Art Imitates Life
Have you ever wondered how art imitates life? Here’s a fresh look at geek culture and what it’s all about.
Not A Conspiracy – Just Big Business
The Many Faces Of A Trauma Response
Sis, the inability to receive support from others is a trauma response.
Your “I don’t need anyone, I’ll just do it all myself” conditioning is a survival tactic. You needed it to shield your tender heart from abuse, neglect, betrayal, and disappointment from those who could not or would not be there for you.
From the parent who was absent by choice or by the circumstance of working three jobs to feed and house you.
From the lovers who offered sexual intimacy but no offered no safe haven that honored your heart.
From the friendships that always took more than they gave.
From all the situations when someone told you “we’re in this together” then abandoned you, leaving you to pick up the pieces when isht got real, leaving you to handle your part and their part, too.
From the lies. The betrayals.
You learned along the way that you just couldn’t really trust people. Or that you could trust people, but only up to a certain point.
Ultra-independence is a *trust issue.*
You learned: if I don’t put myself in a situation where I rely on someone, I won’t have to be disappointed when they don’t show up for me, or when they drop the ball… because they will always drop the ball sooner or later, right?
You may even have been intentionally taught this protection strategy by generations of hurt women who came before you. #generationaltrauma #ancestraltrauma
Ultra-independence is a preemptive strike against heartbreak.
So, you don’t trust anyone.
And you don’t trust yourself, either, to choose people.
To trust is to hope, to trust is vulnerability.
“Never again,” you vowed.
But no matter how you dress it up and display it proudly to make it seem like this level of independence is what you always wanted to be, in truth it’s your wounded, scarred, broken heart behind a protective brick wall.
Impenetrable. Nothing gets in. No hurt gets in. But no love gets in either.
Fortresses and armor are for those in battle, or who believe the battle is coming.
It’s trauma response.
The good news is trauma that is acknowledged is trauma that can be healed.
You are worthy of having support.
You are worthy of having true partnership.
You are worthy of love.
You are worthy of having your heart held.
You are worthy to be adored.
You are worthy to be cherished.
You are worthy to have someone say, “You rest. I got this.” And actually deliver on that promise.
You are worthy to receive.
You are worthy to receive.
You are worthy to receive.
You are worthy.
Worthy, sis.
You are worthy.
You don’t have to earn it.
You don’t have to prove it.
You don’t have to bargain for it.
You don’t have to beg for it.
You are worthy.
Simply because you exist.
I love you. ~J.
. Commentary by moi, Jamila White (FB: @inspiredjamila, IG: @inspired.jamila)Credit: Original image byRising Woman, reposted fromThe Womb Sauna
Joe Biden vs The Future
What do you make of the change of US government?
I was saddened to hear that Joe Biden has installed a Monsanto man as chief of agriculture. However, I’ve been heartened by so much else I’ve seen over the last couple of days.
For instance, did you know that in the days after being inaugurated he signed the following executive orders, all of which, I believe, are sourced in empathy and sound ethics:
~ a pause on student loan payments
~ rejoining the Paris climate accord (with a $2 trillion climate policy coming focused on reducing US emissions to net zero by 2035)
~ reversal on being able to discriminate in workplace based on gender, race or religion
~ an order that lays a foundation for a minimum wage raise
~ cancellation of the dirty oil Keystone pipeline
~ cancellation of the rights for oil companies to drill in arctic waters
~ a moratorium on evictions and foreclosures for those who can’t afford rent or mortgage payments
~ cancelling the Muslim travel ban into America
~ cancelling the direction of billions of dollars towards the largely a symbolic southern border wall
~ strengthened the protections of the rights of children of undocumented immigrants
~ created a powerful ethics pledge mandate to stop self serving actions of politicians.
These measures don’t seem to be those of an evil person or administration. They are part of a larger narrative that is founded on a deeply empathetic orientation to life.
