donald trump is of the light

Psychic TRUMP reading!!

By Michelle Anguiano

I don’t care if you are a well-known Oracle or psychic.

Spiritual coach or a leader.

You can have distortions and filters within your energy!!

You can be used to attack the people that are helping liberate humanity from the hands of a very powerful group of elitist.

I have said this so many times if you don’t heal your inner child.

Or try to connect more to that inner purity of your being you’re going to misrepresent the Awakening that’s happening on Earth and are going to be used to attack and discredit the ones that are actually bringing actual truth, spiritual, emotional and physical freedom!!

The reason why they use by hijacking these very strong rainbow warriors to attack and discredit the ones who are actually really helping is because they have not healed a part of their own distortion and filter that is not allowing them to really see through the deception and illusion of what they think is real.

Does this mean that they are being used in every dimension and level of consciousness? No absolutely not.

But they can be used at some level within specific or certain aspects of themselves to attack and discredit people who are really helping liberate humanity!

I’m not going to mention names because it’s not important.

I did a reading on Donald Trump not because I supported him or I cared about what was happening when I did the actual reading but I saw a lot of post and people acting irrational and unstable in their reactions and perception of him.

So I got really curious and I even asked my twin flame to assist me and unexpectedly we just turned on YouTube on our TV so that we both can see him….

And to be honest what I got to see within his consciousness and psyche was not what I was expecting!!

I’ve been doing psychic scanning for a long long time.

And I’ve been a professional psychic inner child healer for a long time as well.

Even way before people started to call themselves quantum inner child healers.

I’m not going to get into that because there’s a lot of plagiarism and copying of people’s works that I experienced with soul sisters who I befriended and ended up having to expose because they were mimicking and copying my work.

But this post is not for that.

When I did the psychic reading for Donald Trump immediately I picked up on is blueprint!

He is of the light!!

And lately I have seen people within the spiritual community easily being manipulated, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually to see him as an enemy.
I have so much to say about this because I can see right through it and where this energy is coming from it’s not from a good place.

I’m sorry to disappoint you because you might be really relying on certain people to feel comforted or trust that they’re giving you the truth.
I said this so many times when people make spirituality complicated it’s not coming from a pure place because God Divine Creator is not complicated to feel and understand!!

The love of God is simple and it’s divine and it’s felt!

This is why people need to heal their inner child so they can go straight to the core to Divine source Creator to receive the guidance!

I’m not saying that all the people that are against Trump or are being spiritually swayed to be against him are completely bad people.

I don’t want to generalize a whole group of people based what they believe to be Truth.

Because that’s what’s been happening lately we’ve been generalizing way to much!!

What I’m saying is that people can have corrupted data and can be speaking from a very filtered place.

This is why it’s necessary for us to do our own internal research and most importantly heal any of our own conditioning within the false matrix programming that can be used to pull our energy.

There’s a lot of spiritual teachers and healers that proclaim to be and maybe they are to some extent into some level but if they’re not really healing themselves and really integrated within their own purity they’re teaching and transmissions can come from a distorted place not based on wholeness and truth.

I’m basically saying that we need to be more cautious and responsible about what we are sharing and what we are claiming to be the truth.

I’ve done extensive amount of psychic scanning within Trump’s energy and even though they might be very convincing the things that are said against him, it’s not all based on truth.

I also want to add something.

I’m in no way saying that he is perfect.

He is not clean of distortions and filters.

Nor is anyone!!

Believe me I can tap into anybody’s consciousness and point out all the flaws and narcissistic tendencies and victim mentality that people have but keep hidden.

He does have narcissistic traits.

But let’s be honest who DOESN’T, its just that he shows it!

He’s an extroverted person, still has things to heal!

Everyone has some unhealthy patterns,but people hide it really good!

Even within the spiritual community people have very distorted dysfunctional patterns and ways of being.

But from what I’m picking up is that he’s doing the best he can with what he’s got, and not to mention under the circumstances of being hated on every single second of the day not only within mainstream media but with people in general!!

I know he’s really for liberating humanity!

I also picked up on some inner child trauma as well within the scanning, abandonment issues, and other things I will mention in a live video soon.

But he’s not evil!!

I will be working closely on communicating telepathically and energetically with him.

And help him heal.


I want to help him create the most beneficial scenarios and experiences for the American people.

I know I can!!

I will.

Watch and see. 🌈💃

You can too. ✨💪

Love you all.

Michelle the Alchemist 🌹
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