ROBERT KIRBY reveals the mysteries of body energy …

Your body’s natural beauty is directly related to the vibrancy and strength of your body energy. Stress, fatigue and emotional upsets over a period of time will overwhelm and weaken your energy field. It is not uncommon for people, under duress, to eat junk food on the run, sleep poorly and engage in negative thinking. This stimulates your sympathetic nervous system and causes your body energy to contract. Your immune system may go on holidays which brings on colds, flu, infection or allergy attacks. The skin looks pale, flushed and blemishes may appear. All these symptoms jeopardise your body’s beauty.

Here are some simple tips for enhancing your energy field within and around your body from direct interaction with mother nature. First a swim in the ocean will cleanse and energise the entire body’s energy field. As the salt purifies, the negative ions generated by the ocean’s waves organically strengthen the body’s energy field. Another potent energiser is walking on flat stones or rock climbing in the rain. The combination of the electro-magnetic effects of water hitting the body and stone simultaneously has a profound positive effect on the body’s field of energy. Your energy field is hungry for negative ions because the body’s skin is a
positive charge. A further option is bush walks or jogging by the sea. Enjoy the ‘charge’ and the beautiful change in your body’s appearance.

Eyes of the Beholder

A simply beautiful and unique quality that creates enormous attraction between human beings is the aliveness of their eyes. What we frequently refer to as chemistry between two people is the magnetism of their eye contact. It’s much more than the colour, size or shape of the eyes. Eyes reflect the openness, kindness, love and emotional availability of the individual.

In addition your eyes demonstrate your inner beauty, intelligence, self confidence, degree of trust in the process of Life, and your level of connection to spirit. It is often said that the eyes are the windows to the soul – this cliche has a great deal of wisdom and truth – your eyes tell a story of your personal history that words often betray.

When you look deep into a person’s eyes they may look away due to shyness, disconnection from self, or fear of being seen. They may also look straight back at you which may mean self-assurance, friendliness, or they come across as seductive or hostile.

To gain a better understanding of you body’s aliveness, sit for five minutes and look into a small mirror at your own eyes. If you desire a reflection of inner beauty that generates from your eyes, repeat this exercise once a week for several month’s and occasionally thereafter. Healers have used this process effectively as a biofeedback mechanism for many years. Slowly over time your eyes will reveal your deeper essence.

Body Rest

Taking good care of your beautiful body requires adequate sleep and rest every day. Everyone has different requirements for sleep and this changes at different stages of life.

Babies require the most sleep because of their growth spurts. When they are tired they cry and when awake and fed their natural beauty can light up a room with their innocence and happiness.

As we get older we require less sleep, however we always retain that natural beauty and fresh perspective we had as a baby when we are well rested! So while you may not require or have time for eight hours of sleep per night the rejuvenation of your body energy requires at least eight hours of rest and relaxation out of each twenty-four hour day. For example, if you normally sleep six hours per night, then you will require at least two extra hours of rest each and every day to optimise the inner and outer beauty of your body, mind and spirit.

In this example, the extra two hours of rest may take the form of a thirty-minute ‘cat nap’ after work or prior to an evening outing. If you allow yourself to sleep deeply, the thirty minute nap will create profound recovery, enhanced body energy and feelings of well being. The additional rest time may be allocated in meditation or journaling. Perhaps a quiet walk in the garden or along a river, lake or ocean will allow time for beauty, rest and meaningful insights from your inner world.

Regarding the suggestion of journaling, many people keep a dream journal as a key to self inquiry. Your unconscious mind is seeking harmony with your spirit. This reconciliation allows you to rest deeply and your body beautiful to emerge.

Relaxing with Mind-Body Harmony

Deep inside everyone is a thirst for wholeness. When different aspects of our personality and consciousness are fragmented we feel empty or anxious. At your fingertips is easy access to your body’s energy system. It is the common thread that connects your body, mind, spirit, heart and soul. It is indeed in your highest good to nurture this doorway to wholeness.

