How long does something have to be considered incorrect, pseudo science or a conspiracy theory to YOU until proven otherwise?⁣

15-20 years ago, ‘Another Point of View’ was the name of a one page website that I maintained. My quest for knowledge was insatiable at that time. The page contained many links to various topics like pharmaceutical cover ups, chem-trails, the moon-landing, 911, EMFs, vaccines, Religion and spirituality, bogus fake science, food pyramids – mostly ‘conspiracy’ stuff. ‘Nut job’ info that you would NOT see on the news or written in a scientific journal – but very compelling that I was open to learning and discussing with those interested. For a long time, my credo has been ‘don’t mock what you don’t understand’. ⁣

I wanted to appease my scientific university mind and provide links to references for information that I thought were very convincing, but considered ‘out there’ to the majority. I was having a lot of discussions and telling someone to ‘go research it’ wasn’t going to cut it for me. I wanted to save people time. ⁣

What was initially perplexing to me was why these people were LITERALLY PUTTING THEIR LIVES ON THE LINE to create such controversial documentaries and articles with their name on it. They certainly weren’t doing it for FUN! They were presenting very convincing arguments about complex issues that would certainly put them in harms way. Were they…. really true??⁣

After many years of being addicted to this stuff, I stopped. It was taking a toll on my health and I was FUCKING ANGRY. Really angry. I was regularly getting into debates and arguments which wasn’t making my life fun anymore and I didn’t like the world we lived in. ⁣

conspiracy theories meat industry theory

So I decided to change my tune, and my approach to being the change that I wished to see in the world and leading by example to teaching people other points of view on how to live – rather than telling people what NOT to do or believe. Leading with intelligence rather than emotion – as these two things can work in opposition to each other.⁣

So back to my original question for YOU. ⁣

How many times would YOU have to see a convincing argument about a particular topic before you accepted it as normal / self evident? Once? Five times? Multiple sources? Particular sources over others? Do you fact check these or ever follow the money trail?⁣

I ask this now, because there are basically…⁣


…playing out that I am aware of, that differ to the mainstream rhetoric. Some are super convincing arguments, and others are out there with the fairies to me. There is plenty of amazing testimony being created everyday and shared online, that are just as quickly getting censored and pulled down, lending to the fact that freedom of speech, is not as free as what we once thought, and that agendas higher up the chain are wanting to be played out. ⁣

What are your thoughts? Think back to something that you once believed was certainly not true, that you now accept as truth. Like these things:

Keen to read what people’s methods are. ⁣

Note: did you know that there is a conspiracy theory that the American CIA created the terminology, ‘conspiracy theory’? 😂😂⁣

#covid19 #ConspiracyTheory #BTS #SearchForTheTruth #AnotherPointOfView #woke⁣