A yogi speaks up on the recent events and nudges the global yoga community on their role in society.
DISCLAIMER: I am perfectly calm and relaxed as I write this, I am okay, there is no need to worry about my mental or energetic health, thank you dear ones. I am just passionately expressing myself as the writer that I am. Take the info or leave it, as usual.
According to one Sydney-based yoga teacher, “Anti mask, pro-freedom, Q mania has descended like a plague on the Northern Beaches natural therapies and yoga scene”.
Really? All I see are intelligent people who have real skill with energy, questioning directives that make no sense whatsoever to the rational mind, in an effort to protect the human rights that WE ALL ENJOY and hold dear.
And now Yoga International has this to say in response to the recent situation at Capitol Hill:
“Yoga International condemns white supremacy and the terrorist assault on the US Capitol. We condemn the disgraceful, blatant double standard which was made clear by the response to this week’s violent attempted coup vs the response to the Black Lives Matter protests last summer. We stand with those calling for the President’s immediate removal from office. We believe that yoga is a skill in action. We believe in living our yoga. We stand with those who stand for equity, justice and the peaceful transition of power.”
Well I guess there isn’t anything else to say then, seeing Yoga International knows what’s really going on.
Where were these yogis years ago when child trafficking was going on under their noses? Where were these yogis when ocean pollution threatened to wipe out millions of species and yet they couldn’t come together to ban plastic in their own studios? Where were these yogis when the whales were being slaughtered by Japanese harpoons as they chanted their mantras and professed to be all about earth-loving awareness? Where were these yogis when anything vaguely important was going on in the world that threatened life, liberty and the rights of any sentient being, such as pedophilia in government or sending troops to fight in a war of their own parliaments’ construction??
THEY WERE SILENT. “On retreat”.
Why? Because they didn’t want to get involved. It wasn’t considered “yogic” to speak out about such things or get involved in anything messy or controversial like politics or activism.
They didn’t want to “take a side” or appear “political” or out spoken back then, but it’s okay now isn’t it. WHY is that? Does anyone stop to think why these yoga associations are suddenly coming out with blanket statements supporting BLM for example – one of many psyops that peppered 2020 – and why they suddenly appear to give a toss about the state of the global yoga community? Could it have anything to do with wanting to protect themselves and ensure they don’t lose any more members? Who exactly ARE their members anyway and more importantly, who are their shareholders and sponsors?
I cannot for the life of me, fathom the level of ignorance and idiocy that I am continuing to witness within my local and global yoga community. I practice compassion as best I can every second of the day, I love everyone equally and regardless of their views, I allow their voice even if it saddens or exasperates me, but this is now just getting beyond a joke, THIS far into the sh*tshow. People really should be questioning things by now, surely?
It’s high time these people got off their “everyone who speaks out against the media is a conspiracy theorist” bandwagon and realized that most conscious people here in Australia at least, understand HISTORY. We read copious amounts of material that support our “argument” and we know that what is really happening in the world, is happening DESPITE what Q does or says. It’s time to let this one go and move on with maturity and common sense.
If yogis cannot see what is going on in the world, if they truly believe that C19 is “natural”, that this “vyrus” justifies a bonafide pandemic that justifies all the insanity, that masks are necessary (and healthy to wear), that vaccines are also necessary (and good for us), and that lock downs are for our own good to help “flatten the fcuking curve”, our community has no hope of unifying and evolving any time soon.
EVERY person on the planet has a right to express their opinions and beliefs about what’s going on, yogi or not, and I for one DID NOT sign up for my yoga teacher training over 20 years ago, with any conscious or unconscious intention to shove my head in the sand if and when a situation arose that demanded exposure, discussion and healing. Or that challenged my own limited human knowledge. I signed up for transformation and I vowed to uphold the legacy of “teaching” that also demands integrity, inquiry and developing one’s intuitive powers above all else.
HEART OVER HEAD basically, and yet what I constantly see, is this arrogant validation of mind and the pursuit of “evidence”, “facts” and “science”, when Ayurveda is supposed to be one of the most potent and reliable systems of HEALING, ever!
I signed up to learn yoga to help EXPAND myself (and my students) on all levels, to speak out about injustice and corruption and anything else that violated the human spirit AND experience, because that to me, IS yoga. I didn’t sign up to hide behind sacred texts or goddess-forbid, to ever use them as a manipulative tool to goad my brothers and sisters into silence or submission alongside me.
Anybody speaking out about anything that contradicts the mainstream narrative or disagrees with the “majority rules” mentality, is now being accused of incitement and “hate speech”. Are you KIDDING me? We can’t say what we think now? Are we all destined to regurgitate the same stories for fear of being labelled a heretic and ostracized, from society, not just the yoga community? Does anybody actually worry about the implications this will have in the future and especially, for the next generation, the ones we are supposed to be custodians of?
Where is people’s trust in, and allegiance to, SPIRIT??
Whatever rolls out in the future, I certainly won’t be wasting my hard earned dollars anymore by staying affiliated with YA, or IYTA, if this is the attitude they embody and promote.
I CERTIFY MYSELF; as my dear sister Marie Russel says so beautifully and truthfully.
I hope y’all have lots of popcorn stashed because this here circus has only just started putting its poles up.