Check out this video by USA protestor Lyle Demoss:

Posted by Lyle DeMoss on Friday, April 17, 2020


…are you enjoying your self inflicted house arrest?

…how about not being able to socialize with other human beings, wearing a lame ass F-ing mask with some plastic gloves?

…no vacations, no traveling, NO CHURCH but the liquor stores are open?

…all the taxes you pay and now you are FORCED to home school your kids and wow how are “THEY” gonna enforce all the mandatory vaccines?

…no surfing, no snowboarding or hiking?

…no restaurants?

…not wErking is cool, especially if you feel entitled and should get FREE SHIT from your government

…will you LOVE the economic collapse and the ensuing hunger games?

…do you LOVE the media that keeps selling you the scam?

…the scam to sell you on BILL GATES magic, mandatory, DEATH vaccine and microchipping

…WTF can’t you see bro?…anyone with 2 brain cells, can see the COVID HOAX

…are you a COVIDIOT that fell for all this BS?…will you like living under the dictaTORship of Communist China after our self inflicted ECONOMIC COLLAPSE?

…of course because China treats their people worse than animals led to the slaughter house!

…time to WTFU or the whole $#!Thouse is coming down!

…time to get in the streets and shake it up sista!…if you CAN’T see this HOAX and are REALLY THAT F-ING STOOPID please UNFRIEND me now so I can make room for people that smell the dead rat!

…and of course you LOVE being MICROWAVED ALIVE by 5G!”

– Lyle DeMoss.

“The emotion in this country is as high as I can recall,” New York Governor Andrew Cuomo says, “People are frustrated. We’re anxious, we’re scared, we’re angry. We’ve never been through this before. And on every level, this is a terrible experience. It’s disorienting, it threatens you to your core. It makes you reflect on your whole life and it really has … it’s mentally very difficult, it’s emotionally difficult, economically it’s disastrous. The market goes down, your retirement funds go down, you’re not getting a paycheck. It is as tumultuous a time as we have ever seen. But in the midst of this, there is no time for politics. How does the situation get worse and get worse quickly? If you politicize all that emotion. We cannot go there.”