Master of Rapport ROB BORG writes about sales training importance in the business world to get what you want …

All Goals Start with a Dream.

You’ve heard people say, on January the 1st I will: stop smoking; start a diet; start working out at the gym; and so on. But words are nothing but labels and we label our life experiences with certain words.

A dream or desire, however, needs more than words to turn it into reality.
How then do you turn the dream into a goal?

What we are looking for is action. Here is a saying I learned around 5 years ago: ‘What you do speaks so loudly, what you say I cannot hear.’ Pretty powerful stuff, wouldn’t you say? So to achieve goals we really need to take action – and lots of it!

Here is a proven effective system you can use to help you get started. Go for it and let me know how you went!

Achieving Your Goals

Be absolutely clear about what it is that you want. Get certainty and clarity.

Unsure? Try the exercise below!

Set a time frame of when you want to achieve your outcome by.

Devise a strategic plan which will take you to your destination.

Take action – begin the challenge right NOW and make it happen.
Increase your awareness and address the obstacles preventing you from achieving your goal.

Make the necessary changes to keep you on track towards your goals.
Remember, if you get ‘stuck’ on any of the above points, feel free to contact me by clicking on the website below.


You may have heard the term ‘SMART’ goal. SMART is an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Action-oriented, Realistic, Time-bound. You may want to make your goal SMARTER by adding Exciting/Ethical and Resourced!


Start by writing a list of your dreams and desires. You may wish to revise this over a couple of days.

Discover which are the most important to you at this time – try putting them in order!

Choose one goal to start with, and make it SMARTER.

Go For It

Completed a goal? Give yourself a pat on the back – and go for the next one!

Appreciate What You Have

Have you ever been guilty of thinking, ‘things will be ok when…’? I know most of us have.

The problem with this kind of thinking is that it effectively puts our happiness on hold for a later date. Not only that, it encourages us to be in ‘effect’ – to rely on outside influences to be the source of comfort. The problem with being in ‘effect’ is that you give up control and give up creating life the way you really want it.

Sales Training Solution

Sales training solves by appreciating what we have and where we are, right now, in this moment. If we have little, we can still appreciate what we do have. If we find ourselves in a difficult situation, we can appreciate the lessons to be learned and the chance to improve.

It takes practice, but finding yourself living in the present moment, appreciating what you have, is a goal worth aiming for.


Start by appreciating yourself. Every morning when you brush your teeth, look at yourself in the mirror. Look yourself in the eye and tell yourself three things you like about you. It may feel awkward at first but keep it up and you’ll reap the benefits.