This famous video whistleblown by Chelsea Manning (formerly Bradley Manning) showed how the “war in Iraq” continued to be a slaughter-zone for years (including today) and the most horrific aspect of this video is that two children were directly caught up in the US helicopter’s bombardment of a van trying to rescue a severely injured man. This is a war crime according to the Geneva Convention … yet somehow the whistle-blower ends up in jail for life. Shame on you Barack Obama, George Bush, Hillary Clinton & others who preside over this criminality.
Geneva Convention 1 article 18:
“The military authorities shall permit the inhabitants and relief societies, even in invaded or occupied areas, spontaneously to collect and care for wounded or sick of whatever nationality. No one may ever be molested or convicted for having nursed the wounded or sick.”
Barack Obama said nothing about this video. Neither did Kevin Rudd.
So much for them being the “good guys”. Once in power, they preferred to play it safe.
An article in the New York Times quoted Noor Eldeen, the father of the Reuters photographer, Namir Noor-Eldeen, killed in the video as saying:
“At last the truth has been revealed, and I’m satisfied God revealed the truth. If such an incident took place in America, even if an animal were killed like this, what would they do?”
Here’s just a tiny percentage of responses from people who watched the video – more than 1.2 million people have watched it on Youtube so far, and it is posted on many other video-sharing websites:
It IS a war crime
“Geneva Convention 1 article 18:
“The military authorities shall permit the inhabitants and relief societies, even in invaded or occupied areas, spontaneously to collect and care for wounded or sick of whatever nationality. No one may ever be molested or convicted for having nursed the wounded or sick.”
Also, dont forget 600,000 innocents have been killed in this war. Would you fight back if your family got killed? That’s why we’re still in Iraq and Afghanistan.
what people like that fail to realise is that we are all people, why are we fighting each other???
because of political boundaries?
skin colour?
lies by the media?
As Jeremy Scahill said (I think that was him on Democracy just now), this is everyday occurrence in our tax-funded war zones – I agree with 420 below – all the people in this chain of command involved in this, from the pilots, gunners and commanders saying “shoot”, as well as those of us paying taxes back home, are implicit. Our nation is morally corrupt. War is conveniently sanitized from a distance. Thank you Wikileaks for posting this.
I’m not anti American or anything, but seriously, one day the United States will pay for shit like this along with tons of other war crimes they conducted over the? past years.
USA, if there not shooting at their allies they are shooting up? civilians!! Trigger happy morons.
can you hear their laughing about the panzer driving over? the body? that’s fucking humanless.
first the us army is there for no other reason than oil, second these people were not attacking anyone, third the american cowards they even shot the ones who were trying to rescue them!!! what threat is that??? the streets are empty the iraquis are under occupation and the occupier should go home and let them alone and let? their resources alone. You are evil just like them.
I’m filming this video with my HD Camcorder so if they try to erase it…I’ll have already made like 30 copies on DVD and they’ll be given to friends and strangers so that it will exist AFTER Google and YouTube censor the truth like in China or Turkey.
I felt physically sick.? The children in the van, (whether it was right for them to be there or not), and the pilot’s gloating justification for shooting them really got to me.
Did you hear that? …it´s their fault for bringing their kids into a battle…
Maybe, there was a family-van, accidentally passing by,? to help the wounded one.
But these motherf**kin´ bastards shot only for joy, wthout any reasons to.
I think the whole world should know, what happens in Iraq and Afghanistan!
In the 70’s we, the Portuguese, also used to call terrorists or “turras” to the ppl of Moz, Angola and Guinea Bissau engaged in the war against us. That was also our doctrine. Now, 35 years after, it is very clear that doctrine and true don´t go along very well. Can’t blame the soldiers in this case. Politics, oil politics, are to blame in a country that spends 20 000 000 barrels of oil EACH DAY and can,t just? stop it overnight.
yes they mistakenly think there is one. however, rather than just fire and kill people that are just loitering in the street, it takes an extra minute to circle once around and make sure there is an RPG. the rules of engagement are clear – first you must use the minimum amount of force (clearly not done here), and secondly you can’t fire upon the wounded who are disarmed (clearly not done here – they fired upon the unarmed people helping the wounded). major violations of code
Imagine if you lived there and could get killed for just walking outside. Imagine if that was your family. Those who dont think this is just a senseless killing are either really dumb or just douche bags.
nbydummy have the identities of the soldiers involved been revealed? if not, they crucially need to be. let people know them and see them for what they are.
why the fuck does nobody care?
