what he seems to have missed is that worshipping consciousness development itself, Wilber’s so-called “second-tier” thinking, leads to the same disastrous repercussions Wallace warned of: vanity, power, guilt, obsession.

No one is immune.

As humans, we have a tendency to cling to ideologies. Any positive set of beliefs can quickly turn malevolent once treated as ideology and not an honest intellectual or experiential pursuit of greater truth. Ideology does in entire economic systems and countries, causes religions to massacre thousands, turns human rights movements into authoritarian sects and makes fools out of humanity’s most brilliant minds. Einstein famously wasted the second half of his career trying to calculate a cosmological constant that didn’t exist because “God doesn’t play dice.”

Wilber’s brilliance will always be a part of me. But what he really taught me is this: There is no ideology. There is no guru. There is only us, and this, and the silence.”

Varij Varidium

Letter From An MD Regarding The Covid 19 Vaccine

Letter From An MD Regarding The Covid 19 Vaccine

Letter from an MD regarding the Covid 19 Vaccine

Copied and pasted from a friend:
Letter from an MD regarding the Covid 19 Vaccine
Dear Patients and Friends,
Last week I must have been asked 20 times about the new COVID vaccines. Here are my thoughts. Please pass this information onto many as you can. People need to have fully informed consent when it comes to injecting foreign genetic material into their bodies.
1. The COVID vaccines are mRNA vaccines. mRNA vaccines are a completely new type of vaccine. No mRNA vaccine has ever been licensed for human use before. In essence, we have absolutely no idea what to expect from this vaccine. We have no idea if it will be effective or safe.
2. Traditional vaccine simply introduce pieces of a virus to stimulate an immune reaction. The new mRNA vaccine is completely different. It actually injects (transfects) molecules of synthetic genetic material from non-humans sources into our cells. Once in the cells, the genetic material interacts with our transfer RNA (tRNA) to make a foreign protein that supposedly teaches the body to destroy the virus being coded for. Note that these newly created proteins are not regulated by our own DNA, and are thus completely foreign to our cells. What they are fully capable of doing is unknown.
3. The mRNA molecule is vulnerable to destruction. So, in order to protect the fragile mRNA strands while they are being inserted into our DNA they are coated with PEGylated lipid nanoparticles. This coating hides the mRNA from our immune system which ordinarily would kill any foreign material injected into the body. PEGylated lipid nanoparticles have been used in several different drugs for years. Because of their effect on immune system balance, several studies have shown them to induce allergies and autoimmune diseases. Additionally, PEGylated lipid nanoparticles have been shown to trigger their own immune reactions, and to cause damage to the liver.
4. These new vaccines are additionally contaminated with aluminum, mercury, and possibly formaldehyde. The manufacturers have not yet disclosed what other toxins they contain.
5. Since viruses mutate frequently, the chance of any vaccine working for more than a year is unlikely. That is why the flu vaccine changes every year. Last year’s vaccine is no more valuable than last year’s newspaper.
6. Absolutely no long term safety studies will have been done to ensure that any of these vaccines don’t cause the cancer, seizures, heart disease, allergies, and autoimmune diseases seen with other vaccines. If you ever wanted to be guinea pig for Big Pharma, now is your golden opportunity.
7. Many experts question whether the mRNA technology is ready for prime time. In November 2020, Dr. Peter Jay Hotez said of the new mRNA vaccines, “I worry about innovation at the expense of practicality because they [the mRNA vaccines] are weighted toward technology platforms that have never made it to licensure before.” Dr. Hotez is Professor of Pediatrics and Molecular Virology & Microbiology at Baylor College of Medicine, where he is also Director of the Texas Children’s Hospital Center for Vaccine Development.

Letter from an MD regarding the Covid 19 Vaccine1

8. Michal Linial, PhD is a Professor of Biochemistry. Because of her research and forecasts on COVID-19, Dr. Linial has been widely quoted in the media. She recently stated, “I won’t be taking it [the mRNA vaccine] immediately – probably not for at least the coming year. We have to wait and see whether it really works. We will have a safety profile for only a certain number of months, so if there is a long-term effect after two years, we cannot know.”
9. In November 2020, The Washington Post reported on hesitancy among healthcare professionals in the United States to the mRNA vaccines, citing surveys which reported that: “some did not want to be in the first round, so they could wait and see if there are potential side effects”, and that “doctors and nurses want more data before championing vaccines to end the pandemic”.
10. Since the death rate from COVID resumed to the normal flu death rate way back in early September, the pandemic has been over since then. Therefore, at this point in time no vaccine is needed. The current scare tactics regarding “escalating cases” is based on a PCR test that because it exceeds 34 amplifications has a 100% false positive rate unless it is performed between the 3rd and 5th day after the first day of symptoms. It is therefor 100% inaccurate in people with no symptoms. This is well established in the scientific literature.
11. The other reason you don’t need a vaccine for COVID-19 is that substantial herd immunity has already taken place in the United States. This is the primary reason for the end of the pandemic.
12. Unfortunately, you cannot completely trust what you hear from the media. They have consistently got it wrong for the past year. Since they are all supported by Big Pharma and the other entities selling the COVID vaccines, they are not going to be fully forthcoming when it comes to mRNA vaccines. Every statement I have made here is fully backed by published scientific references.
13. I would be very interested to see verification that Bill and Melinda Gates with their entire family including grandchildren, Joe Biden and President Trump and their entire families, and Anthony Fauci and his entire family all get the vaccine.
14. Anyone who after reading all this still wants to get injected with the mRNA vaccine, should at the very least have their blood checked for COVID-19 antibodies. There is no need for a vaccine in persons already naturally immunized.
Here’s my bottom line: I would much rather get a COVID infection than get a COVID vaccine. That would be safer and more effective. I have had a number of COVID positive flu cases this year. Some were old and had health concerns. Every single one has done really well with natural therapies including ozone therapy and IV vitamin C.. Just because modern medicine has no effective treatment for viral infections, doesn’t mean that there isn’t one.
Yours Always,
Frank Shallenberger, MD, HMD
The Covid Stages – Not A Conspiracy Theory

The Covid Stages – Not A Conspiracy Theory

We are being steered forward the Covid Stages. Do you realise what this will do? You do, don’t you? I hope you do.
Copied from a friend
* Pay Attention *
“I’m not a conspiracy theorist, I have a PhD in computer science my partner has a PhD in Chemistry, based on research in the area of Biological Synthesis of Pharmaceutically Active Molecules
All of those considering taking, or being bribed into taking this vaccine, with the promise of freedoms restored that you already had and have conceded…
1) You do realise this is not a normal vaccine, yes?
2) You recognise that this permanently and irreversibly changes your DNA?
3) You fully understand that this has never been done before in the history of mankind and there is not a single person on this planet who truly knows what the outcome is?
4) You are totally aware, that if anything does go wrong, you have no come back and cannot be treated?
Just checking you know what I know, Also if you still think Covid is real and very dangerous then ask yourself these questions;
Why are GP’s not isolating? dying?
Why are frontline staff not isolating? dying?
Why are police officers not isolating? dying?
Why are soldiers not isolating? dying?
Why are bus drivers not isolating? dying?
Why are most hospitals empty?
Why are testing centres empty?
Why is it that 96% of people testing positive are mask wearers?
Why is it bacterial pneumonia is on the rise because of mask wearing? Yet it’s kept hush hush.
Why is it that large conglomerates can stay open whilst small businesses of the same industry are bullied into shutting?
Why is it that the BBC was funded by Bill Gates to peddle pro Covid propaganda?
Why is it that the biggest censorship campaign is now in force?
Why is it that if you even question the narrative you believe the earth is flat and that lizard people exist?
Why is it that the ‘Great Reset’ is being openly advertised yet people still deny it?
Why is it that in Wuhan people were dropping dead in the streets yet it’s happening nowhere else?
Why is it that the mainstream media are using crisis actors and dummies to peddle fear?
Why is it that our police force has undergone a huge militarisation?