Nature is perpetually seeking to balance itself and so is your body’s energy field. On a physiological level your nervous system is balanced when in a parasympathetic state. This is an indication of complete respiration – your breathing is natural with thorough inspiration and expiration. Your pulse, heart rate and blood pressure are normal. When in this desirable state you tend to be relaxed and content.

In the real world daily challenges and disappointments cause most people to go out of balance. Since healthy breathing is a strong indicator of harmony on many levels it is a natural access point to your body energy. If you have an interest in Eastern philosophy, then you know the masters have intended to harmonise the yin and yang energy field for many centuries through the breath. Yoga, Tai chi, chi gung and martial arts of all kinds seek this same balance of body energy. If you are not the type to attend classes, videos are available.

If you prefer traditional types of exercise then stretching classes which focus on breath and inner awareness will achieve the same desirable state.

Feeding Body Energy

Universal energy can power your own vitality. For you to benefit from a connection to the cosmosphere you should first ground your physical body to the vibration of mother earth. In other instances, it is beneficial to permit an experienced, well-trained and high integrity body worker to intervene in your body energy to facilitate and propel your vibration. Some examples of effective bodywork modalities are deep tissue and muscle therapists, craniosacral therapy, or professionally trained hands-on-healers. There are many excellent and diversified courses available in Australia so it’s important to be scrupulous in your selection of a healer.

Dr Valerie Hunt of UCLA’s research indicates that “after an hour healing session you as a client will literally take on the identical energy vibration of your therapist through transference and counterference … if the healer is in an undergrounded, disoriented state of mind it’s immediately passed on to their client”. Hunt’s conclusion is that you as the client have the right to be very discerning about which healer you choose to intervene in your body energy.

If you are fortunate enough to select a very skilled body worker then you had better be ready for phenomenal change and growth at a rapid rate! The body energy is blocked in most people due to traumas held in their psyche, muscular armouring and negative body energy. This prevents the personality from its natural evolution and maturity. Once the energy has been freed, creative, sexual, intellectual and emotional capabilities can reach new heights.

Sensory Awareness and Beauty

All sensory information is coloured by your body’s energy field before it reaches your nerve endings. The more vibrant your energy system is, the more authentic is your experience of outside stimuli because all your senses will be heightened. Research indicates that all sensory awareness is integrated through visual imagery. This imagery is happening constantly as you daydream or think. If you tend to see the beauty in your daily activities your auric field will oscillate at a very high vibration and your life’s guidance will come from a divine level.

Conversely, if you tend to worry, stress or see the negative side of life or others, your auric field vibration will slow down and visual perception will be duller. You will tend to make decisions from the most insecure part of yourself. Your appreciation of beauty in nature, within yourself, within people including their physical bodies is a powerful sensory experience because it affects not only vision, but also smell, taste, hearing and touch.

If you tend to be the insecure type who expects disappointment then it may be difficult to always appreciate life’s beauty with heightened sensory awareness. It may be helpful to break this habit through focused imagery. Many people avoid visualisation because they struggle to hold a clear image of what they desire with their eyes closed. Those people are more ‘touchyfeely’ types or good listeners. However, this is not a problem because all five senses are integrated by your brain through imagery – thoughts, dreams or daydreams. In other words, all your most passionate thoughts, feelings and daydreams colour and intensify your imagery. This creates your experience of the world.

Knowing this gives you the power to take control of your life by empowering the vibration of your auric field. The Hunt Laboratory has measured auric field oscillations up to one million cycles per second. To move in this exciting direction of expansion, and in addition to the tips previously stated, sit quietly twice per day for five minutes with eyes open or shut – it makes no difference. Dust off your dreams and think about them, feel them with the excitement of a child. If you feel like it – smell, taste, touch and hear yourself talking with gratitude about what a great life you have and what a wonderful person you are. Daydream yourself into a new life!

Beauty and Nourishment

Just as the body’s energy system seeks balance and harmony so does your body’s biochemical system through nourishment and detoxification. Scientists now believe that neuropeptides are the mediators between your physical body, your body’s bioelectric field and also between your bioelectric field and the cosmosphere. This means the efficiency of your biochemical system dramatically effects your relationship with the entire universe including your spiritual connection.

