What happened in Beirut?

So terrorist attacks are back on the cards to cause more distraction.

Mainstream Media will tell you there was an explosion due to ammonium nitrate stored in a Warehouse in Lebanon.

Photographic and video footage speak otherwise – of drone attacks & possible DEWS – Direct Energy Weapons System – the same systems that started the California and Australian fires.

This same Mainstream Media are the ones telling you to ‘put your mask on’ and ‘social distance’ because you are ‘saving lives’.

When we all know now that Covid has 99% chance recovery.

And now the talk in Melbourne of stage ‘5’ lockdown with 1hr a week outside??? Get fucked.

QLD borders also set to close to NSW.

Guaranteed they’re pushing for another Global Lockdown.

Honestly welcome to the movies with all this bullshit acting, its a joke.

Yet ppl still surrender to the farce and the fear 🤦🏾‍♂️

Full love to the elderly who have passed so far however, people seem to forget that you do actually die when you get older 🤔🤦🏾‍♂️

And, if there is a huge concern to the elderly and sick, voluntary isolation and quarantine with health support is more than enough.

Destroying livelihoods & peoples businesses and locking up the healthy thus causing more mental issues, rise in suicide, domestic violence and pedophilia is deadset stupid.

Anyway – never believe what mainstream media nor crooked politicians like the Vic premiere tell you.

Trust your own intuition and thought process even if you are labelled as a conspiracy theorist – {which dont actually exist – this is just the normal new age excuse from ppl who cant think for themselves}

And, even if other leaders in the community bypass with transcendent, sovereign, ‘not my reality’ bullshit.

Stay true to you and your own intuition – making sure FIRST that it is not your fears, ego or trauma speaking – which is why intuitive development is so important.

And, if the people make a stand – you get to decide – do you sit back with a she’ll be right mate attitude and allow your rights taken away?

Or do you rise with the people for the awakening of us all.

☆☆☆☆ Sending love and healing to the sisters, brothers & children of Lebanon ♡♡♡♡

Light Up the Darkness


Brother Ra