Biden’s life involves great personal hardships and tragedies. The people I’ve seen talk about his character have paid homage to his empathetic nature, the way he treats everyone from janitors to dignitaries with great respect, and his willingness to give deeply of himself. That it was his granddaughters who convinced him to run for office immediately after America witnessed a volatile white supremacist action also speaks to what he calls his intentions to heal the soul of America.
While his Covid-19-oriented measures are likely to be viewed as draconian and part of some greater control plot, I believe from his perspective he is taking drastic measures due to what he sees as an ongoing tragedy. While I believe they ought to be focusing on more nuanced approaches and much more emphasis on a primary health care revolution, I understand within their worldview why he is approaching this in the way he is.
Your thoughts?
– Cairo Rha
A Yogi Practitioner Speaks Up About Recent Events
A yogi speaks up on the recent events and nudges the global yoga community on their role in society.
DISCLAIMER: I am perfectly calm and relaxed as I write this, I am okay, there is no need to worry about my mental or energetic health, thank you dear ones. I am just passionately expressing myself as the writer that I am. Take the info or leave it, as usual.
According to one Sydney-based yoga teacher, “Anti mask, pro-freedom, Q mania has descended like a plague on the Northern Beaches natural therapies and yoga scene”.
Really? All I see are intelligent people who have real skill with energy, questioning directives that make no sense whatsoever to the rational mind, in an effort to protect the human rights that WE ALL ENJOY and hold dear.
And now Yoga International has this to say in response to the recent situation at Capitol Hill:
“Yoga International condemns white supremacy and the terrorist assault on the US Capitol. We condemn the disgraceful, blatant double standard which was made clear by the response to this week’s violent attempted coup vs the response to the Black Lives Matter protests last summer. We stand with those calling for the President’s immediate removal from office. We believe that yoga is a skill in action. We believe in living our yoga. We stand with those who stand for equity, justice and the peaceful transition of power.”
Well I guess there isn’t anything else to say then, seeing Yoga International knows what’s really going on.
Where were these yogis years ago when child trafficking was going on under their noses? Where were these yogis when ocean pollution threatened to wipe out millions of species and yet they couldn’t come together to ban plastic in their own studios? Where were these yogis when the whales were being slaughtered by Japanese harpoons as they chanted their mantras and professed to be all about earth-loving awareness? Where were these yogis when anything vaguely important was going on in the world that threatened life, liberty and the rights of any sentient being, such as pedophilia in government or sending troops to fight in a war of their own parliaments’ construction??
THEY WERE SILENT. “On retreat”.
Why? Because they didn’t want to get involved. It wasn’t considered “yogic” to speak out about such things or get involved in anything messy or controversial like politics or activism.
They didn’t want to “take a side” or appear “political” or out spoken back then, but it’s okay now isn’t it. WHY is that? Does anyone stop to think why these yoga associations are suddenly coming out with blanket statements supporting BLM for example – one of many psyops that peppered 2020 – and why they suddenly appear to give a toss about the state of the global yoga community? Could it have anything to do with wanting to protect themselves and ensure they don’t lose any more members? Who exactly ARE their members anyway and more importantly, who are their shareholders and sponsors?
I cannot for the life of me, fathom the level of ignorance and idiocy that I am continuing to witness within my local and global yoga community. I practice compassion as best I can every second of the day, I love everyone equally and regardless of their views, I allow their voice even if it saddens or exasperates me, but this is now just getting beyond a joke, THIS far into the sh*tshow. People really should be questioning things by now, surely?
It’s high time these people got off their “everyone who speaks out against the media is a conspiracy theorist” bandwagon and realized that most conscious people here in Australia at least, understand HISTORY. We read copious amounts of material that support our “argument” and we know that what is really happening in the world, is happening DESPITE what Q does or says. It’s time to let this one go and move on with maturity and common sense.
If yogis cannot see what is going on in the world, if they truly believe that C19 is “natural”, that this “vyrus” justifies a bonafide pandemic that justifies all the insanity, that masks are necessary (and healthy to wear), that vaccines are also necessary (and good for us), and that lock downs are for our own good to help “flatten the fcuking curve”, our community has no hope of unifying and evolving any time soon.
