Psychic-medium and holistic healer Jewel Heart writes about her life in healing and what holistic therapies work in her world using energy healing method …
When I stand before thee at day’s end, thou shalt see my scars and know that I had my wounds and also my healing – Rabindranath Tagore, Indian Poet.
There are many healing modalities across this Earth, from different cultures and different beliefs like energy healing. There is no right or wrong when it comes to healing yourself. Basically you do what works for you as you are an individual. I know some people that use prayer to heal themselves, I use this and Reiki energy healing. So the more open your mind is to try all different options the better, and the better your health will be. It’s really about trusting yourself, listening to your intuitive knowing, and listening to your body.
So many people I know listen to everyone else when it comes to their own bodies. That’s crazy to me because we know our own bodies, so we should listen to ourselves.
Of course you need expert opinions to know what you’re dealing with, but ultimately you know how to fix you! We are all self-healers and have the ability to do this.
read “The Journey” by Brandon Bays, she healed herself in six weeks and she had a basketball-size tumor in her uterus. Her doctor wanted her to get it cut out, but she insisted that she listen to her inner voice and she did. Brandon healed it herself with energy healing by going into the organ and cells to see why it was created or why it manifested itself, addressing the core issue and healing it. No operations, no drugs.
There are many ways to heal the mind and body, but if Einstein was correct that E=mc2, then everything is energy and we can fix everything on an energetic level long before the physical manifestation. There are energies that make up cells in our bodies. Correct the smallest thing and the rest will correct itself, whether you believe it or not. It will work better if your mind is set on it happening, as our mind is a very powerful thing that can produce energy healing.
There is also sound healing, compared to energy healing musical tones and notes have cymatics, or vibrational patterns, so sound healing acts as a form of vibrational healing. Utilizing the right healing tones in songs and with the right equipment, you can create profound healings or transformation on the listener.
Tone quality is vital to sound healing. I know this from channeling my songs, I can feel if the melody feels right or if it doesn’t, so I trust what I feel and go with it.
If you channel beauty in the tones or songs you write, it can help the listener and remind them of their own inner beauty. After a while, one can tune into the sound currents that they are given by higher realms and they can then give these currents to others through performing them, making for a very healing performance or show. I encourage all musicians to learn about sound healing, so that you can learn how to heal all those whom hear your music. And to raise the vibration of that person so that they may feel positive or good again, rising them up out of the lower vibration that they may have been stuck on before they came to your show or performance.
Sound healing, through various techniques and technologies, is the educated and conscioususe of the energy of sound to promote wellness and healing in the human body. Sound healing can also expand a person’s consciousness. Sound healing is founded on the premisethat all matter is a vibrating frequency. Science has proven that sound, or vibration, has a strong impact upon substance. The study of cymatics has shown how soundcreates geometric patterns in matter.
Dr. Emoto has proven that sound changes the molecular structure of water. Sound changes consciousness which is something we all need to know, then you can use it to change your own consciousness for the better. Just like if you had a stressful day and you get home and lie down and listen to some relaxation music, you begin to de-stress. The shift in consciousness with music also happens when you listen to your favourite singer and their singing calms you or makes you feel good. Many ancient civilizations and modern indigenous cultures have used sound healing to access higher levels of consciousness.
There are a wide range of techniques that utilize sound as a tool for change and for healing. The most common and basic use of sound is for meditation and relaxation. Chanting and toning are some of the most powerful methods for resonating sound throughout the body and to use for healing. The use of nature sounds and natural instruments, such as crystal bowls and tuning forks, have specific healing frequencies and harmonics. Drumming and rhythm are now used by corporations to release stress and build team consciousness. Shamanic drumming takes people into altered states of consciousness. Sound is now being using by clinical psychologists to help children with certain learning disabilities.
I love my crystals. They are beautiful and unique, each one of them and their energies have amazing healing properties. Each one has their very own aura, which I have seen photos taken of them using an aura photo machine. If you hold a crystal or meditate with them on your body, you can feel their energy and also their auric field will permeate across into your auric field for healing and repairing your aura. Crystals also vibrate at different frequencies to enhance healing.
There are different crystals for different chakra points on your body. The ancient Mayans, Hebrew, Vedic and Native American cultures used crystals and gemstones both in spiritual rituals and as aids to physical healing. Those who practice the ways of the ancient cultures continue to use crystals as a productive healing tool. Crystals were used in the earliest shamanic rituals as tools for initiation and healing, as talismans, and meditation.
What if we all had the ability to heal ourselves on a cellular level without having to go under the surgeon’s knife? If you have an illness where you have the time to seek an alternative way of healing, it is possible through cellular healing. Cells in your body that are charged with negative emotions will manifest into sick cells, creating problems within your physical body. You can get these problems cut out of your body by surgeons, or you can heal the damaged cells. If you are inoperative because operations are too dangerous for your condition, then try cellular healing as you have nothing to lose.
In this day and age, we are becoming more and more aware of the power of the mind, what you think you create, so think wellness and health and you create it. Use the power of the mind through a cellular healing process by going in on a subconscious level to enter the illness or bodily ache to see the cause. To see why it is there, to find out how it was created and then to uncreate it and heal it. Cellular healing can be used for all issues as well, whether its self-esteem, sexual abuse, heartache from loved ones, forgiveness of self and others, medical and psychological issues, and reconnecting with loved ones. The human body is an amazing machine that is capable of so much that we are only just starting to have an understanding of, and of just how magnificent we are.
This excerpt was from “This book is for you” The time is now to awaken from your sleep.
By Jewel Heart Psychic Musical Medium To purchase your copy go to: For more info on Jewel and her
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