What is going on in Victoria?
Premier Dan Andrews has visited China a number of times over the last few years. The severe lockdowns being imposed in Melbourne at the moment are looking more and more like a communistic totalitarian approach every day. Is this just a coincidence? I personally don’t believe there’s any such thing as a coincidence, he is also taking a dictatorial role not only with the good people of Victoria but with his own cabinet at the moment which clearly signifies a move away from true democracy, or last remaining remnants thereof.
If you are not familiar with the Communist Party of China, and it’s history, you may wish to look into that, it is one of violence and oppression and control of the people. It is founded on Marxist principles of totalitarian top down control, a dictatorship essentially, a lot of censorship and limited freedoms. There are currently concentration camps in the far west of China where there are imprisoned estimates of up to 3 million Uiger nationals, an ethnic minority group from that area that China had taken over, what goes on there of course is not well known about because there is not really a freedom of press in China, it is kept very secret, no doubt with good reason as they probably don’t want the rest of the world at least to know about it.
Chief editor of the pro democracy Chinese Australian news paper The Tiananmen Times, Frank Ruan Jie, has given a dire warning to Australians. In this video Frank goes into detail about the CCP's bio-warfare agenda and how they're using the BRI to advance their ambitions of ethnic cleansing and global domination.Every Australian should watch this video.
Posted by Morgan C Jonas on Friday, August 7, 2020
Alarm bells should be ringing loud and clear for everyone by now. Personally, I don’t think Dan Andrews is going to get away this but it doesn’t look like ScoMo is doing anything about it at the moment, not surprisingly, so perhaps it is really up to us, the people of this country to stand up and start making some noise about this, it’s our country, not theirs. Dan Andrews does not have any right to sell our country to China unless we say it’s ok. If we don’t say anything … ??? So, I understand it is a difficult time for everyone at the moment, especially all those in Victoria just now but no doubt if dictator Dan is successful there with their plans (there must be of course many others involved, he is a front man), then it is just a matter of time before we see the same thing happening in other states. We are many and they are few, this country is for all of us, not just for them to decide.
Where do we go from here ? We each have to decide that for ourselves, no should’s or shouldn’ts, no right or wrong but there are always consequences to our actions, or in this case perhaps, non actions. I believe in non violent civil disobedience, non aquiescence to completely disrespectful and harmful demands such as these lockdowns, I am on the fence about going out and protesting and pushing against, however if organised well and peacefully I think it can be very powerful as we have seen in Germany and UK recently, tread carefully there friends if you are going to do it but I would say don’t be afraid either. I personally feel to stand up and not take this lying down, and I encourage everyone to do the same if you feel to, and share your voice, it will make a difference. Have courage to go beyond any fear of what others may think of you or of what may happen, feel into your heart, your body and your mind and do what feels best for you, I would say it’s most important at this point that we stop making decisions from outside authority, and learn to trust ourselves, again, fully, be empowered.