The Covid Stages - Not A Conspiracy Theory1

Why has police brutality skyrocketed?
Why are the fact-check websites funded by the same elites that are funding the media for pro covid propaganda?
Why is Google blacklisting well documented science that disproves all this pro covid science?
Why is Google blacklisting anything that questions the narrative?
If this virus was so deadly then why;
Would you need a test to tell you that you’ve got it?
Why are graveyards and crematoriums not overflowing?
Why are hospitals not overwhelmed to the point of everything else is fully cancelled?
Why are people not dropping dead like in Wuhan?
Why do you need an app to tell you to isolate?
Why has China gone back to ‘normal’ without a vaccine?
Why has Covid-19 never been isolated?
“Hell on earth is looking in the mirror and wondering what could of been”
The next stage of the Covid1984 Operation is to “deploy” the vaccine amongst the public.
The “authorities” know that a lot of people who accept the lockdown measures and who accept wearing masks to “protect the common good” are unhappy about having rushed vaccine injected into them.
So to deter them the media is now in over drive to portray those with reservations as “dangerous anti-vaxxers”. Despite the fact that a lot of people with reservations are not anti vax, not anti science, not anti medicine or pharmaceutical drugs. They’re just anti not having a choice about whether to have this vaccine or not.
By labelling all Covid Vaccine hesitant or refusers as crazed anti science conspiracy theorists it creates an US vs Them dialectic that will then be used to create a conflict where those who say no to the vaccine will be blamed by those content to roll up their sleeves and have it for preventing the country from moving out of rolling lockdowns and “back to normal”.
Articles like this are programming the minds of people in society to “choose a side” which can then be pitted against each other and via the divide and rule technique ultimately control us all. How about we respect one another’s right to choose what we do with our own bodies and decide for ourselves whether we have the vaccine or not rather than force one another’s choice on the other instead?
They are called “our own bodies” for a reason…. we own our own bodies. Our bodies are our property and as such no one else has the right to tell us what we should put in or on our bodies. Those claiming that right are saying in not so many words that they own us and have the right to control us against our wishes as that is….slavery.
So ‘Moderna’ have come out with a better vaccine which is 95% effective ….
Remember my prediction back in April?
I said out of hundreds of companies across the world, Moderna will be the ones who bring this vaccine to market!! * How do we know this? *
Because it’s all planned!! Moderna have NEVER brought a human vaccine to market before, they are also using RNA which has NEVER been used in vaccines before and they were bailed out of bankruptcy in 2010 by wait for it Dr Fauci and Gates!! (Year might be wrong but it’s close)
Shall I tell you why I think they’ve never brought a human vaccine to market b4. I think it’s because they never planned too, look at their name ‘MOD e RNA’ they specialise in modifying DNA by using RNA!
They have been waiting for this moment for years!!! The time has come … no one knows what the side effects will be after a few years (I have my own idea what will happen when you mix a virus with human DNA but I’ll leave it there for now)
Please just look things up for yourself, start with the history and set up of the MSM because knowing they’re lying to you is step 1. Things are going to be hard for the ones who don’t accept this vaccine but no one should sell their soul to the devil (literally).”
Keep safe people!
Dr. Wesley A Kitikonti
The Real Pandemic – It’s Not About You, Until It Is

The Real Pandemic – It’s Not About You, Until It Is

The real pandemic, it seems to be, is it’s not about you, until it is. It’s not about your DIRECT SUFFERING until IT IS, right?
In March, hardly anyone knew of someone who caught it, got very sick, and/or died from Covid!
Sooooo… the anti mask-wearing, anti social-distancing, anti stay-at-home-order, COVID DENIAR movement started, and thanks to £uck£ace P O T U S (and other bad actors) that movement grew to tens of millions of “freedom obsessed” paranoid Americans.
I get it:
1. It’s Hard to “trust government from coming to take our freedom.”
2. It’s Hard to trust pharma and the vaccine industry.
4. BONUS: We need to focus on health & nutrition
I see you!
You’ve got Covid fatigue!
I’ve got explaining-this-to-you-fatigue!
It’s not about your DIRECT SUFFERING until IT IS, right?
So you just wait this out… It’s nothing… you can just get sick, move through it, and YOU’LL BE FINE!
AND it’s not about your DIRECT SUFFERING until IT IS maybe when the healthcare system implodes, the economy tanks, and your finances tank, because we ALL did this wrong!
Things were relatively under control because we mostly had a nation-wide lockdown in March.
Then we carefully opened in May and transitioned into summer, when viruses such as corona DO NOT SPREAD AS FAST!
So tens of thousands of Americans got blissfully ignorant and ignored the experts ABOUT A SECOND WAVE, because now every other American (and £uck£ace P O T U S) was a board certified Virologist!
YES, stay at home orders do mean HIGHER job loss, depression, suicide, etc. ITS SAD!!! VERY SAD!!!
AND what do you think an out of control pandemic means to HIGHER job loss, depression, suicide, etc. ????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!
”After the first cases of Covid-19 were confirmed in the United States on January 20, it took almost 100 days to reach 1 million infections. Now, the country has added more than 1 million cases to its grim total in just five days.
From Tuesday to Saturday, 1,000,882 new coronavirus cases were reported in the US, according to data from Johns Hopkins University, bringing the total to more than 14.5 million confirmed cases and 281,199 deaths from the virus.
The month of November registered frightening peaks in the daily number of new coronavirus cases — reaching 100,000 for the first time, as well as spikes in hospitalizations and deaths. On the second day of December, more than 200,000 new cases were reported for the previous 24 hours.”
If for some reason you only get your REAL NEWS from Facebook…
Well there you have it!
You’re welcome… 🙏
Qantas Told To Help Sell Vaccination

Qantas Told To Help Sell Vaccination

Why Qantas has been told to help sell vaccination (courtesy of Daniel Rawson).
“Here we go, another exposure of the money/greed machine. You can’t make this up people.
In response to my earlier post about Qantas airways Ltd and their protocols for mandatory vaccination in order to fly.
So I’ve been doing some research, because this is what I do every day, I’ve found some very interesting information. Surprise, surprise.
Oh how the plot thickens. Follow along now boys and girls for this is how Qantas is to help sell vaccination.
Qantas airways Ltd was privatized in March 1993. British airways buys a majority stake of Qantas airways, 25% at the time worth 665 million.
British airways is owned by International Airlines group.
International Airlines Group is one of the largest in the world, it has 598 air craft and carries 118 million people annually. Qatar Airways owns
International Airlines Group. After purchasing an additional $600 million in shares, in February 2020, ( coincidence? I think not) the Qatari Government is now 50% share holder of Qatar Airways.
Qatar is off the coast of Saudi Arabia and is the richest nation in the world, or it was Qatar is governed by the Emir. The Emir are the ruling class, long family histories of leaderships and extreme wealth. The government is a de facto ” Absolute Monarchy”
Absolute Monarchy – holds a supreme autocratic authority over its people. They are not restricted or bound by conventional authority.
They are not bound by written law, legislation or customs. They pretty much do what ever they want and they have the money to do it. Their wealth originates from oil production and sales Qatar Investment Authority, takes stake in Vaccine manufacturer Cure Vac. CureVac is making a covid vaccine.
CureVac is designing the MRNA covid 19 vaccine that will change our genetic makeup turning us all into genetically modified organisms.
Bill Gates is a major stakeholder and investor in CureVac and friends with with Tamin Bin Hamad Al Thani, the Emir of Qatar.
Its amazing what a little research will reveal. Now going full circle do you see and understand why Qantas Airways Ltd. will require vaccines???
There is a much larger picture. You must ask questions. You must ask why things are the way they are. You can not just blindly follow along.”
Qatar Investment Authority takes stake in vaccine-maker CureVac
German biotech company CureVac said Qatar Investment Authority (QIA) has taken an undisclosed stake in the firm as part of a $126 million financing round, the latest high-profile investor to come onboard ahead of a potential stock market listing.
Moderna signs Covid-19 vaccine supply deal with Qatar
Moderna has signed a supply agreement with the Ministry of Public Health of Qatar for its Covid-19 vaccine candidate, mRNA-1273.
Einstein Answers, “Do You Believe In God?”

Einstein Answers, “Do You Believe In God?”

When Einstein gave lectures at U.S. universities, the recurring question that students asked him most was:
– Do you believe in God?
And he always answered:
– I believe in the God of Spinoza.

Baruch de Spinoza was a Dutch philosopher considered one of the great rationalists of 17th century philosophy, along with Descartes.

(Spinoza) : God would say:

Stop praying.
What I want you to do is go out into the world and enjoy your life. I want you to sing, have fun and enjoy everything I’ve made for you.

