How old is old? At six, I thought 18 was old. But at least I can do what I like. At 18, I thought 30 was old. But at least I have a house and a career. Now in my mid 40’s, why do I sometimes still feel like that six year old? It’s like inside we grow and learn a lot more. And yet we are never really more than that little person we once were. Getting older but still young at heart, not much has changed.

Generation x, which I belong to, is often referred to as the echo boomers. This generation saw the fall of regimes and the rise of computers. The rotary phones and the cell phones of today. We enjoy now a longer lifespan than previous generations. The wonders of modern medicine. Modern technology is now able to show detailed medical images that helped doctors come up with cures for a number of illnesses. Still a long way to go. Still haven’t found the cure for the common cold.

Where we place worries also shift as we grow older. We used to worry about school and assignments. Then it became bills. And finally, retirement. A study has surfaced that generation x’ers have no wish to retire immediately and quietly. With the emergence of a new industry, they can do just that. The home based industry allows for them to work without needing to go to the office. Telecommuting, cryptocurrency, online shopping, all done without leaving your home. But then perhaps it is because they can’t retire, it is believed that half of generation x’ers have no such savings for their retirement. Although it’s still a bit of a ways before they are actually forced to. 


Perhaps we can start now. Never too late until it is.

But the most common enemy of older people is facing loneliness. And citing medical advancements again, old age is taking a far longer time than it used to. It can even last half a century. If they are known for anything, this is a generation that will not be idle. So getting older, no matter how many years that may stretch into, will be a definite experience.