Women changing the course of history … this is Herstory not History …

❤️🔥❤️ repost from Kate Baer Fossils 🌹🌹🌹

“So I’m kinda blown away right now. After seeing the naked woman turning away police in Portland, I couldn’t stop thinking about something I had heard a while back about women doing something known as Asmyrna or lifting of the skirts. Turns out it’s something that’s been done all over the world for a very long time. I wonder if the recent “Athena” yogi knew this wisdom or in her yoga she just channeled some old ancient yoni knowledge. So my research tonight included an article at suppressedhistories.net. Here is a summary after geeking out:

Known to ward off danger and enemies

Saved Lycia from Poseidon and Bellerophon by exposing their vulvas

Warrior Uster was defeated by 150 naked women by their mere presence

Persians were retreating from the enemy but the Persian women raised their skirts and the men returned to battle and won

The Tlatelolco women showed their disdain of the alliance with the Aztecs that took their husbands and sons away from them by flaunting their backside.

Women stood on the city walls and warded off invaders by uncovering their vulvas. In the Manchu dynasty “the most effective deterrent against besiegers was considered to be menstrual blood dropped on them from above”.

A grandmother could show her vulva to indicate that the war was over and the men had to listen. (Different source – Dr Barbara Alice Mann)

South Indians made “exceedingly obscene” atropopaic pots in grain fields and house tops to ward off the evil eye.

Western Europe
Sheila na gigs which were structures sometimes placed over doorways or windows or freestanding sculptures. Some were built into church walls. All featured vulvas. They were removed, hid and destroyed as relics of paganism. The Irish custom of rubbing the Sheila stones continues today.

Women had the right to stop war. If a woman of either side waves her skirt and calls for armistice. Like when there was a dispute over a marriage and “at noon a prestigious middle aged woman of one side climbed a cliff, took off her long skirt, and waved it. She shouted to stop the battle. The two sides stopped immediately and went back to their village.”

A woman can signal war or peace or protection of a captive enemy by taking off her skirt.

Epic tales of women who quelled armies by raising their robes. There’s a story of a woman whose grandchildren were killed by soldiers of the regime. She went to the cemetery where they had just been buried, stripped off her clothes and cursed the dictator. He was overthrown the same day.

Witnessing brutalities in a hunger strike, a woman stripped off her clothes and got between a youth and the police. The youth got away and she fought 4 police until two more women took their shirts off and subdued the scene. In Kikuya tradition, they were cursing the men saying ‘I have no respect for you. I wish I had never given birth to you’.

During the women’s war, women adorned themselves with leaves and ritual regalia to protest colonial oppression. Women sang, danced, ridiculed, burned, and looted. They destroyed hated native courts, cut telegraph wires, marched on houses of chiefs collaborating with colonialists, and forced them to flee. To the British they said “sir, this matter does not concern men”.

In protests in the 1970s, thousands of women marched “through town with breasts and intimate parts exposed”. The ritual was in the nakedness. It made the dance sacred. They demanded release of all students arrested and the next day they were.

Nudity in protest 1958.

Ivory Coast
In 1950s women demonstrated naked in the countryside.

Niger delta region
600 unarmed women ages 30-90 held 700 men hostage for 9 days by threatening to take their clothes off which would bring great shame to the men. They negotiated electricity, water, and schools for their nearby villages. A rival tribe followed suit.

Women protested a dam by taking off sarongs and thrashing male workers with them. They hid their tools and guns. The men have a cultural taboo about laying eyes or hands upon women.

16th century story about a woman who put the devil to flight by showing him her vulva.

Men descended upon a house with clubs and pitchforks … the lone woman home confronted them by raising her skirt above her head and put them to flight.

Girls would mock cameramen by lifting their skirts.

New Guinea
Women would hold their breasts signaling the sacrality of nurturant power.

A Lapp woman lifted her skirts to a bear to make it go away. In North Africa it was lions.

“The sea calms down if it sees a woman’s cunt” the related English word “cunt” did not become obscene until the 16th century and today is used abusively more often than not.

– Kate Baer Fossil

Post by Jessica Jane Johnson