Stop going into those dark, cold temples that you built yourself and saying they are my house. My house is in the mountains, in the woods, rivers, lakes, beaches. That’s where I live and there I express my love for you.

Stop blaming me for your miserable life; I never told you there was anything wrong with you or that you were a sinner, or that your sexuality was a bad thing. Sex is a gift I have given you and with which you can express your love, your ecstasy, your joy. So don’t blame me for everything they made you believe.

Stop reading alleged sacred scriptures that have nothing to do with me. If you can’t read me in a sunrise, in a landscape, in the look of your friends, in your son’s eyes… ➤ you will find me in no book!
Stop asking me “will you tell me how to do my job?” Stop being so scared of me. I do not judge you or criticize you, nor get angry, or bothered. I am pure love.

Stop asking for forgiveness, there’s nothing to forgive. If I made you… I filled you with passions, limitations, pleasures, feelings, needs, inconsistencies… free will. How can I blame you if you respond to something I put in you? How can I punish you for being the way you are, if I’m the one who made you? Do you think I could create a place to burn all my children who behave badly for the rest of eternity? What kind of god would do that?

Respect your peers and don’t do what you don’t want for yourself. All I ask is that you pay attention in your life, that alertness is your guide.

My beloved, this life is not a test, not a step on the way, not a rehearsal, nor a prelude to paradise. This life is the only thing here and now and it is all you need.

I have set you absolutely free, no prizes or punishments, no sins or virtues, no one carries a marker, no one keeps a record.
You are absolutely free to create in your life. Heaven or hell.

➤ I can’t tell you if there’s anything after this life but I can give you a tip. Live as if there is not. As if this is your only chance to enjoy, to love, to exist.

So, if there’s nothing after, then you will have enjoyed the opportunity I gave you. And if there is, rest assured that I won’t ask if you behaved right or wrong, I’ll ask. Did you like it? Did you have fun? What did you enjoy the most? What did you learn?…

Stop believing in me; believing is assuming, guessing, imagining. I don’t want you to believe in me, I want you to believe in you. I want you to feel me in you when you kiss your beloved, when you tuck in your little girl, when you caress your dog, when you bathe in the sea.

Stop praising me, what kind of egomaniac God do you think I am?

I’m bored being praised. I’m tired of being thanked. Feeling grateful? Prove it by taking care of yourself, your health, your relationships, the world. Express your joy! That’s the way to praise me.

Stop complicating things and repeating as a parakeet what you’ve been taught about me.

What do you need more miracles for? So many explanations?

The only thing for sure is that you are here, that you are alive, that this world is full of wonders.

– Spinoza


As is with any post, readers often will have an opinion regarding the subject matter. There is no subject more open and vehemently debated than the subject of a higher being, of reincarnation, of what is good. The author of the post states ” No matter what ones personal Spiritual belief is, whether I or Any of you agree with what one particularly believe, if what someone believes makes them a better Human being that’s all that matters. It’s time for every single living Soul to set differences aside and look at the individual as a person. Are they a good person overall? Do they treat others with kindness, compassion and dignity? Those are the only things any of us need to be worried about.”

Some think it is more about politics, others looks with fresh eyes on creation, nature, religion and the actual idea of God. The creationists and those that follow the bible rigidly have differing opinions from that of those that choose to believe and practice free will.

Carol Campbell’s comment stood out. She said, “Thank you for a fresh perspective that in no way seeks to disprove the existence of God, but rather expands the concept beyond the narrow confines of traditional religion. God is infinite Spirit,…spiritual things must be spiritually understood.”.

What’s your take on this?

Electricians Using SEO to Double their Business in a Year

Electricians Using SEO to Double their Business in a Year

Electricians can invest in any tool that promises to drive their business, whether local or international. The goal of all electricians is to solve electrical issues for their communities. Nevertheless, the competition is stiff, and one needs to do things differently to outdo their opponents. Therefore, an electrician should consider investing in their website and SEO.

This is because a well-designed website serves a better purpose than just a brochure. If your website is expertly strategised for SEO, it will generate more leads and sales. According to a recent client example in Sydney, electricians using SEO can easily double their business in a year. In fact in this case study the electrician went from zero to $30K-per-month. The use of SEO is a cost-effective method of advertising compared to traditional advertising. Let’s look at what SEO is and its benefits to electricians’ business.

What is SEO?  

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is the process of increasing the visibility of electrician business by the search engines. If your website is highly ranked, many people will easily find you. Since SEO is considered the most powerful and cost-effective online business marketing tool, those using it will get long-term benefits in a short while.

How will SEO Help Market your Commercial Electrician Business?

SEO may sound complex, but it’s not what it seems. Below are actions that are aimed at increasing your SEO.

Selecting competitive and relevant keywords to make it easy for people to find your business

Today, most people use search engines to look for products or services, including commercial electrician services. For instance, according to Google search data, there are over 7000 searches per month on ‘electricians’ per month in the United States alone. So, with the relevant keyword, you’ll have boosted your business visibility.

Develop a backlinking technique to boost your ranking for specific keywords

Now that you already have a competitive keyword, you should develop a technique that will compel people to connect with you from their sites. This is done by simply creating attention-grabbing content. If you keep uploading fresh and engaging content, you keep your visitors hooked, and they can’t help but keep coming back. With more visitors to your site, you’ll appear among the top pages in the search engine.

More backlinks leading to your site will enable you to rank highly in Google. Also, more visitors mean that you’ll have more people seeking your electrician services.

Ensure your sites have a fast loading time

This is a key consideration for online electrician businesses. Also, electrical problems are rampant, and they occur when least expected. At such a time, customers wish to find a skilled electrician soonest possible. If your website loads in what seems like forever, they’ll leave it immediately and search other sites. This is why it is important to ensure that your site loads faster. That said, your site must be optimised for smartphone and mobile devices.

Upgrade the HTML code for your website for Google to understand it

Optimising the HTML code tends to be more complex. But all websites are created using a code. That is the HTML code and features several incomprehensible symbols and words. However, robot search spiders travel across websites to read the code and determine whether it’s worth searching. An ineffective HTML code leads to a lower ranking. To optimise your site’s HTML code, invest in an SEO campaign for your electrician business.

Spiritual Red Flags To Watch For (and their meanings)

Spiritual Red Flags To Watch For (and their meanings)

‘SPIRITUAL’ RED FLAGS TO WATCH FOR (AND THEIR MEANINGS): To pass themselves as enlightened, some shady people would use spiritual jargon to dupe you. These are ‘spiritual’ red flags so watch out.
1: To ‘hold space’ for someone = To sit and stare at someone with emotional issues for an uncomfortable amount of time, then pat yourself on the back for basically doing nothing while your homie has a breakdown.
2: I’m in transition = I’m unemployed and totally fucking lost, so I have created an identity out of being an opportunist. Maybe you have some trim work for me or food? Or a trade? I do crystal readings!
3: I’m processing a lot of downloads from the Universe = I smoked too much DMT and can’t afford therapy. By pretending that my fragile brain is a sacred record keeper, I receive validation for speaking gibberish.
4: I’m a lightworker/empath = I am depressed and unstable and take zero responsibility for my own self-destructive tendencies, and need to focus on condescending your dark shit to avoid my own. (PS: I’ll diagnose you as a narcissist)
5: I am a Reiki Master / Tantric Master = I crave human contact, And this makes me feel less insecure than Tinder. I can cross personal physical boundaries with ease if I so choose, depending on what my client looks like, or I can think about random things while getting paid handsomely to hold my hands awkwardly over someone’s body or give them a ‘sacred’ handjob or finger bang them.
6: You have an amazing Aura = I would love to bang you.
7: I am writing a travel blog = I don’t want to go home, I no longer fit in: I never have. I don’t know where I will end up, but I’d like to get paid to figure it out.
8: I’m not looking for a relationship/ only deep soul connections = I have commitment issues and fear of intimacy so I collect partners with compatible insecurities. I understand you will head off to Thailand soon anyways. “Bread-crumbing my love keeps me safe” is my mantra, while I dip my dick like a candlestick in every Shanti ratchet priestess in town.
9: ‘Inner Goddess Within’ workshops = An understanding of daddy Issues and a way to overdevelop the masculine side to protect the little girl within. Helping participants to surrender to the bias that all men are shit ( all of this for a nominal fee). The level 2 masterclass will teach you how to galactivate your man’s scrotum chakra enough to make him forget that you pay for bullshit workshops with his harvest money.
10: A guru = Someone who has overstepped the threshold of self-development into supreme egotism and found a niche market. Carries a flute and has a name you can’t pronounce (though his driver’s license says Steve) and chants words he doesn’t understand. But interesting tattoos…right?
11. A shaman = see above.
12: Worshipping the Beloved = Classic scenario where a cluster B personality type convinces you at a festival that you are their twin flame, lost for centuries in the ether. If you have never been loved by your primary caregivers, this is paradise on earth as your fear of abandonment gets spanked with a mala on the magical, mystery tour of self-deception.
13: In the flow = I never commit to anything, especially plans to do anything with anyone, so that I can completely flake out and not take any responsibility for it; ie I didn’t pay my phone bill this month.
14: Co-creating a retreat/gathering = my borderline personality friends and I have exhausted all other means of making an honest income, and have decided instead to use our social media clout (aka naked butt cheeks) to radically overcharge a too-large group of saps for 2-14 days of mediocre vegan food, awkward group encounters, and real-world-style sexual politics.
15; Substance Free Event = Powder drugs are fine but if you bring alcohol, we’ll judge the shit out of you. Tobacco’s cool if you snort it and call it “ceremony” or roll your own.
16: Speaking My Truth = I reserve the right to be an asshole in this conversation and you must honour it, regardless of how deep my delusion may be. I’ll probably use this phrase every time I don’t want to be called out for my phony bullshit, because it’s all perspective man…
*Copied and Pasted*
Coincidence Theories: Follow The Money Conspiracy Theorists