USA basically said, hey we are going to go in iraq and take over and kill loads of people for no reason and the media are going to make it seem like we are the good guys
I felt after listening to these ‘soldiers’, that I was listening to children with lethal training. They weren’t calm, observant, or even disciplined. They were anxious to kill, and they bet many lives on the probability of a successful engagement.
Disgraceful work.
@Svejser A Punk:
is it ok to kill innocent children? America isn’t always right!!! That was cold blooded brother Imagine if some one does you or your family members like that!! Would the Suspect be well within his means,or would it be cold murder?
that was a camera not a rpg. and shooting a van that is helping so nobody except them or the red cross can help the wounded? nice. they see enemies in every corner, that is the problem. and every soldier in the world wants to shoot something, that´s why they are soldiers. but nobody was attacking them. yes, I think one of the men had a rifle, but that is not excuse for killing all the others and the ones that tried to help. there was no combat, they just wanted to kill? someone.
Sadly this video is only the tip of the iceberg. The slaughtering began on March 20, 2003 and let’s not forget the child who, a couple of years ago, had his legs and arms blown off by US forces? Or have we forgotten him already? What became of the children shot up in this video, how bad were their injuries and what about the mental and spiritual damage to them of having their parent/s slaughtered before their eyes? And the appalling “soldier-talk” – from the few videos we have got out of this ongoing bloodbath, there’s a pervasive tone of cold blooded detached enjoyment. They even laugh when a tank runs over a body.
It’s a sad day for all of humanity when “laws” and “rules” suddenly become more important than the lives they’re supposed to protect. What good are laws and rules if humans die needlessly because of those laws and rules? We’re supposed to be working towards a better state of? existence for all of humanity. How is this freedom for the Iraqi people? Whatever happened to “the sanctity of human life?” This is madness…
What? people don’t understand is that these soldiers are filled with hate. They were trained this way and to make matters worse, most of them were racist to begin with. Racism and hate make excellent killers.
Americans need to wake up and recognize that they have been lied to for decades. Their country is bankrupt and in a shambles, as are all other countries. Media and gov’t have lied for decades. It’s time people stopped watching American Idol and took responsibility for how their tax dollars are spent. The? US gov’t overspends by 4.38 billion dollars per day. USA debt and unfunded liabilities = $120 trillion or $389,000+ for each person in the US.
Fucking American assholes
killing innocent people, blind motherfuckers?
hplaserjet2001 @mcedik I agree, it’s likely the family was passing through on their way to take the children to school or to their home in the neighbourhood. The USA has created a war zone in their neighbourhoods. How long until the US gov’t unleashes the? same on its own citizens in the USA? Will they do the same when people finally wake up and riot in the streets because they realize their corrupt gov’t has lied for decades and wasted trillions of their tax dollars…
loptosko1 Oh my Lord. Oh. This clearly shows up that American are bloodthirsty murderers who killed just for fun. I am shocked. I? am shocked. Jesus. European Union should cancell all diplomatic contact with this fucking state of primitive butchers…. When I read that americans killed over 1 000 000 Iraqies I could not believe. Now I can. this had not to be the first of last crime. what italian journalist Guliana Sgrena? on others?
tibermoon2 They thought? They wanted to shot people and therefore everything they saw they filtered through that perspective.There was no indication of provocative towards the helicopter among the group of men out in the open talking.They could hear the helicopter but they did not seek? shelter. What justification can be given for shooting the vehicle that was passing by and assisted the wounded? They were carrying an injured person to the vehicle for transportation to medical care. Life is not a video game.
ziadxx71 i don’t care what any asshole says to try to Justify this,you never shoot at people trying to? save an injured man..and i think those are iraqi people so they are in their country..they could have all the weapons they want.. what da fuck are these red necks doing there in the first place..
