And the winners are… Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have won the US election.

No matter what Trump does now, it is over.

And it couldn’t have come at a better time.

In the heart of a pandemic, with the reality of global warming upon us, we need intelligent, competent, experienced, and compassionate leadership in America.

Biden has been a public servant for over 40 years, and is expert at building coalition and bridging both sides of the aisle.

He will re-establish essential relationships, and he will hire qualified people to clean up the mess. I have every faith that he will prove to be a unifying and prolific leader.

Every man has aspects of the toxic masculine living inside of him.
But Trump took it to a whole different level.
He is like the amalgamation of every toxic masculine trait since the beginning of humankind.
All of it living inside one man.
All of it, in horrifyingly obvious fragments.
His defeat is an essential step towards the healing of our world.
And it is a powerful death blow to the malevolent male warrior.
This archaic T-rex consciousness will not serve our species going forward.
Only co-creative, benevolent warriorship will serve us now…
Not every man for himself, but every man for humanity.
And, perhaps most importantly, Kamala Harris is the first female Vice President in 244 years.
Think about that.
244 YEARS.
Her achievement will inspire girls and women to believe in themselves for centuries to come.
Her tenacious brilliance will ignite millions to womanifest their gifts and offerings all over the world.
This gives me hope, as does the fact that she is a POC. We are now one step closer to an inclusive world.
Something beautiful happened in our world today.
It was gnarly, and it is combative, but it is truly beautiful.
Individual and collective transformation happen in small, incremental steps.
In my view, this election was a giant leap forward for humanity.
I understand that there are challenges ahead, but I go to sleep with a grateful heart.
I hope you do, too.
Bring on sleepy Joe 😊.
We could all use a good night’s rest.