Coincidence Theories: Follow The Money Conspiracy Theorists

2020 what a year! If there are too many coincidences, it might be best to follow the money …
This is a recent post that went viral on Facebook – therefore most of it, or even none of it, may be true, but we leave it with you to form your own opinions after “doing your own research”.
You couldn’t make this sh*t up!!💰 💰 💰
DID YOU KNOW ❓❔❓❔❓❔❓
The Chinese biological laboratory in Wuhan, Wuhan National Biosafety Lab, is owned by GlaxoSmithKline.
Glaxo coincidentally also merged with and owns controlling stakes (68%) in the company Pfizer, which is currently developing a C0VID-19 vaccine.
Pfizer coincidentally manages the finances of a company called Black Rock.
Black Rock coincidentally also owns stakes in both Pfizer (8%) AND AstraZeneca (6.8%), another company currently key in developing a C0VID-19 vaccine.
The CEO of Black Rock, coincidentally, has a strong commitment to re-shaping the future of finance in light of coming climate risk and policy, and has “joined with France, Germany, and global foundations to establish the Climate Finance Partnership”.
BlackRock, coincidentally, has a partnership with Thomson Reuters, a multi-million dollar multi national media conglomerate.
Thomson Reuters, coincidentally, has created a branch within its editorial department to “Fact Check” information on social media.
Black Rock also coincidentally manages the finances and the Open Foundation Society of George Soros.
George Soros coincidentally manages the interests of the German branch of Swiss founded company Winterthur Group.
Coincidentally, Winterthur was bought out and merged with French multi national insurance firm Axa in 2006.
Axa, as it happens, created The Axa Research Fund in 2008 and funds hundreds of research projects in research laboratories around the globe each year.
Winterthur, prior to Axa acquisition, built the Chinese research laboratory that was accidentally bought by the German company Allianz.
It just so happens Allianz has had a branch in China since 1917, and has engaged in several partnerships, including forming one with the CITIC Group owned by the People’s Republic of China, and being a founding partner of the Canada China Business Council.
Allianz, coincidentally, is also linked to Chinese Beijing based firm, Mabworks.
Mabworks, coincidentally, was a company which played a crucial role in developing a cure for Ebola in 2014.
Coincidentally, the 2014 clinical trials for Mabworks were funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Mabworks, coincidentally, is the same company that Chinese Scientist Dr Qui provided research for whilst working for the Canadian government.
In 2014, coincidentally, Dr Qui replicated research and a drug (ZMAPP) created in the National Microbiology Lab in Canada to treat Ebola (without authorisation), and handed it over to Mabworks who put it in the hands of the Chinese military.
Coincidentally, Dr Qui is currently under investigation by the RCMP for potential intellectual and pathogen theft.
Dr Qui, coincidentally, is the Chinese scientist who set up and then trained staff for the level 4 Wuhan National Biosafety Lab at the epicentre of the C0VID-19 outbreak.
Allianz is coincidentally owned by corporation giant Vanguard Group.
Vanguard Group, coincidentally, is a shareholder of Black Rock, which controls and manages 1/3 of the world’s capital.
Vanguard Group, coincidentally, is owned by the Rothschilds.
Vanguard Group, Allianz and Black Rock, coincidentally, are the top Institutional Shareholders for a company called Novavax.
Novavax, as it happens, was another key developer for an Ebola vaccine in 2014, and is currently also involved in the development of a C0VID-19 vaccine.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, coincidentally, funded the clinical trials for the Novavax Ebola drug.
Novavax, coincidentally, has experienced a 71% jump in share values since they began developing a C0VID-19 vaccine.
Allianz, one of the the Institutional owners of Novavax, has coincidentally partnered with Microsoft to “digitally transform the insurance industry” and work together on various health-related initiatives.
Coincidentally, Black Rock is also a major shareholder of Microsoft.
Microsoft is owned by Bill Gates.
Bill Gates also happens to be a major shareholder of Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Novavax.
Novavax, Pfizer and AstraZeneca have all received hundreds of millions in funding towards vaccine research from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Coincidentally, since the development of the C0VID-19 vaccine began, the net worths of Novavax, Pfizer and AstraZeneca have all skyrocketed – funding these companies is a sound investment.
In late 2019, coincidentally, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201- a pandemic exercise that simulated a global virus outbreak.
Coincidentally, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation also funds a UK based organisation called Pirbright Institute.
Pirbright Institute, as it happens, is over 100 years old and has transformed from a bovine tuberculosis testing station into one of the UK’s leading virus diagnostics and surveillance centres – at the forefront of global virus research.
Pirbright Institute, coincidentally, has held the coronavirus’ patent since 2015 – on June 19, 2015 a patent application for the live coronavirus was filed by the Institute, and it was approved on Nov 20, 2018.
Bill and Melinda Gates, coincidentally, when they are not leading scientific coalitions on coronavirus vaccine research, are firm believers in population control.
Bill Gates is currently the World Health Organisation’s largest financier.
The World Health Organisation leads the world response on global pandemics.
But of course – this is all just a big coincidence that points back to somebody, somewhere, eating bat soup.
I am, after all, somewhat of a coincidence theorist. 😊
Coincidences, too many of it. Follow the money.
Australian Government Shredders Are Working Overtime During COVID-19

Australian Government Shredders Are Working Overtime During COVID-19

The Australian government is, despite our delusions of democracy, a very secretive corporation. PM Scott Morrison’s blokey banter disguises many hidden agendas, which are largely carried out by “The Skull”- Home Affairs minister Peter Dutton. Of course, a pandemic crisis is the perfect time to indulge in some skulduggery. This current conservative government has set the Australian Federal Police (AFP) upon the ABC and News Corp journalist Anika Smethurst over leaked information to them. Attorney General Christian Porter has instigated legal proceedings against whistle blower Bernard Collaery in the bugging of Timor-Leste by Australia during oil and gas negotiations. The case against Collaery has been shrouded in secrecy and dispels the myth of Australian democratic openness and integrity. In fact, Australian Government shredders are working overtime during COVID-19.

Government’s Nasty Actions Remain Out of the Spotlight

Keeping a close association with their local Sydney shredder company is always a good idea when governments are up to no good. It is a sad but true reality of all governments that they like to keep their nasty actions out of the media spotlight wherever possible, whilst, on camera, promising to be everyone’s best friend. The Federal Government’s purchase of land in Western Sydney for 10 times what it was actually worth from a Liberal Party billionaire donor highlights the dirty deeds not done dirt cheap. Paying just under $30 million for land worth $3 million for a second airport stinks of the corruption surrounding this coalition government in Canberra. Interestingly, they do not support the establishment of a federal ICAC to investigate dodgy dealings like this. Obviously, Australian shredders are working overtime during to destroy any evidence of their nefarious activities. As the Sydney Morning Herald continues to report on, NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian’s office broke the law when it shredded documents relating to a $250 million grants scheme, according to an investigation.