As most people have experienced, we tend to revert to unhealthy choices when emotionally upset – sugar, high fat foods, alcohol, drugs and tobacco. This toxifies your biochemical system, accelerates your nervous system, and slows down the oscillations of the auric field. Your entire being goes out of balance and you disconnect from your vital force and your higher self. If you take a look in the mirror at your eyes and skin, they immediately reflect the neglect – diminished beauty, colour and aliveness.

Since your consciousness is seeking evolution and realisation of potential your technical understanding of the interconnectedness between your biochemical, psychological and spiritual systems are an incentive to make small changes in your life that maximise your inner and outer beauty.
If you first and foremost consider the quality of the food and drink you ingest and its affect on your biochemical system you may choose to pay a little extra for organic fruits and vegetables as well as meats and poultry free of hormones. Secondly, as often as possible do not rush meals. Take the time to prepare your food with love and eat in a relaxed setting. When dining out, find restaurants that prepare healthy food exactly as you request it and serve it to you with love and kindness.

If you have concerns about dehydration, toxins and constipation then it is recommended that you drink two litres of filtered water and a large glass of fresh vegetable juice per day. By adding beneficial foods and avoiding harmful foods your body will activate energy levels, improve digestion and relieve allergies.

Creativity and Sensuality

Creative energy flows directly from your body’s energy field. Mobilising your life energy stimulates both creative and sexual energy. In the Hunt Laboratory at UCLA it was demonstrated that creativity peaks at about age five and by about age forty most adults retain only five percent of the creative energy they generated at age five. This points to the undercharged, out of balance and incoherent body energy of many people in our modern times.

The paradox is that if you are like most people, you are working harder and longer hours than you did ten years ago and probably under more stress. Your sincere efforts to succeed may be harming the very energies that bring the most satisfaction and fulfilment in life. Your unique creative self-expression and sexual pleasure is an inherent and deeply rooted longing of your soul.

According to psychiatrist Wilhelm Reich, creativity and sexuality go hand in hand and their influence on your personality’s self-esteem, self-acceptance, mental stability and happiness is immeasurable. If your intention is to expand your body energy and connect solidly with the earth plane, you will eventually be able to connect your inner-most feelings of love and devotion to your creative juice and your sexual energy. If sincere, the entire vibration of your essence will be absorbed in passionate endeavours. You will no longer be confused or divided inside regarding relationships, career choices or about what’s best for your children.
Psychiatrist John Pierrakos devoted fifty years of his life to teaching couples to heal the lost eros in their relationship. He taught males and females to each take 50 per cent of the responsibility in all conflicts so they could consistently dissolve blocks to loving so the flow of eros (the energy that connects love and sex together) is passionately sustained. Therapeutic methods to dissolve long standing resentment, hurts, betrayals and misunderstandings permit couples to fall ‘in love’ again and rekindle the intimacy and romance. The restoration of the eros energy between partners was the key to Pierrakos’ success.

Naturally couples who re-establish their passion in life are also inspired in their other roles as parents, business leaders or sport participants. Renewed eros will rock your world and you will feel sensual and beautiful.

Body Energy and Spirituality

Perhaps the most profound benefit to your expanded, balanced and coherent body energy is the strength and evolution of your spiritual connection. The vibrations of your body energy are capable of unlimited expansion and reflect the strength of both your human self and spiritual self. Previously suggested modalities of body energy enhancement are all second to thirty minutes of prayer. “For some unknown reason”, says Valorie Hunt, “prayer’s ability to expand your energy field is uncanny – even to those individuals who claim they do not believe in God. It’s probably directly related to Faith.”

This body energy is very fragile and, as a multidimensional reflection of your Inner Life permits a beautiful connection to the divine spirit of God. Meditators who allow themselves to open the body energy field prior to mediation frequently report an increased ability to suspend thinking and enjoy the fruits of ‘oneness’.

References available upon request.

Robert Kirby is a Sydney-based author, psychotherapist and energetics therapist.