Where do we draw the line?
We are not allowed to relax at the beach in the open air.
We are not allowed to go camping.
We are not allowed to go surfing.
We are not allowed to sit in a park / forest enjoying nature.
We are not allowed to go for a leisurely drive if it is ‘not essential’.
We are not allowed to visit our close family and friends (even if we maintain ‘social distancing’).
Yet hundreds of people can go shopping at Kmart & David Jones at the same time to buy crap they don’t need?
Neighbors are dobbing in people who leave their home without “appropriate reason”.
Suddenly mandatory vaccination is on the agenda as a “solution” & were made to beleive that were being “rescued” by our government (aka bill gates)
Tracking of our location and our movements are happening.
5G is rolling out as speak (or sleep)
And suddenly every living cell will be affected overnight by its radiation, including our bee’s.
We’re slowly moving us into a cashless system – further control & tracking.
We live in a world where everyone is too scared to speak up for fear of being judged, ridiculed and abused.
Those that research & share are being ridiculed for being “conspiracy theorist’s”, when all we’re doing is simply looking for answers.
48 people have died in Australia out of a population of 24.6 million.
48 people have died (and majority are over 70yrs & had pre existing health issues) and our entire country is in lock down creating a recession that will last more than a decade.
24 people were diagnosed with Corona in Australia yesterday. Yes, only 24 out of 24.6 million.
81,000 people have died of Corona globally since November while 131,000 people have died from seasonal flu.
288,000 people have committed suicide this year.
Our mainstream media relentlessly continues to use fear mongering tactics & propaganda to push us deeper into fear daily.
How much more of this are we willing to take before we stand up and say enough is enough?
Will we continue to sit back and let our human rights and civil liberties be taken away step by step?
Where on earth do we draw the line here?!
#copy & paste if you agree 🌏