I resonate deeply with these words by @jeffwitzeman …

I do not consent!

I do not consent to the mass manipulation of the public with faulty science and pharma propaganda.

I do not consent to quarantine and vaccines as the only way out of this manufactured pandemic.

I do not consent to your silence on legitimate treatment methods that work.

I do not consent to your silence on the immune system and what makes it thrive.

I do not consent and will not inject myself with an unnecessary vaccine for a virus that can be treated.

I do not consent to your utter destruction of society and emotional health for the sake of fulfilling your mandated vaccine agenda.

I do not consent to Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates determining our future.

I do not consent to the monopoly of pharmacological allopathic medicine deciding our healthcare.

I do not consent to the silencing of Functional Medicine, Naturopathic and Allopathic Doctors who have been providing non toxic treatment methods for viruses and other healthcare.

I do not consent to the repeated censoring of new information.

I IN NO WAY CONSENT to the current climate of INTERRUPTING the immune system as a way of treating symptoms rather than healing disease.

I do not consent to your cynical attitude that we are dumb animals and you know everything about disease.

I do not consent to the media’s complicit nature in the death of millions by not providing a counter-narrative to a bankrupt system.

I do not consent to the lack of safety testing for 5G, Vaccines, glyphosate, or our food and water supply.

I do not consent to anything that takes away our God given right to medical freedom.

We The People will not be silenced!


25/26 APRIL 2020

Share our Global Stop 5G “We Do Not Consent” Video across the World!

Put up I DO NOT CONSENT TO 5G or STOP 5G FOR HUMAN, BEE AND TREE banners in your windows.

If under total lock-down, arrange a Balcony Protest: Send a powerful message from your Balcony, Garden or Window with banners, slogans, whistles, pots and pans!

If small groups are still able to assemble in your country, it might be worth thinking about what you could do in this realm. But don’t flout the law and keep appropriate distance. Breaking the law will be counter-productive.

Much can be done within the means allowed!

Arrange a Zoom Call for your local area to discuss local actions – add Time, Location and Contact to the Stop 5G International website: https://www.stop5ginternational.org

Join the Global Webinar on 25 April – details to follow.

Send all Telecom, Media and Council pages ”I DO NOT CONSENT TO 5G’ message – it is really important that we make clear that we do not consent!

On Earth Day, 22 April, send a Stop 5G message to Green and Human Rights Organisations such as Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace, WWF, CPRE, Avaaz, Sum of Us, Liberty and Amnesty International emphasising the Ecological Footprint and other harm to the Environment as well as the threat to our Human Rights, in particular the Right to Informed Consent enshrined in UN Law.

Write to your local Council: LETTER FOR TOWN OR CITY COUNCILLORS (feel free to copy and paste any or all of it): https://www.ruqqus.com/post/44t

Write to every Media outlet possible and ask them to cover the global resistance that is now taking place – at home, from people’s kitchens, living rooms, bedrooms, balconies and gardens – across the world. SAMPLE LETTER TO THE EDITOR (feel free to copy and paste any or all of it): https://www.ruqqus.com/post/44u
POSTERING CAMPAIGN ON COMMUNITY BULLETIN BOARDS: Print Stop 5G graphics and put them up on community bulletin boards in your area. http://emfsafetynetwork.org/make-your-own-stop-5g-sign/ You can find more posters here – click ‘shrink to fit’ to get them to print on standard paper: https://www.5gcrisis.com/signs