EVERY person on the planet has a right to express their opinions and beliefs about what’s going on, yogi or not, and I for one DID NOT sign up for my yoga teacher training over 20 years ago, with any conscious or unconscious intention to shove my head in the sand if and when a situation arose that demanded exposure, discussion and healing. Or that challenged my own limited human knowledge. I signed up for transformation and I vowed to uphold the legacy of “teaching” that also demands integrity, inquiry and developing one’s intuitive powers above all else.
HEART OVER HEAD basically, and yet what I constantly see, is this arrogant validation of mind and the pursuit of “evidence”, “facts” and “science”, when Ayurveda is supposed to be one of the most potent and reliable systems of HEALING, ever!
I signed up to learn yoga to help EXPAND myself (and my students) on all levels, to speak out about injustice and corruption and anything else that violated the human spirit AND experience, because that to me, IS yoga. I didn’t sign up to hide behind sacred texts or goddess-forbid, to ever use them as a manipulative tool to goad my brothers and sisters into silence or submission alongside me.
Anybody speaking out about anything that contradicts the mainstream narrative or disagrees with the “majority rules” mentality, is now being accused of incitement and “hate speech”. Are you KIDDING me? We can’t say what we think now? Are we all destined to regurgitate the same stories for fear of being labelled a heretic and ostracized, from society, not just the yoga community? Does anybody actually worry about the implications this will have in the future and especially, for the next generation, the ones we are supposed to be custodians of?
Where is people’s trust in, and allegiance to, SPIRIT??
Whatever rolls out in the future, I certainly won’t be wasting my hard earned dollars anymore by staying affiliated with YA, or IYTA, if this is the attitude they embody and promote.
I CERTIFY MYSELF; as my dear sister Marie Russel says so beautifully and truthfully.
I hope y’all have lots of popcorn stashed because this here circus has only just started putting its poles up.
Men And Dresses
Mark Manson’s view of the life and work of the ‘Einstein of Consciousness’ KEN WILBER, a Sun sign Aquarius
A Cautionary Tale of a major Aquarian Thinker: Mark Manson’s view of the life and work of the ‘Einstein of Consciousness’ KEN WILBER, a Sun sign Aquarius.
“Wilber’s story is a cautionary tale. His intellectual understanding was immense, as much as I’ve ever come across in a single person. He also tapped into some of the farthest reaches of consciousness, spiritual or not, that humans have self-reported. I do believe that. But ultimately, he was done in by his pride, his need for control and, well, ironically his ego.
The point is, if Wilber can succumb to it, any of us can. No one is immune. No matter how brilliant and how “enlightened” we are, we’re all animals.
Wilber was a baby boomer in the US through the 60’s and 70’s. He came up through many of that generation’s eastern spiritual movements. These movements were started by eastern teachers and subscribed to a dogma that an enlightened awareness could develop someone into a flawless individual, an immutable authority. Despite Wilber’s massive understanding of human psychology and consciousness, he never seemed to shake this dogma. It followed Wilber through his career and eventually manifested in himself. When he was younger, he notoriously followed Adi Da, a spiritual leader who was later found to be sexually abusing female followers. Yet he stood by him. Later in his career, he also aligned with Andrew Cohen, a spiritual leader who was found to be physically and emotionally abusing his followers. And again, he stood by him. Why? Because Wilber maintained they had genuinely reached the farthest limits of human awareness and understanding.
What Wilber taught me is that no depth of spiritual experience can negate our physical and primal drives for power, lust and validation. As primates, we’re wired to seek someone to look up to as well as to be looked up to by others. And that’s true whether we’re experiencing Godhead or bodhisattva or not. It’s inescapable.
Wilber also showed me that a brilliant mind does not necessarily make a brilliant leader. Wilber bragged in an interview that he never planned anything at Integral Institute, because planning would not represent a “second-tier” leadership. Despite massive funding, enthusiasm, brain power and demand, Integral Institute found a way to fail.