Despots Have Declawed the Fourth Estate

Unsurprisingly, social media is rife with revelations about government secrets. Fake news sits cheek by jowl with real news and a blanket of doubt has been cast over everything. This, of course, is what despots like Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin want. They have declawed the fourth estate and rendered it impotent in 2020. Folks at home don’t know what the real score is anymore, and each side seems not to care about truth and veracity. The Australian government attacks China like the USA’s lapdog and in so doing appeals to a racist core deep within the electorate. Blame a foreigner is an old political tactic, which, seemingly, never loses currency.

The fossil fuel power broker, Nev Power, who sits close to PM Scott Morrison on the COVID-19 Recovery Commission, is unapologetically championing his mates in the gas industry. There seems to be no conflict of interest here, according to Nev. The fact that Australia is a paradise for renewable energy and has a hell of a lot of lithium should not get in the way of us investing a fortune in gas in the interim. It is never what you know but who you know and where you sit at the table of life!

Basil Zempilas: An Open Letter To You, Perth’s Newest Lord Mayor

Basil Zempilas: An Open Letter To You, Perth’s Newest Lord Mayor

An open letter to Basil Zempilas – Lord Mayor of Perth / Basil Zempilas from Ares Chaplin sent in response to him deleting a comment from me that likened his behaviour to that of a wife beater who expects high praise for not hitting his wife – to which he replied:
“I don’t mind the comment mate. And feel free to post again. But the wife beater part is why I deleted.”
“Baz, I do hope you got the point and are starting to understand my persistence in commenting on your posts the way I do?
I once thought as you do. I didn’t understand white privilege, or male privilege and I was extremely dangerous because of it.
You have wealth, status AND privilege that you seem to be in complete denial of just like so many of your cohorts.
Please understand that when people in your position are racist, sexist, homophobic and say privileged and ignorant things, it gives other people who feel the same way a platform to behave in the same manner, and this often has horrific real world consequences for the people they judge and mock.
You do NOT represent the majority of the population mate.
Do you understand that?
You may be able to hide behind your status, privilege and money, but the vast majority of people will never experience that level of safety and privilege which you so clearly take for granted, while at the same time you judge and mock them for not doing so.
Homeless people, addicts and the long term unemployed have incredibly high rates of mental illness. These people desperately need our care, our understanding and our compassion Baz, not more of the same old ‘smelly bludgers’ rhetoric that the media takes great pleasure in spewing out to the masses year after year.
Can you be an ‘actual’ leader?
Do you understand what true leadership is, as opposed to just being in charge?
I highly recommend you start following Simon Sinek on this topic, he is the best in the world.
Can you put yourself in the shoes of a woman?
Or an Aboriginal person?
A person with mental illness?
A person living on an aged, disability pension or jobseeker payment of less than $40 a day?
Or a homeless person who isn’t even entitled to any welfare whatsoever under our current system because they don’t have a fixed address?
An LGBTQIA person?
A disabled person?
Do you have even the slightest clue or care in the world for just how hard REAL life is for the VAST majority of people who aren’t white, wealthy, middle aged men?
Do you?
Can you bring yourself to our level and seek to understand what it’s really like for most of us?
Do you understand that unresolved trauma plays a MASSIVE part in mental illness, addiction and homelessness?
Again, please allow me to recommend that perhaps you follow the work of Dr Gabor Maté and Dr Peter Levine to learn more about this if you do not.
Baz, you will learn to either hate people like me or you will learn to love us, because we will push you to better yourself like nobody else can or will.
So, going forward, do you open your heart and mind to us because it ACTUALLY matters to you and not just because it’s the right thing to do if you want to keep your job, which by the way is to represent the very people that you so often judge and ridicule?
In closing, I want you to know that none of this is personal mate
We are all just so sick and tired of the Trumps and the Scott Morrisons of this world looking down their noses at us from their thrones of exceeding privilege and ignoring our voices – the voice of the majority.
I believe in your ability to be better Baz, please don’t let us down and become just another corrupt, narcissistic, power hungry cockwomble like so many before you.
If you want to be a truly great leader, be the guy that listens, that humbles his ego and is a caring, compassionate champion of the people.
If you want an amazing role model to emulate please follow closely Senator Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Prime Minister Jacinda Adern in world politics, because like it or not, that’s the future if you don’t want to be out on your bum next week on a dying planet. Maybe give Greta a listen too!
Know that this is sent with love and good intent Baz, all heckling aside.
Don’t think for a minute that I’m going to stop demanding more of you though or calling for you to step down if you keep fucking it up.
Cheers mate, have a good weekend, Ares”
The Importance Of The Average Hug

The Importance Of The Average Hug

The average length of a hug between two people is 3 seconds. The researchers have discovered the importance of hugs – something fantastic. When a hug lasts 20 seconds, there is a therapeutic effect on the body and mind. The reason is that a sincere embrace produces a hormone called “oxytocin”, also known as the love hormone. This substance has many benefits in our physical and mental health, helps us, among other things, to relax, to feel safe and calm our fears and anxiety. This wonderful tranquilizer is offered free of charge every time we have a person in our arms, who cradled a child, who cherish a dog or a cat, that we are dancing with our partner, the closer we get to someone or simply hold the Shoulders of a friend.
A famous quote by psychotherapist Virginia Satir goes, “We need 4 hugs a day for survival. We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day for growth.” Whether those exact numbers have been scientifically proven remains to be seen, but there is a great deal of scientific evidence related to the importance of hugs and physical contact. Here are some reasons why we should hug::
Oxytocin is a neurotransmitter that acts on the limbic system, the brain’s emotional centre, promoting feelings of contentment, reducing anxiety and stress, and even making mammals monogamous. It is the hormone responsible for us all being here today. You see this little gem is released during childbirth, making our mothers forget about all of the excruciating pain they endured expelling us from their bodies and making them want to still love and spend time with us. New research from the University of California suggests that it has a similarly civilising effect on human males, making them more affectionate and better at forming relationships and social bonding. And it dramatically increased the libido and sexual performance of test subjects. When we hug someone, oxytocin is released into our bodies by our pituitary gland, lowering both our heart rates and our cortisol levels. Cortisol is the hormone responsible for stress, high blood pressure, and heart disease.
Connections are fostered when people take the time to appreciate and acknowledge one another. A hug is one of the easiest ways to show appreciation and acknowledgement of another person. The world is a busy, hustle-bustle place and we’re constantly rushing to the next task. By slowing down and taking a moment to offer sincere hugs throughout the day, we’re benefiting ourselves, others, and cultivating better patience within ourselves.
Affection also has a direct response on the reduction of stress which prevents many diseases. The Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami School of Medicine says it has carried out more than 100 studies into touch and found evidence of significant effects, including faster growth in premature babies, reduced pain, decreased autoimmune disease symptoms, lowered glucose levels in children with diabetes, and improved immune systems in people with cancer.
Hugs strengthen the immune system. The gentle pressure on the sternum and the emotional charge this creates activates the Solar Plexus Chakra. This stimulates the thymus gland, which regulates and balances the body’s production of white blood cells, which keep you healthy and disease free.
Almost 70 percent of communication is nonverbal. The interpretation of body language can be based on a single gesture and hugging is an excellent method of expressing yourself nonverbally to another human being or animal. Not only can they feel the love and care in your embrace, but they can actually be receptive enough to pay it forward to others based on your initiative alone.
Hugging boosts self-esteem, especially in children. The tactile sense is all-important in infants. A baby recognizes its parents initially by touch. From the time we’re born our family’s touch shows us that we’re loved and special. The associations of self-worth and tactile sensations from our early years are still imbedded in our nervous system as adults. The cuddles we received from our Mom and Dad while growing up remain imprinted at a cellular level, and hugs remind us at a somatic level of that. Hugs, therefore, connect us to our ability to self love.
Everything everyone does involves protecting and triggering dopamine flow. Low dopamine levels play a role in the neurodegenerative disease Parkinson’s as well as mood disorders such as depression. Dopamine is responsible for giving us that feel-good feeling, and it’s also responsible for motivation! Hugs stimulate brains to release dopamine, the pleasure hormone. Dopamine sensors are the areas that many stimulating drugs such as cocaine and methamphetamine target. The presence of a certain kinds of dopamine receptors are also associated with sensation-seeking.
Reaching out and hugging releases endorphins and serotonin into the blood vessels and the released endorphins and serotonin cause pleasure and negate pain and sadness and decrease the chances of getting heart problems, helps fight excess weight and prolongs life. Even the cuddling of pets has a soothing effect that reduces the stress levels. Hugging for an extended time lifts one’s serotonin levels, elevating mood and creating happiness.
Hugs balance out the nervous system. The skin contains a network of tiny, egg-shaped pressure centres called Pacinian corpuscles that can sense touch and which are in contact with the brain through the vagus nerve. The galvanic skin response of someone receiving and giving a hug shows a change in skin conductance. The effect in moisture and electricity in the skin suggests a more balanced state in the nervous system – parasympathetic.
Embrace, embrace with your heart.~~
art: Dorina Costras
Hate Trump? This Is For All Of You Who Do