NomenNesci0 Aside from all the legal problems of this operation, one thing has to be noted: lightly made tactical decisions create huge strategic problems. Secondly absolute power corrupts and who has more power than a gunner who has nothing else to do but? try to find someone to kill. And how can one even surrender in this new kind of war. Also it seem that evacuating the wounded is now more difficult and lethal (actually it is a war crime to shoot the people in this case).
MohamedZero Fuck america, their army and their “Democracy”. Ethic-less moral-less Fucks. Look at what your country and your army are doing to my people. The guys from the van had the balls and were man enough to? go and try to help innocent people. They were helping! why kill em!
patito76 I am sorry but the soldiers didn´t sound scared….laughing at the dead bodies and the body being crushed by a tank, they seemed eager to? shoot…not scared, and oh sure terrorist walk around with the weapons like that….this was murder. don´t take sides. and nobody asked the americans to go and save irak. remember the lies about the weapons of mass destruction. and what? people can´t even walk in groups without being shot at? nice democracy you´re building. be honest. it´s business.
Lovablekit Fucking awful. I’m glad this video was posted… maybe some of the hardcore pro-war/death retards here in America will see what’s really? happening over in the middle east, and stop believing that we’re doing “God’s work”. We’re not. Tons of Innocent people are dying for every actual legitimate Islamic extremist that gets killed.
InsaneGoonRules As a former Vietnam pilot I’m shocked. A blind babboon could see these people were Zero threat. ? WTF are we doing over there? They need a serious inquiry into this disgraceful conduct. Stop the coverup.
GiveUsTheTruth Geneva Convention 1 article 18:
“The military authorities shall permit the inhabitants and relief? societies, even in invaded or occupied areas, spontaneously to collect and care for wounded or sick of whatever nationality. No one may ever be molested or convicted for having nursed the wounded or sick.” So it’s a war crime and just plain murder.
J4vex This happens in all wars, unfortunately. But this, said by the soldiers in the video:
“Well it’s their fault for bringing kids into a battle”
That’s not a fair statement, and it’s a piss-poor justification for this incident. They went to help a wounded man on the road. They didn’t even get him into the van? before they got blown away. It wasn’t a “battle”, no more than shooting fish in a barrel is fishing.
NSAdisinformation Are young soldiers are so dumbed down with reality shit, and video games it is ridiculous. Ask them who did 911, they still think it was some arabs with boxcutters, or saddam!!! Most of US americans are borderline retarded. It would be too high of a compliment to call these guys inhuman monsters. They are fuckin’ retarded. Simple as? that.
loftyabuse What a bunch of sniveling cry babies. War is fucking hell and it always has been. Get this and get it good you anti American peace loving hippies, there always has? been war and there always will be.
sydneycafes@loftyabuse with people like you around there always will be war, because you love it so much. You’re just a psychopathic angry fucked-up weirdo. I bet when someone gets murdered in your own town you celebrate it: “there has always been murder and always will be”.
JamJHolmes Congratulations KILLERS. Way to MURDER innocent people/CHILDREN. Way to fight for bankers and corporations and Israel. Way to spend future generations money for this. The people who run our country at total pieces of? sht. Chickenhawk bastards. This makes me fkin sick.
tfwc63 Good report of wat modern time high-tech war looks like, that most people don’t see. So much like a computergame, that is uncanny.
Is this better than saddam hussein? In? god we trust, democracy, yeah right.
PIentyMoney Also, you shouldn’t enjoy killing no matter who it is, especial medical help. This just shows the type of training given to our troops and the type of people who attracted to? this job. For those talking shit, imagine those people killed were your family. And do you people who defend the killing think that they were posing a clear threat? Fuck no they were standing there. If they were insurgents they would not stand out in the open by under helicopter durrr
cedorris @FoxKeegan It wasn’t “moments ago.” Watch the full length video.
The Apache is way up in the air. How are the folks in the van supposed to know what’s going on? Maybe they were bringing their kids? home from soccer and saw someone bleeding in the street and dying. Maybe they knew he was a war journalist. Maybe they saw the gunship and thought “those are our allies, it’s safe to help the hurting journalist.” T.
For more on this video and other slaughterings done in the name of democracy check out