USA Politicians Outed As Paedophiles

USA Politicians Outed As Paedophiles

USA Politicians Outed as Paedophiles: But How Old Is This “News”? In July and August 2020 the below text did the rounds on Facebook and other social media platforms – and no-one could be more anti-paedophile than our team at Freshmag – we fear...
The Best Choice

The Best Choice

I think the best choice out of all those up for it. For anyone unfamiliar with her politics as I was, here are some: Abolish the death penalty Reform or reduce cash bail Scrap the cocaine sentencing disparity Eliminate mandatory minimum sentences Eliminate private...
What Happened In Beirut?

What Happened In Beirut?

What happened in Beirut? So terrorist attacks are back on the cards to cause more distraction. Mainstream Media will tell you there was an explosion due to ammonium nitrate stored in a Warehouse in Lebanon. Photographic and video footage speak otherwise – of...

List Of Achievements

I’m sharing this list of achievements that the media will never tell you about. I was never into politics because I felt that nothing could be done about the failing systems. 😞🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m likely going to offend a lot of people and I don’t care. Thank you Pam Caldwell...