Hate Trump? This Is For All Of You Who Do

The choice is clear
Do you hate him because he made cruelty to animals a FELONY? 🐯🐕
Do you hate him because he gave billions to stop the opioid crisis? ♥️
Do you hate that he destroyed ISIS, and killed how many terrorists without going to war with North Korea? 🚫
Do you hate him for making the US the Largest producer of oil?😲
Do you hate him because he wanted to build a wall to keep criminals and drugs from coming in? 🚫
Do you hate him because he just slashed the price for medications and some cases 50%, taking profit away from big Pharma and saving you money? 💉
Do you hate that he signed a law ending the gag-order on pharmacists that prevented them from sharing money-saving options on prescriptions?
Do you hate that he signed the Save Our Seas Act which funds 10 million per year to clean tons of plastic and garbage from the ocean?🐳🐋🐬🐟
Do you hate that he signed a bill for airports to provide breast-feeding stations for nursing moms? 🌸
Do you hate that he signed the biggest wilderness protection and conservation bill in a decade designating 375,000 acres as protected land? 🦄🦄
Do you hate that he loves America and puts Americans first? 🇺🇸🇺🇸
Do you hate that he made a gay man the ambassador of Germany and then asked him to clean up national security and unclassified as much of it as possible for transparency? 😲
Do you hate that he’s kept almost every campaign promise (with ZERO support from Congress who work against him daily!) plus 100 more promises because Washington was much more broken than he thought?
Do you hate like that he works for free, donating his salary to different charities? 🚫💶
Do you hate that he’s done more for the black community than every other President? ♥️
Do you hate that he listened to senator Scott and passed Invest In Opportunity Zones to help minorities? ♥️
Do you hate that he passed prison reform, which gives people a second chance and has made quite a huge difference for the black communities? ♥️
Do you hate that he passed VA reforms to benefit the very people who served our country and defend our freedom? 🇺🇸🇺🇸
Do you hate that he’s winning and signing new trade deals that benefit Americans, instead of costing us more? 🇺🇸
Do you hate that he loves his flag and his country?🇺🇸
Do you hate that he calls out Fake News, and has made us all aware that they twist the truth to control and mislead the people?😲🚫🤒😐
Do you hate that he is trying to protect us from powerful people who lie to us and want to destroy us? 😐😐
Do you hate that he’s ending wars? ♥️♥️♥️♥️
Do you hate that he has made a commitment to end child-trafficking and crimes against humanity and has made 1000’s of arrests already?♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Do you hate he’s brought home over 40 Americans held captive, the last one from Iran? ♥️✈♥️✈♥️
Do you hate that he’s proven he was right about the Deep State and he was spied on? ♥️
Do you hate that he was a Billionaire before he ran for President and now is worth at least 1/3 less… because he loves America THAT MUCH? 🇺🇸🇺🇸♥️♥️
Do you hate that he’s making the world pay their fair share for the UN for protection? 🇺🇸
Do you hate that he respects cops, veterans, ICE & First Responders? 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸♥️♥️♥️
Do you hate that he does not sell out America to other countries, like the leaders prior to him have done? ♥️
Did you know that the ones who SELL OUT America to line their pockets OWN THE MEDIA AND HOLLYWOOD and hate him for trying to expose them??🚫♥️
It’s true that there are popular and powerful people who have gotten very wealthy (and continue to get richer) thru mass taxation and control and they HATE Trump because he’s trying to expose them…
… And they’re doing everything they can to manipulate your mind and control your thinking and make you HATE him too, so it will take the focus off of them!!
Wouldn’t you at least want to RESEARCH this possibility? 😲
Could 65,000 Americans already know the TRUTH… that he has done more for blacks in the last 20 years than our last 5 Presidents put together and is actually NOT a racist (or a disrespectful womanizer and child molester)…. but you believe he is because it has been drilled into your head 😐by the left wing media…. and you’ve never done due diligence and researched his accomplishments?
You can start by watching those daily briefings he did during the lockdown (all on line) and then watching the coverage on the Main Stream Media, to see how they twisted his words.
Do you actually believe the President encouraged America to inject bleach?🤮
Did you research the effects of UV LIGHT which is used to disinfect SCHOOL BUSES and medical equipment and is also being used as a treatment for bacteria and respiratory infections by injecting it into humans! ♥️
(Search “Healight” but not on Google… they are part of the Deep State and manipulate what we see, plus they sell our info, which is why you see merchandise pop up the day after you searched for something! Use the search engine Duckduckgo)!!!
“They” want you to believe he is stupid because if you figure out that he isn’t, they will lose billions of dollars and all their control.
I know… it is hard to let go of what you believed to be true for most of your life.
You are not alone. But your BLIND hatred of this man who is literally trying to save us from the far Left, radical Socialists is going to be detrimental to our country if you continue to support their hatred.
They are teaching hatred and separation… even in families!😐
You are not allowed to agree with “part” of their agenda and think for yourself; you must repeat their FULL belief system or name-calling and insults ensue… this is the definition of a cult! All or nothing! 😐
They despise LAW AND ORDER. Just look around you. By their fruits ye shall know them.
Trump supports law and order. He supports police and National Guard and keeping Americans being safe. He supports living in a civilized society. He stands for unity and America first. Is that what you’re opposed to?
You will be amazed at how much more peace will come into your life if you turn off the FAKE NEWS and turn on the true America, where we focus on what unites us, not what divides us.
The media has hated Trump from day one. Impeachment was on the table before he was even elected.
They said “Impeach the mother Fuc#^*r….because his rhetoric is bad!!”
He’s never even been given a chance and yet he’s done more in 4 years than any other president. And that’s with zero help from the media or democrats, and a whole lot of harassment.
How dare he care so much about America!!🇺🇸 How dare he care so much about you and your quality of life?!!!🇺🇸
Results don’t lie. Do your research and find out what the truth is. All of the things mentioned here are verifiable.
In spite of nonstop harassment and obstacles, Trump has accomplished much! Do your own research and you will see.
Promises Kept, Keep America Great, Trump 2020 all the way 👍❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸!!!
Copied and Pasted. Please pass it on.
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have won the USA election

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have won the USA election

And the winners are… Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have won the US election.

No matter what Trump does now, it is over.

And it couldn’t have come at a better time.

In the heart of a pandemic, with the reality of global warming upon us, we need intelligent, competent, experienced, and compassionate leadership in America.

Biden has been a public servant for over 40 years, and is expert at building coalition and bridging both sides of the aisle.

He will re-establish essential relationships, and he will hire qualified people to clean up the mess. I have every faith that he will prove to be a unifying and prolific leader.