The grand irony here is that Wilber’s model itself, the Integral framework, accounts for and describes everything I said in the paragraphs above. Wilber failed in the exact ways his own model predicted. His model champions the idea of transcending the ego, not negating it. It calls for crowdsourced intellectual rigor and peer review. It goes on, at length, about the shadow self and how our unconscious desires sabotage our greater goals. It covers our primal and biological nature and how our lower impulses must be accepted and kept in check.
Yet he would succumb to the same faults he warned us about.
David Foster Wallace states in his speech “This Is Water” that we all choose something to worship, whether we realize it or not. Wilber would say what we choose to worship is dependent on the stage or level of consciousness we’ve developed to. And he would be right.
But what he seems to have missed is that worshipping consciousness development itself, Wilber’s so-called “second-tier” thinking, leads to the same disastrous repercussions Wallace warned of: vanity, power, guilt, obsession.
No one is immune.
As humans, we have a tendency to cling to ideologies. Any positive set of beliefs can quickly turn malevolent once treated as ideology and not an honest intellectual or experiential pursuit of greater truth. Ideology does in entire economic systems and countries, causes religions to massacre thousands, turns human rights movements into authoritarian sects and makes fools out of humanity’s most brilliant minds. Einstein famously wasted the second half of his career trying to calculate a cosmological constant that didn’t exist because “God doesn’t play dice.”
Wilber’s brilliance will always be a part of me. But what he really taught me is this: There is no ideology. There is no guru. There is only us, and this, and the silence.”
Letter From An MD Regarding The Covid 19 Vaccine
Letter from an MD regarding the Covid 19 Vaccine
The Covid Stages – Not A Conspiracy Theory
The Real Pandemic – It’s Not About You, Until It Is
Qantas Told To Help Sell Vaccination
Einstein Answers, “Do You Believe In God?”
When Einstein gave lectures at U.S. universities, the recurring question that students asked him most was:
– Do you believe in God?
And he always answered:
– I believe in the God of Spinoza.
Baruch de Spinoza was a Dutch philosopher considered one of the great rationalists of 17th century philosophy, along with Descartes.
(Spinoza) : God would say:
Stop praying.
What I want you to do is go out into the world and enjoy your life. I want you to sing, have fun and enjoy everything I’ve made for you.
Stop going into those dark, cold temples that you built yourself and saying they are my house. My house is in the mountains, in the woods, rivers, lakes, beaches. That’s where I live and there I express my love for you.
Stop blaming me for your miserable life; I never told you there was anything wrong with you or that you were a sinner, or that your sexuality was a bad thing. Sex is a gift I have given you and with which you can express your love, your ecstasy, your joy. So don’t blame me for everything they made you believe.
Stop reading alleged sacred scriptures that have nothing to do with me. If you can’t read me in a sunrise, in a landscape, in the look of your friends, in your son’s eyes… ➤ you will find me in no book!
Stop asking me “will you tell me how to do my job?” Stop being so scared of me. I do not judge you or criticize you, nor get angry, or bothered. I am pure love.
Stop asking for forgiveness, there’s nothing to forgive. If I made you… I filled you with passions, limitations, pleasures, feelings, needs, inconsistencies… free will. How can I blame you if you respond to something I put in you? How can I punish you for being the way you are, if I’m the one who made you? Do you think I could create a place to burn all my children who behave badly for the rest of eternity? What kind of god would do that?
Respect your peers and don’t do what you don’t want for yourself. All I ask is that you pay attention in your life, that alertness is your guide.
My beloved, this life is not a test, not a step on the way, not a rehearsal, nor a prelude to paradise. This life is the only thing here and now and it is all you need.
I have set you absolutely free, no prizes or punishments, no sins or virtues, no one carries a marker, no one keeps a record.
You are absolutely free to create in your life. Heaven or hell.
➤ I can’t tell you if there’s anything after this life but I can give you a tip. Live as if there is not. As if this is your only chance to enjoy, to love, to exist.
