Do you sometimes feel gratitude for COVID-19? Coronavirus is a gift of spirituality for many people as it’s taken us on a journey of mind & soul out of our usual worries …
A message to everyone affected (but maybe not infected) by COVID-19 …
Note: best served with a glimmer of hope and a pinch of optimism
What feels like unfair and the end of the world MAY NOT. What feels like the worst of timing and “just when you were getting back on your feet” MAY NOT.
Work, life, business will be different now but that MAY NOT be terrible.
One thing I know for certain is this. The things I thought were the worst and the end, turned out to be the best and the beginning and the things I held most dear I realised were not THE THINGS at all.
This CAN be an incredible lesson in non attachment and letting go, learning to flow with the tides of life not force against them (which is very tiring BTW).
My observation is that most people live in “outcome” and where they (need, should, must) be in 5 years OR LIFE IS SHIT and unfair.
Covid has taught us that despite the very best made plans and timelines, sometimes life just doesn’t give a F@CK and drops a COVID right in the middle of them, right when you are gaining momentum and “winning” and maybe, just maybe, there is a valuable lesson here.
Scientists have now translated the coronavirus spike protein into music, revealing more about its structure:
You see for me life is happening NOW not when, but until we are completely derailed and disrupted off “our plan” it is near impossible to see and we are forever resisting daily life to get to our destination faster.
Covid has forced everyone to reset and hopefully stop (for a few moments anyway). I have no clue about who created it or if it is some bigger conspiracy ETC ETC (as seems to be gaining traction on SOC MED) AND I DO NOT CARE.
I care about the lessons we can all takeaway in our lives to find a greater feeling of actually being alive and living FOR NOW.
Sometimes it is not until it is all taken away that we actually awaken from our trance and realise that everything we want and need is HERE.
Humans have a desperate need for certainty and this has been exposed to many for the first time. Therein lies the challenge because the only certainty in life (for certain) is change.
We had it so good for so long that we began to believe we can control our destiny and we are above any world event or economic shift.
When you look back at tragedies and atrocities throughout history you realise that you actually never really know and do not have control. Take the people in the towers on 9/11; regardless of any planning, brilliance or forethought, if you were in those towers on those days, you died.
Life is letting go of fixed firm and concrete plans and learning to be fluid in times of great changes, learning to adapt and pivot with the tides.
It is not guaranteed and I believe this is one of the main things people are wrestling with at present. Your plan is not guaranteed, but, you might be saying, “if I do choose to accept this now in light of COVID what does this mean for the trajectory I am on and what I am doing with my life?”
What’s more, you might ask, when I really think about it I don’t actually love my daily life it is more about a future result (I will then love) but now I see that I might not have the control over that I once thought, so what the F@#K do I do now and so on and so forth?? Excellent question…
I call this the “disease of when”. I.e. When I get this done and get the house and sell the business I will then be happy and successful, but until then it will be a slog. This line of thinking and delaying happiness must surely now be under review as somewhat flawed.
Until we learn non attachment (to outcome, possessions, money and status) society will always suffer. Ironically and paradoxically, when you learn to adapt not resist, let go of what was, be more present and focus on now, your happiness, performance, and success goes up not down AND YOU ARE HAPPY NOW (NOT WHEN)
We simply cannot live day to day discontent frustrated sucking it up to get to the end goal, because COVID has shown us that all we really have is where we are now, so if we do not make the absolute best of every moment we might just waste it all.
Food for thought (with a GLIMMER OF HOPE and a dash of optimism):
1. There are no bombs raining on our heads.
2. I am not a prisoner held in solitary confinement, as millions are.
3. I am not a refugee trying to escape with my life.
4. I am not standing in line waiting to fill a pot of water.
5. I have access to fresh food and I’m not starving.
6. I have hot running water.
7. My country has not been ruined by years of war.
8. I can reach my friends by phone and check in on them.
9. My friends check in on me because they care about me.
10. Any whiplash I feel about this strange turn of events is itself a sign of privilege.
11. More than half of the world would gladly trade their everyday problems for the modest inconveniences I am experiencing.
12. I may have anxious dreams but I’m dreaming them on a proper bed and I’m not sleeping on the sidewalk.
13. By staying at home, I’m helping the planet rest.
14. As long as I have my mind I can create, imagine, dream and not be lonely.
15. This global crisis connects me to people around the world and reminds me of our common humanity. This is a good thing.
16. When something tragic happens to another country next time, I will respond to it not with superiority, but humility and recognition.
17. I will fight for positive changes and economically just policies in my own country.
18. I am surrounded by books.
19. I am surrounded by love.
20. The trees have already begun to bloom.
Stay safe / Stay healthy