Every man has aspects of the toxic masculine living inside of him.
But Trump took it to a whole different level.
He is like the amalgamation of every toxic masculine trait since the beginning of humankind.
All of it living inside one man.
All of it, in horrifyingly obvious fragments.
His defeat is an essential step towards the healing of our world.
And it is a powerful death blow to the malevolent male warrior.
This archaic T-rex consciousness will not serve our species going forward.
Only co-creative, benevolent warriorship will serve us now…
Not every man for himself, but every man for humanity.
And, perhaps most importantly, Kamala Harris is the first female Vice President in 244 years.
Think about that.
244 YEARS.
Her achievement will inspire girls and women to believe in themselves for centuries to come.
Her tenacious brilliance will ignite millions to womanifest their gifts and offerings all over the world.
This gives me hope, as does the fact that she is a POC. We are now one step closer to an inclusive world.
Something beautiful happened in our world today.
It was gnarly, and it is combative, but it is truly beautiful.
Individual and collective transformation happen in small, incremental steps.
In my view, this election was a giant leap forward for humanity.
I understand that there are challenges ahead, but I go to sleep with a grateful heart.
I hope you do, too.
Bring on sleepy Joe 😊.
We could all use a good night’s rest.
Get Ready to Awaken Your Soul This 11/11

Get Ready to Awaken Your Soul This 11/11

You’re invited to 11/11 the awakening, a Sound Ceremony. A night of remembrance, immersing you in ancient modalities, sounds & rituals for a revitalising night to tune into your alignment and full potential. Letting go of the old, calling in the new.
Expect the Unexpected – This special event is co-created together on the vibe of the night! We will start with a short opening sharing circle & intention setting. Followed by 30- 60mins of Ecstatic Dance/Movement Meditation, 1hr Sound Healing Bath and closing sharing circle. Soundscapes intuitively curated to resonate the DNA, Pineal Gland, Heart Chakra & Third Eye Chakras.
The Awakening Session provides a powerful sound stimulation to activate, harmonise & evolve your Quantum Energy Field. Using the state of the art technology we submerge you in the ultimate sound experience that resonates every cell in your human bio field, leaving you feeling completely blissed out, peaceful and deeply revived mentally, emotionally, physically & spiritually.
This Sound Immersion merges ancient wisdom with modern science. Powered by advanced neuroscience designed to calm your mind, slow down your brainwaves and transports you into a deep state of relaxation, while revitalise an optimal state of wellbeing, balance and harmony from the inside-out.
* * * Suitable for anyone wishing to expand their mind, deepen their relaxation, mindfulness or healing practice * * *
” Wow what an experience, I felt like the life force was restored in my body at an astrological level ” Torah Bright – Gold Medalist Australian Women’s Snowbording.
Scientifically Proven Health Benefits:
+ Improve Mental, Physical & Emotional Wellbeing
+ Heal and rejuvenate your body & mind to its natural resonance.
+ Boost Immune System
+ Improve Sleep Quality
+ Balance your Nervous System
+ Revitalise an optimal state of wellbeing and harmony.
+ Accelerate healing and recovery from Quantum Rejuvenation.
+ Improve mental health & manage stress more effectively
+ Release physical, emotional, mental dis-stress, anxiety, trauma and tension
+ Deepen State of Relaxation & Meditation
+ Purify mental, physical & emotional balance.
+ Break free from toxic thought patterns, limiting beliefs, negative thinking & trapped emotions.
+ Align & Tune your Energy Centres / Biofield / Chakras / Kundalini
+ Increase Creativity, Clarity & Insight.
+ Manifest your intentions more effectively.
+ Expand your awareness & Rewire your Brain.
+ Experience transcendental states of consciousness.
+ Detox Cells from Radiation
+ Feel more Energised, Calm & Balanced
+ Life Changing Realisations/Transformations
+ Maintain more inner peace & harmony in your life
+ Empower, activate, awaken your limitless potential.
“ If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” – Nikola Tesla.
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Unlock the Gateway to Higher Consciousness
The pineal gland was called the “third eye” by ancient people. It was thought to have mystical powers. It is the center for the production of the hormone melatonin. Electromagnetic fields (EMF) suppress the activity of the pineal gland and reduce melatonin production. EMF activity therefore disrupts the bodies circadian rhythms. Clean pineal gland and strong mental health are most important to tell the truth from the lies and take control of your life back to your own hands.
So what is the pineal gland?
It is an endocrine gland sitting alone in the brain, level with our eyes. The pineal gland produces melatonin and regulates our daily and seasonal circadian rhythms. Melatonin is the chemical in charge of our sleep cycles and the quality of our sleep, and it also regulates the onset of puberty. Melatonin is responsible for fighting against free radicals. A decline in melatonin triggers the ageing process in the body. Serotonin, the neurotransmitter or happy chemical responsible for our mood, is transformed into melatonin only in the pineal gland. The pineal plays a major role in hibernation of animals, in metabolism and seasonal breeding.
This tiny pea-sized gland shaped like a pinecone, residing in the centre of our brains, may hold the secrets to spiritual wisdom, inspiration and psychic awareness. The Pineal Gland is vital for physical, mental and spiritual health, while also being a gateway to higher consciousness.
Dr Joe Dispenza – Pineal Gland
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We have 50,000-70,000 thoughts per day. Take some time out from your busy life to Chill Out & Stress Less.
RECONNECT to yourself and Revitalise your body + mind.
Just Relax, Close your Eyes & Open your Mind.
Surrender to the unknown & Tap into the quantum field where anything is possible…
“There is no MATTER, There is only LIGHT & SOUND” Albert Einstein.
“If you’re in the unkown. And from the unknown, all things are created. You are in the quantum field” Dr. Joe Dispenza
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Marc Tomkinson (DJ, Producer & Sound Therapist) is a true pioneer in the conscious music scene. Founder of Buddhabar Experience, The VOID Meditation, Deep House Yoga Australia. Marc is passionate about utilising sound to take people on unique holistic and transformational journeys. He has the ability to combine his passion for music, mental health, yoga, meditation, philosophy and spirituality to create a full sensory experience.
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” A deeply healing, heart opening, restorative experience to reset, receive and reset. I felt the energy circulating through my entire system, expansion in my heart, lightness in my body and i had the best slept ever in along time ” Jeng
“ The most mind-blowing musical journey I’ve ever been on that I wasn’t even dancing” Tommy Franklin “
Amazing experience. You are taken into another dimension and connect with yourself on a deeper level. I was a bit spaced out when I left and definitely recommend experiencing this for yourself.” Kara
” I felt my entire body resonating & vibrating on a new energetic frequency ” ” Feeling completely invigorated – I had the best sleep in a long time ” “ I came to your meditation and I have not been the same since ” ” It was so wonderful and I really feel like a different person now ” ” The music was sensational – it takes you on such a journey “
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Welcome to the Sacred Space of BuddhabarX
We’re really excited to offer this unique experience at such a crucial time for self nurture, self development and self love.
We are following Covid-19 safety guidelines closely. Due to the current restrictions we have tailored all our events to the current safety guidelines.
Each event & studio is able to accommodate up to 20 people honouring safe distancing between each participant.
We are required to record your name, email and phone number if you attend our events.
We require you to wash your hands before entry or utilise the hand sanitiser available in our premises.
Practice Social Distancing during our events
Our Movement & Dance classes apply with social distancing measures.
Staff will be checking guests’ names on arrival
Please do not attend or make any bookings if you carry any symptoms of Covid-19. We will happily refund you.
Please respect each other’s space and honour safe distancing guidelines whilst attending your workshop/class.
We are making every effort to keep the studio sanitised and clean.
We kindly ask that you please bring all equipment that you need for your class such as yoga mat, soft blanket and a bolster/pillow if desired. If you require renting or using any studio equipment we ask if you can please clean, wipe down prior and after use.
We offer contactless payments for any services.
We ask you to please support us and practice these safety measures for the period of current restrictions.
Be kind to yourself & others while respecting the space as you immerse in our world.
If the guidelines ease further before the workshop date we will increase the ticket numbers as per recommendation. If the restrictions are to tighten again we will postpone the event until further notice and refund your booking in full.
Thanks so much for your support. Your health & wellbeing is important to us.
�If you are purchasing this workshop within 14 days of the event date, the enrolment fee is now non refundable. If you wish to cancel your enrolment, we require at least 14 days notice prior to the event date in order to receive a full refund for your enrolment. If you arrive later after door closure time tickets are non exchangeable or transferrable. If a friend or relative can take your place, they are more than welcome.
Bookings Essential, Limited to 20 Spots.
These Events usually sell out so book early to save disappointment.
BYO Drinking Water. Wear warm comfortable clothes.
Please arrive early or on time.
Doors Open 5mins prior & shut 10 mins after. No late arrivals
On-street parking available
For best results have an intention & hydrate well before and after the session.
Please don’t plan too much afterward session. Allow for at least 15 mins afterwards before driving. You may feel a bit zoned-out like after a 1-2hr deep tissue massage.
Arrive with an open mind & heart. Expect the unexpected.
Look forward to sharing this unique experience with you.
Bon Voyage!
The True Art of Winning By Kurt Vonnegut