So, if there’s nothing after, then you will have enjoyed the opportunity I gave you. And if there is, rest assured that I won’t ask if you behaved right or wrong, I’ll ask. Did you like it? Did you have fun? What did you enjoy the most? What did you learn?…
Stop believing in me; believing is assuming, guessing, imagining. I don’t want you to believe in me, I want you to believe in you. I want you to feel me in you when you kiss your beloved, when you tuck in your little girl, when you caress your dog, when you bathe in the sea.
Stop praising me, what kind of egomaniac God do you think I am?
I’m bored being praised. I’m tired of being thanked. Feeling grateful? Prove it by taking care of yourself, your health, your relationships, the world. Express your joy! That’s the way to praise me.
Stop complicating things and repeating as a parakeet what you’ve been taught about me.
What do you need more miracles for? So many explanations?
The only thing for sure is that you are here, that you are alive, that this world is full of wonders.
– Spinoza
As is with any post, readers often will have an opinion regarding the subject matter. There is no subject more open and vehemently debated than the subject of a higher being, of reincarnation, of what is good. The author of the post states ” No matter what ones personal Spiritual belief is, whether I or Any of you agree with what one particularly believe, if what someone believes makes them a better Human being that’s all that matters. It’s time for every single living Soul to set differences aside and look at the individual as a person. Are they a good person overall? Do they treat others with kindness, compassion and dignity? Those are the only things any of us need to be worried about.”
Some think it is more about politics, others looks with fresh eyes on creation, nature, religion and the actual idea of God. The creationists and those that follow the bible rigidly have differing opinions from that of those that choose to believe and practice free will.
Carol Campbell’s comment stood out. She said, “Thank you for a fresh perspective that in no way seeks to disprove the existence of God, but rather expands the concept beyond the narrow confines of traditional religion. God is infinite Spirit,…spiritual things must be spiritually understood.”.
What’s your take on this?
Electricians Using SEO to Double their Business in a Year
Electricians can invest in any tool that promises to drive their business, whether local or international. The goal of all electricians is to solve electrical issues for their communities. Nevertheless, the competition is stiff, and one needs to do things differently to outdo their opponents. Therefore, an electrician should consider investing in their website and SEO.
This is because a well-designed website serves a better purpose than just a brochure. If your website is expertly strategised for SEO, it will generate more leads and sales. According to a recent client example in Sydney, electricians using SEO can easily double their business in a year. In fact in this case study the electrician went from zero to $30K-per-month. The use of SEO is a cost-effective method of advertising compared to traditional advertising. Let’s look at what SEO is and its benefits to electricians’ business.
What is SEO?
Search engine optimisation (SEO) is the process of increasing the visibility of electrician business by the search engines. If your website is highly ranked, many people will easily find you. Since SEO is considered the most powerful and cost-effective online business marketing tool, those using it will get long-term benefits in a short while.
How will SEO Help Market your Commercial Electrician Business?
SEO may sound complex, but it’s not what it seems. Below are actions that are aimed at increasing your SEO.
Selecting competitive and relevant keywords to make it easy for people to find your business
Today, most people use search engines to look for products or services, including commercial electrician services. For instance, according to Google search data, there are over 7000 searches per month on ‘electricians’ per month in the United States alone. So, with the relevant keyword, you’ll have boosted your business visibility.
Develop a backlinking technique to boost your ranking for specific keywords
Now that you already have a competitive keyword, you should develop a technique that will compel people to connect with you from their sites. This is done by simply creating attention-grabbing content. If you keep uploading fresh and engaging content, you keep your visitors hooked, and they can’t help but keep coming back. With more visitors to your site, you’ll appear among the top pages in the search engine.
More backlinks leading to your site will enable you to rank highly in Google. Also, more visitors mean that you’ll have more people seeking your electrician services.
Ensure your sites have a fast loading time
This is a key consideration for online electrician businesses. Also, electrical problems are rampant, and they occur when least expected. At such a time, customers wish to find a skilled electrician soonest possible. If your website loads in what seems like forever, they’ll leave it immediately and search other sites. This is why it is important to ensure that your site loads faster. That said, your site must be optimised for smartphone and mobile devices.
