The author postulates that there is a connection between the soul and alcohol consumption.
This post may upset some people who have different views about alcohol.
But I’m simply sharing my own personal experiences and understanding of alcohol.
I have tried a number of drugs in my life. I’ve tried alcohol, cannabis, cocaine, MDMA, and ketamine by accident.
I’m not including mushrooms as I don’t see them as a drug, but I have tried them once.
When I was younger I was all or nothing. Never been addicted to anything in my life (thank God), but if I was gonna take anything I was gonna go hard.
In my personal experience, alcohol is by far the strongest drug out there.
On any of the drugs I mentioned above, even if I’ve had a lot of one of these drugs, I’ve known what I was doing.
Alcohol on the other hand, I would not know what I was doing and wake up with no memory of the night, and feel violently ill.
I’m going to now touch on why that is.
My spiritual teacher calls Chakras, soul houses, because the soul resides in one of the 7 soul houses depending on ones spiritual evolution.
If you have open spiritual channels you can see where people’s souls sit.
Most of humanity are in the first three.
If you every see someone with their soul in their heart chakra this means they are enlightened.
If a soul sits above the heart, the higher the chakra the more enlightened.
My teacher always told his students “if you ever see someone who’s soul sits above their head, bow down!”
This is because it is very rare to have such an enlightened soul on earth.
Back to my point.
The body is the house for the soul.
If you visit someone’s house and it’s an absolute mess, do you want to spend much time there?
If our own home is a mess and is filthy, we don’t want to be in there, or we really want to clean it.
The body is the house for the soul and if it’s highly toxic, the soul will leave!
Don’t miss this teaching.
Some people’s souls will leave the body if the body is intoxicated.
When the body is intoxicated with alcohol, our souls can leave the body and dark medaling souls can come in. Maybe this is why alcohol is also called “spirit”
This is why when we are drunk we do things we’d never do if we where sober.
This is also why when we have loved ones who are drunk it’s like speaking with a completely different person we do not know.
I have been so lucky to have been brought up in my family. My family have so much love for each other.

alcohol is a poison1

But if there has ever been an argument or a fight, there is always one constant factor, alcohol.
I have known alcoholics who are clean now, who have told me their stories. Alcohol is a poison. And it destroys the body, relationships and lives.
I don’t want to sound dramatic here, but when I look at the situation of the world, it’s crystal clear why alcohol is sold everywhere.
When I traveled around AU we would drive through tiny towns and they all had a little post office that was also a general store, a butchers and a massive alcohol store.
Some country towns felt very uneasy when we travelled, and when me and Danielle spoke about it, it was the feeling of people being drunk.
When we take drugs, not just alcohol, but alcohol is a big one, we open ourselves up to allow negative entities into our field.
The more we act stupid or aggressive, the more our field creates a coherent environment for negative entities.
Then we are in a negative loop. We drink more and we are now being influenced by these negative entities, which allows more in and so on and so on.
Have you ever walked into a pub that feels so uneasy? What are you feeling? Your feeling the energy, your feeling what’s in the field. And that feeling of “I should go” is your intuition, your soul telling you to leave! The ego is what may say we are staying.
Alcohol (and drugs) distort our consciousness. We are not there. We (our true conscious awareness) isn’t there. It’s being pushed further and further away.
This is why every true spiritual teacher or teaching points to being fully present in the here and now.
To be fully here is to be fully conscious, and take full responsibility of our situation. To consciously choose to live in the harmonious conditions of nature.
Love, forgiveness, compassion, kindness, selflessness and so on.
There is a huge difference between having a drink and getting drunk.
Alcohol makes people do what they regret.
The Buddha said “why do what you regret?”
Also if you take the Buddhist precepts, one of them is to be free from intoxication from alcohol. If this wasn’t important it wouldn’t be in there.
The Buddhist precepts are
Abstain from killing living beings, stealing, sexual misconduct, lying and intoxication.
All of these acts have ripple effects that can create immeasurable harm and create huge karma. These plant negative seeds in people’s subconscious and as every seed has the potential to grow a Forrest, we can see how damaging these can be for us and the world.
So that’s why we work on planting seeds of love and compassion, so they can grow and flourish in the world.
If what I say doesn’t resonate, please just drop them. If they do then use them.
I send with love x