The True Art of Winning By Kurt Vonnegut

Real winners do not need validation. In 2006 a high school English teacher asked students to write a famous author and ask for advice. Kurt Vonnegut was the only one to respond – and his response is magnificent:
“Dear Xavier High School, and Ms. Lockwood, and Messrs Perin, McFeely, Batten, Maurer and Congiusta:
I thank you for your friendly letters. You sure know how to cheer up a really old geezer (84) in his sunset years. I don’t make public appearances any more because I now resemble nothing so much as an iguana.
What I had to say to you, moreover, would not take long, to wit: Practice any art, music, singing, dancing, acting, drawing, painting, sculpting, poetry, fiction, essays, reportage, no matter how well or badly, not to get money and fame, but to experience becoming, to find out what’s inside you, to make your soul grow.
Seriously! I mean starting right now, do art and do it for the rest of your lives. Draw a funny or nice picture of Ms. Lockwood, and give it to her. Dance home after school, and sing in the shower and on and on. Make a face in your mashed potatoes. Pretend you’re Count Dracula.
Here’s an assignment for tonight, and I hope Ms. Lockwood will flunk you if you don’t do it: Write a six line poem, about anything, but rhymed. No fair tennis without a net. Make it as good as you possibly can. But don’t tell anybody what you’re doing. Don’t show it or recite it to anybody, not even your girlfriend or parents or whatever, or Ms. Lockwood. OK?
Tear it up into teeny-weeny pieces, and discard them into widely separated trash receptacles. You will find that you have already been gloriously rewarded for your poem. You have experienced becoming, learned a lot more about what’s inside you, and you have made your soul grow.
God bless you all!
Kurt Vonnegut
When I was 15 I spent a month working on an archeological dig. I was talking to one of the archeologists one day during our lunch break and he asked those kinds of “getting to know you” questions you ask young people: Do you play sports? What’s your favorite subject? And I told him, no I don’t play any sports. I do theater, I’m in choir, I play the violin and piano, I used to take art classes.
And he went WOW. That’s amazing! And I said, “Oh no, but I’m not any good at ANY of them.”
And he said something then that I will never forget and which absolutely blew my mind because no one had ever said anything like it to me before: “I don’t think being good at things is the point of doing them. I think you’ve got all these wonderful experiences with different skills, and that all teaches you things and makes you an interesting person, no matter how well you do them.”
And that honestly changed my life. Because I went from a failure, someone who hadn’t been talented enough at anything to excel, to someone who did things because I enjoyed them. I had been raised in such an achievement-oriented environment, so inundated with the myth of Talent, that I thought it was only worth doing things if you could “Win” at them.
Butthole Sunning: Yoga’s Trend: The Fourth Eye of the Perineum

Butthole Sunning: Yoga’s Trend: The Fourth Eye of the Perineum

Ever heard of the fourth eye? I did 15 minutes of butthole sunning yesterday and feel supercharged for my week. I didn’t even need coffee this morning, I woke up bright and early with the sunrise ready for my day. Don’t take my word for it, just try it yourself so you can receive and feel the beneficial power of the sun through your anus.

Remember to start your week by charging your anus with the power of the sun. Your anus is considered the “Fourth Eye” and it’s directly connected to your “Third Eye” and pineal gland.

Absorbing sunlight through your anus via “butthole sunning” is a great way to recharge your whole system.

For many people in the world their anus is the seat of their consciousness and their consciousness needs brightening, what better way to brighten your mood by getting sunlight to the darkest area of your body; if more people received nourishing light particles through their perineum I believe there would be far less assholes in the world. 😭

Seriously though, it’s important to love the skin you live in, love your body and love yourself wholeheartedly and unconditionally.

Spend time in your natural state in nature feeling the sun on your skin.

📷captures by The Travel Proxy

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By Brian Coones Yoga

Taking The Mask Of Don Juan

Taking The Mask Of Don Juan

“There is often guilt in taking the mask of Don Juan. Or Dona Juana. The seducer is not a master of love, neither of manipulation. He is the master of the ephemeral. Of what is fleeting and brief and transient to the extreme. He is the master of the moment, and as such he forgot all other kind of eternity. There is guilt if you care, because you are not building. There is guilt out of loss, because you are not treasuring. There is guilt out of indifference, because when you don’t care, you cheat yourself of meaning and value. Sometimes there is guilt in the selflessness, in the desire itself, in everything leading to pleasure. As if the only pleasure that can be sacred are only those labelled as such. The masquerade is a dance. It is a road that goes in circles and ebbs and flows… and always ends with the first light. Before the time comes hold it tightly. When the time comes, let it go.”
— from the Dark Mirror oracle deck.
Master Of The Ephemeral, Master Of The Moment1
“What am I avoiding?”
Is the question I ask from the heart.
I stir the deck; my hands the cauldrons of alchemy. Sending the heartfelt message to the shuffling of artistic cardboard dancing in palm.
⛰ I love very deeply, I have cultivated a presence that is challenging to shake and admired by more. When I am with you, my whole being is devoted to you; your breath, your heart, your thoughts and feelings.
In this unconscious agreement of connection, I bring you into me.
⭐️ Only this moment matters to me.
In this has germinated a sampling of letting go. Saying goodbye, waving farewell. Will I see this being again? How will they remember this moment? Did I touch them deeply enough, did I share all of me unapologetically? Am I sharing my time and energy correctly? Will I remember who I am after this?
⌛️ Is THIS moment now complete for me or have I become completely lost in the other?
🌲 When we choose to let in another; who we are subtly changes, taking the mask off of Don Juan. We see through the eyes of another, their past, their present. It is a flesh born virtual reality.
Living a moment of time from another, a lifetime from another —I feel this is a precious gift of what it means to be human.
🔬 It is the roots of our humanity, our compassion, our love.
To see and feel a brother or sister as yourself; a moment of mingling consciousness.
❤️ Those we love are here for moments we are afraid to count and afraid to forget. Attachment is a part of the spectrum of humanity, even if for a fleeting moment.
The avoidance of presence and loving another is found in the armouring and rigidity of the body.
🌬 To be grounded on earth and your body is to be present. To feel the depth and steadiness of your breath is to feel alive.
We all have a choice to cultivate this presence and connection in humanity.
Choose with your heart.
I love you ❤️
The Loss of Polarity

The Loss of Polarity

The loss of polarity between sexes these days can be confusing, making a man’s role ambiguous, questioning what a partner expects of the other and whether they can fulfill that expectation.
I spoke with a man today. He is a general contractor (he works with a backhoe and other heavy equipment), and was looking to help me with some issues on my father’s estate. He asked me what I do and I told him that I coach men. He asked what I focus on, and I told him that I work with men to come more in to their masculinity. I went on to say that we no longer have the experience where our elder men teach our young men how to be in this world because of our historic wars, and that the role of women has changed dramatically in the last 10-15 years and we see that men no longer know where they fit in with all that change. He said, “Oh wow, you must be busy”.
He went on to ask if it was ok to speak with me about the situation with his wife and I consented. He said his wife is angry and that she acts very much like a man. He said that she is cold and mean and that she gets competitive with his masculinity. He said she does not like it and when he tries to tell her about it, she gets angrier and blames him. He wants his wife to be a woman, he said, not a man. So they live distantly, still married, but miles apart. He joked that he’s going to need to get a girlfriend on the side soon because he won’t leave his kids with her because she is too mean. He said he often wonders where he went wrong and if he could have done something differently.
The Loss of Polarity1
I hear a similar version of this story way too frequently. Culture asks, or shall I say demands, that women take on masculine traits to make their way through the day without being slaughtered by the demands and responsibilities of life, family and career. And the question remains, what of our men with this change?
Where do our men fit in when our women do not know or even feel at home in their femininity anymore? How are men going to feel attracted to women who confront them with penetrating masculinity? Where is the polarity for magnetism? How does a man convey the turn off he feels when the woman he loves won’t let herself be receptive to him anymore?
We, cultured people, are losing our polarity and so many are suffering silently for it. We are experiencing role confusion, anger, hurt and abandonment over and over needlessly because we don’t understand this one simple truth:
Masculine men are deeply attracted to and inspired by feminine women. In fact, not much is as inspiring to a masculine man AS a feminine woman. Moreover, you’d be hard pressed to find something that makes a man rise all the way in to his greatness the way that a feminine woman can…FYI

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