Upgrade the HTML code for your website for Google to understand it
Optimising the HTML code tends to be more complex. But all websites are created using a code. That is the HTML code and features several incomprehensible symbols and words. However, robot search spiders travel across websites to read the code and determine whether it’s worth searching. An ineffective HTML code leads to a lower ranking. To optimise your site’s HTML code, invest in an SEO campaign for your electrician business.
Spiritual Red Flags To Watch For (and their meanings)
Coincidence Theories: Follow The Money Conspiracy Theorists
Australian Government Shredders Are Working Overtime During COVID-19
The Australian government is, despite our delusions of democracy, a very secretive corporation. PM Scott Morrison’s blokey banter disguises many hidden agendas, which are largely carried out by “The Skull”- Home Affairs minister Peter Dutton. Of course, a pandemic crisis is the perfect time to indulge in some skulduggery. This current conservative government has set the Australian Federal Police (AFP) upon the ABC and News Corp journalist Anika Smethurst over leaked information to them. Attorney General Christian Porter has instigated legal proceedings against whistle blower Bernard Collaery in the bugging of Timor-Leste by Australia during oil and gas negotiations. The case against Collaery has been shrouded in secrecy and dispels the myth of Australian democratic openness and integrity. In fact, Australian Government shredders are working overtime during COVID-19.
Government’s Nasty Actions Remain Out of the Spotlight
Keeping a close association with their local Sydney shredder company is always a good idea when governments are up to no good. It is a sad but true reality of all governments that they like to keep their nasty actions out of the media spotlight wherever possible, whilst, on camera, promising to be everyone’s best friend. The Federal Government’s purchase of land in Western Sydney for 10 times what it was actually worth from a Liberal Party billionaire donor highlights the dirty deeds not done dirt cheap. Paying just under $30 million for land worth $3 million for a second airport stinks of the corruption surrounding this coalition government in Canberra. Interestingly, they do not support the establishment of a federal ICAC to investigate dodgy dealings like this. Obviously, Australian shredders are working overtime during to destroy any evidence of their nefarious activities. As the Sydney Morning Herald continues to report on, NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian’s office broke the law when it shredded documents relating to a $250 million grants scheme, according to an investigation.
Despots Have Declawed the Fourth Estate
Unsurprisingly, social media is rife with revelations about government secrets. Fake news sits cheek by jowl with real news and a blanket of doubt has been cast over everything. This, of course, is what despots like Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin want. They have declawed the fourth estate and rendered it impotent in 2020. Folks at home don’t know what the real score is anymore, and each side seems not to care about truth and veracity. The Australian government attacks China like the USA’s lapdog and in so doing appeals to a racist core deep within the electorate. Blame a foreigner is an old political tactic, which, seemingly, never loses currency.
The fossil fuel power broker, Nev Power, who sits close to PM Scott Morrison on the COVID-19 Recovery Commission, is unapologetically championing his mates in the gas industry. There seems to be no conflict of interest here, according to Nev. The fact that Australia is a paradise for renewable energy and has a hell of a lot of lithium should not get in the way of us investing a fortune in gas in the interim. It is never what you know but who you know and where you sit at the table of life!
Basil Zempilas: An Open Letter To You, Perth’s Newest Lord Mayor
The Importance Of The Average Hug
Hate Trump? This Is For All Of You Who Do
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have won the USA election
And the winners are… Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have won the US election.
No matter what Trump does now, it is over.
And it couldn’t have come at a better time.
In the heart of a pandemic, with the reality of global warming upon us, we need intelligent, competent, experienced, and compassionate leadership in America.
Biden has been a public servant for over 40 years, and is expert at building coalition and bridging both sides of the aisle.
He will re-establish essential relationships, and he will hire qualified people to clean up the mess. I have every faith that he will prove to be a unifying and prolific leader.
Get Ready to Awaken Your Soul This 11/11
+ Improve Mental, Physical & Emotional Wellbeing
+ Heal and rejuvenate your body & mind to its natural resonance.
+ Boost Immune System
+ Improve Sleep Quality
+ Balance your Nervous System
+ Revitalise an optimal state of wellbeing and harmony.
+ Accelerate healing and recovery from Quantum Rejuvenation.
+ Improve mental health & manage stress more effectively
+ Release physical, emotional, mental dis-stress, anxiety, trauma and tension
+ Deepen State of Relaxation & Meditation
+ Purify mental, physical & emotional balance.
+ Break free from toxic thought patterns, limiting beliefs, negative thinking & trapped emotions.
+ Align & Tune your Energy Centres / Biofield / Chakras / Kundalini
+ Increase Creativity, Clarity & Insight.
+ Manifest your intentions more effectively.
+ Expand your awareness & Rewire your Brain.
+ Experience transcendental states of consciousness.
+ Detox Cells from Radiation
+ Feel more Energised, Calm & Balanced
+ Life Changing Realisations/Transformations
+ Maintain more inner peace & harmony in your life
+ Empower, activate, awaken your limitless potential.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Unlock the Gateway to Higher Consciousness
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Just Relax, Close your Eyes & Open your Mind.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
” A deeply healing, heart opening, restorative experience to reset, receive and reset. I felt the energy circulating through my entire system, expansion in my heart, lightness in my body and i had the best slept ever in along time ” Jeng
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
We require you to wash your hands before entry or utilise the hand sanitiser available in our premises.
Practice Social Distancing during our events
Our Movement & Dance classes apply with social distancing measures.
Staff will be checking guests’ names on arrival
Please do not attend or make any bookings if you carry any symptoms of Covid-19. We will happily refund you.
Please respect each other’s space and honour safe distancing guidelines whilst attending your workshop/class.
We are making every effort to keep the studio sanitised and clean.
We kindly ask that you please bring all equipment that you need for your class such as yoga mat, soft blanket and a bolster/pillow if desired. If you require renting or using any studio equipment we ask if you can please clean, wipe down prior and after use.
We offer contactless payments for any services.
We ask you to please support us and practice these safety measures for the period of current restrictions.
Be kind to yourself & others while respecting the space as you immerse in our world.
These Events usually sell out so book early to save disappointment.
BYO Drinking Water. Wear warm comfortable clothes.
Please arrive early or on time.
Doors Open 5mins prior & shut 10 mins after. No late arrivals
On-street parking available
For best results have an intention & hydrate well before and after the session.
Please don’t plan too much afterward session. Allow for at least 15 mins afterwards before driving. You may feel a bit zoned-out like after a 1-2hr deep tissue massage.
Arrive with an open mind & heart. Expect the unexpected.
The True Art of Winning By Kurt Vonnegut
Butthole Sunning: Yoga’s Trend: The Fourth Eye of the Perineum
Ever heard of the fourth eye? I did 15 minutes of butthole sunning yesterday and feel supercharged for my week. I didn’t even need coffee this morning, I woke up bright and early with the sunrise ready for my day. Don’t take my word for it, just try it yourself so you can receive and feel the beneficial power of the sun through your anus.
Remember to start your week by charging your anus with the power of the sun. Your anus is considered the “Fourth Eye” and it’s directly connected to your “Third Eye” and pineal gland.
Absorbing sunlight through your anus via “butthole sunning” is a great way to recharge your whole system.
For many people in the world their anus is the seat of their consciousness and their consciousness needs brightening, what better way to brighten your mood by getting sunlight to the darkest area of your body; if more people received nourishing light particles through their perineum I believe there would be far less assholes in the world.
Seriously though, it’s important to love the skin you live in, love your body and love yourself wholeheartedly and unconditionally.
Spend time in your natural state in nature feeling the sun on your skin.
captures by The Travel Proxy
#befree #bodypositivity #loveyourskin #loveyourbody #buttholesunning #yoga #yogi #crazysexyyoga #happybabypose #nature #naturalstate #sundayfunday #sundayvibes #sunshine #nkdart #motivation #nkd